Additional gore scenes?

can someone tell me whos deaths were cut? i heard the flagpole girls death was edited. is there more?


some i can remember from the deleted scenes on the dvd:

the girl getting decapitated with the axe - angela kicks her head out the way and her fingers are twitching

the girl who gets dropped off the flagpole - close up of her brains all over the floor

the lawnmower death - pretty much the whole scene cut - blood and brains flying out the sides of the lawnmower

the guy tied to the tree getting both his arms ripped off and blood shooting out the stumps

tent spikes being hammered into a guy who's stuck in a collapsed tent

i think there's more than that but i can't remember the rest


All of the deaths were trimmed and edited to pieces and it is really very obvious. The deleted gore can be seen on the Sleepaway Camp Survival Kit DVD set. They aren't added back to the film but they exist as bonus features.

~*Copulate me nonviolently with a mechanical gas powered tree cutting device!*~


Angela also picks up a piece of Cindy's brains and eats it after the flagpole sequence!

"Cry me a river, build a damn bridge, and make your way across."
