Sleepaway Camp Survival Kit

There are two designs of the survival kit out there. one (the first one) with a big red cross on front, and the other replaced the red cross w/ a bigger print of 'survival kit'. i heard the first was recalled. does anyone out there know why? please let me know, i have the one w/ the red cross and wanna know why it was recalled. thanks in advance!


Took this from

"The box set quickly sped up the charts, at one point placing above the new Pulp Fiction DVD, a victory for Sleepaway Camp fans everywhere. But it seems the kit was too popular. The bleeding hearts at Red Cross got in an uproar about the Survival Kit first-aid art featuring the red cross nessecitating that Anchor Bay replace the box sets with new art on the second print run, resulting in a collector craze for the original versions."
