I Need something Answered

what is spray painted on the wall of the cabin the girls are changing clothes in


It says "f-u-c-k angela baker" =D
can you help me with something? whats the song in the opening credits? i own the trillogy on dvd but i cant find the soundtrack or anything.



Yeah answering this 5+ years later, but the song in the opening credits is "Methods of Madness" by Obsession


"Live every week like it's Shark Week." - Tracy Jordan, 30 Rock.


i just watched this film on the horror channel. it should say 'this film is *beep* !!!!' yeah it does say *beep* angela baker, mmmmmm i'd like to as well !!!!



is this the movie where she hangs another girl by strangling her and raiseing her on the flag pole ?



No she ties her to the flag pole, and raises her to the top, and lets her fall, causing massive head trama. The character was a raciest, but the actress is HOT!!!

Our last message to you is, "Live as You please!"-Dessert


If u get a chance to see the uncut footage from the death you'd see her head smashed wide open when she hit the floor!

As for the actress, Kim Wall, she's still super hot! Doesn't look much older at all even now (17 years later!!!!!)...

http://us.imdb.com/gallery/hh/0908446/HH/0908446/iid_893112.jpg?path=pgallery&path_key=Wall,%20Kim%20(I) <-- Recent Photo!!!





One thing I've never understood is why Angela was so obsessed with camp and why
did she kill Barney,Anita and Greg at the end?Barney and his clan were the nicest characters in the film?



I'm not in full agreement with the way the movie ends.I think that Barney should have just killed Angela after realizing who she was then had her corpse
hauled away.As for the others they should have just been driven home.Angela was
already being honest with Barney about making everything up.Why couldn't she just come forward and say"My name isn't Maria Nacastro it's Angela Baker."



Is there anyone who was killed that you think should have survived or anyone who survived who you think should have died?



Yes here is who I think should have survived:Maria,Snowboy,Cindy,Barney,Greg and Anita.I think the survivors did deserve to live but think Angela herself should have died.
In Part 2 here is who I think should have survived:Phoebe,Judd,Anthony,Demi,Lea
Sean,Charlie,Emilio,Uncle John,Rob,Diane and Molly(assuming she was killed)
In Part 1 I think the following should have survived:Kenny,Billy,The kids and Paul.




For each installment name your 3 favorite characters.
For each installment name your 3 least favorite characters.



First off I wonder how you can make such a harsh judgement on Phoebe she was only on the set for about 3 minutes.If you look at the original billing she isn't technically a main character.Same with Arab from Part 3.
Part 1 favorite characters=Ricky,Paul and Susie
least favorite=Judy,Meg and Mel
Part 2 favorite characters=Molly,Sean and Rob
least favorite=Angela,Ally and Brooke
Part 3 favorite characters=Angela,Snowboy and Barney
least favorite=Herman,Lilly and Riff



Angela was a spy and quite the nutcase.It was like being in prison with her around.I also don't think stoners are really all that great.Speaking of characters what did you the of Charlie and Emilio?Did you notice how inseprable those two were?The only scene where they aren't together is the campfire scene.Take note of Emilio's absence from that scene.That is one aspect which makes me so sure that Charlie was older than Emilio.(In Reality)What is it about Mare that you didn't like?



I remember the cabin scene at night.Wasn't Ally the one who said"I wouldn't kick him out of bed"About Charlie and Emilio I do agree that they were funny but I think that was mostly on Charlie's part.He did most of the talking.Emilio
didn't say much.He was mainly Charlie's sidekick.It is obvious that they were the youngest in the film.I wonder how old they were.Agewise I think Mare was the oldest(not including counsellors)She was 24.At the other extreme I think was Emilio.I think he was about 12.Why do you suppose Angela killed them.She had probably gone completely psycho after being fired.She was already pissed at them for the photos.Hanging a bucket of water over the doorway and dumping it on her probably drove her over the edge.What do you think drove Angela over the edge.



If you remember that scene I believe Angela opened the door to see if anyone was watching her.That was when she got the bucket dumped on her.The one who really interrupted her was Lea.Charlie and Emilio didn't even come in.Speaking of Lea's demise how many times was she stabbed.I counted at least 5.It is kind of hard to tell because it happens very quickly.All you see is the knife moving
quickly up and down several times.The most thrilling part though was the ending
Do you think Molly lived or died?As I asked before what or whom was it that you think drove Angela over the edge?I'm just going to guess here.
a.Charlie and Emilio for dumping water on her.
b.T.C and Uncle John for firing her.



There really was no reason for Angela to kill Molly because she didn't do anything to her.In fact there were a few she killed for no reason.Take Demi for
instance she didn't even do anything.Neither did Lea so I don't see her motive for killing them.I noticed that the boy who was fornicating with Jodi and Brooke is not billed.I wonder why.Yet he is counted as a victim.the only thing Sean did was find Angela out.Is that a crime?You mentioned that you kind of liked Lea.What was it you liked about her.Speaking of characters what did you think of Ally?I didn't really care for her myself but I do kind of like her dining hall comment.By the way which of the following characters was never seen
again following this film?
a.Pam Springsteen as Angela
b.Renee Estevez as Molly
c.Justin Nowell as Charlie





Justin Nowell was not in any of those Friday the 13th movies. Iam only 99.9% sure.



Sorry.The person who was never seen again following Unhappy Campers was Justin Nowell as Charlie.By the way you are right.Justin was in one of the Friday the 13th movies.That was his first time in show buisness.His name in that movie was
Billy.Pamela reprised her role as Angela in Teenage Wasteland.Pamela was seen for the last time in"The Detective Kid"(1990)playing the part of Mona.After that she devoted her life to still photography which she is still doing today.
Although never seen again following"The Detective Kid"Pamela did on photgraphy for several movies after that.


the song is baba o'reilly by the who..."it's only teenage wasteland..."


In the scene where Angela sprains her ankle do you think she was really injured
or do you think she was faking whole thing?It didn't look bad and her ablility to get around didn't seem impaired so I think Angela was putting on a show.Why would she do that?



What is not featured in the corrosponding installments?
Part 1-A hatchet,A semi or an arrow
Part 2-A rope,a guitar or a jeep
Part 3-A car,A mower or A truck



Who from the corrosponding installments didn't act thereafter?
Part 1-Jonathon Tiersten as Ricky
Felissa Rose as Angela Baker
Susan Glaze as Susie
Part 2-Heather Binion as Phoebe
Justin Nowell as Charlie
Brian Patrick Clarke as T.C.
Part 3-Stacie Lambert as Jan
Sandra Dorsey as Lilly Miranda
Pam Springsteen as Angela Baker



Actually is was Justin who didn't act after Part 2.You were close with Heather but she guest starred a couple times on "In The Heat of the Night."Unhappy Campers was however her only movie.
Which is the only installment of Sleepaway that has not lost any cast members?



Yes I did.She must have only been in her 20's when she died.I have heard of people dying at that age and it isn't always from tragedy either.


What do you think happened to Angela Baker at the end of Part 3?









One thing i've always wondered is how anybody found out about the murders in Part 2.Angela didn't tell them and they didn't learn it from Molly as she was already killed.If you remember Part 3 what was the name of Angela Baker's alternate personality?



In Part 3 the name of Angela's alternate personality was Maria Nacastro.She obtained this personality by killing someone with that identity and taking it on.Can you remember how the rightful Maria was killed?The question still remains as to how anyone learned of the murders from Part 2.




I noticed that many scenes were cut from this installment.As is the film is about 80 minutes long.How long do think the film would be with all scenes intact.I read that certain deleted scenes such as the long scene of Maria walking down the street and the extended scene of the girls leaving the cabin are not even on the DVD.I wonder just how long those scenes were.I believe that
some of those scenes were once shown on television.I know that back in the 80's
the network was much more strict than today.At one time any cursive,nude or disgusting scenes would never have been shown on the network.


This question reguards the film itself.I wonder how much footage was cut from this film altogether?I'm guessing around 20 minutes if you count the scenes deleted for pacing reasons.


I've watched Part 3 many times and even though the same set is used as in Part 2 I'm wondering what happened to the following props from Part 2:
The campfire pit,The swimming pool,The boy's cabin,The outhouse,The abanndoned cabin and that shack that Uncle John,T.C. and Angela sit in when Angela gets fired.
