Angela is back?!

Just sat down to watch this again and noticed that in the opening where it shows the wall that says "Angela is back!" that the words are actually spray painted there, and not part of the opening credits animation like I thought they were. (I so need new glasses!) What I want to know is who painted that? It just makes no sense for it to even be there. Its not even the tag line (as far as I know anyways.) to the movie. Did they just paint it there so they could use it in the trailer and forget to take it down?

~*Copulate me nonviolently with a mechanical gas powered tree cutting device!*~


Sno-boy painted it.


It's just a way to introduce the main character to the audience who watched the last installment. I don't know why you need to make a big deal about this. They were just trying to be creative.

Game Over Man, Game Over!
