A goof I noticed

Early on the girls find a message spraypainted on a wall: *beep* ANGELA BAKER", supposedly done by one of the kids in the second film. This doesn't make sense because in the second movie no one knew what her last name was. They all just knew her as Angela Johnson. So it should be *beep* ANGELA JOHNSON"


I noticed the same thing.It could have been possible that someone knew her real
name and just never called her that.It is a mystery who would have done it though.


It could have been done by vandals when the camp was closed down after the killings. maybe a loved one of one of her victems


That graffiti wasn't there in SC2 - it was clearly done AFTER the camp closed.



One can assume it happened after the camp closed down as we didn't see it happen in the second. Kind of makes sense someone would eventually write that up, probably some kid who lives in the area.

If we are to assume someone did do it in the second one, it's not like nobody knew the name Angela/Peter Baker. Remember how they were telling the story around the campfire?

Besides, pretty much everyone was dead by the time she was outed as a killer so it goes against logic that they were talking about her (Angela 'Johnson') unless it happened after.


Remember, several times Sean says his dad was the cop that arrested Angela... About 2/3 way though, he tells her he knows she is Angela Baker... maybe others knew too
