Things we learned from SC3

1. When a huge truck is chasing you, you must run to the nearest lonely, dead-end alley as fast as you can.

2. Things like swearing and exposing one's boobs need to be punished with death, according to Angela. Killing dozens of people, however, is perfectly healthy.

3. If you're good with names, you will be your High School's Senior Class President.

4. Girls do not like wearing bras with camp shirts.

5. A blonde will be watching you get beat to death with a stick and ask you "what are you doing?"

6. A firecracker in the nose will kill you instantly.

7. Flag pole pullies are perfectly capable of lifting a fully grown teenage girl with no difficulty for the person pulling the rope.

8. It is absolutely impossible to climb out of a hole full of trash bags.

9. If somebody throws a tape into your tent, that's perfectly normal. Don't even bother to find out who threw it in. Just go ahead and play it.

10. If a car is chasing you in the middle of a heavily wooded area, stay on the road for as long as possible, where the car can drive safely.

11. A cop can ask for backup during the daytime and it won't arrive until it's dark.

12. If you're a transgendered killer, you can survive multiple stabs to the stomach with no problem.



13. Angela's never chopped wood before, but she's chopped other things.

14. Cindy's a cheerleader, a drug taker, a fornicator, a nasty snotty bigot ... and above all else, she's REAL nice.

15. If you push someone into said hole full of trash bags and begin throwing dirt on them, they will invite you to go on vacation with them.

16. Angela can't rap.

17. Greg and Anita are boring.

18. Riff's got no style, he's got no flare, all he does is fight and swear.

19. It's not a good idea to talk about killing someone it's your job to help - especially when they are laying in front of you seemingly unconscious.

20. Fish is good for you! ... and better for the budget.

21. Girls from Ohio bring condoms with them to camp.

22. Tony makes a damn good hamburger.

23. It's not uncommon for young, blonde babes to get it on with old nasty camp counselors.

24. Bobby likes being tied up, especially next to Angela.

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