Why are everybody so disgusting?

The New Horizon Camp was a "sharing experiment" between rich and poor kids, isn't it? I know it was just a prank to give Lilly and Herman the cash to take a cruise ship; but why are THAT KIDS in the camp??
Anybody of them obviously want to be there, just watch Riff!! All them are disgusting, spoiled and delinquent teenagers that deserve to get killed by Angela, well, there's some exceptions, like Barney's group, and Jan Hernandez (yeah, the hot blonde, she looks like a nice girl).

And touching Jan's theme, what was through her mind when she decides to make out with Herman? She was a 20 or less girl!!


it's an 80's slasher flick, things like that don't have to make logical sense... your English is halarious man!


Hey King Grammer, look up the word irony.


I know. I've never seen somebody make fun of someone else's spelling, and screw up words themselves. Strange....


um you know that his "halarious" was probably an intentional mispelling?


I doubt he's that witty.


I think that's totally NOT the case.


My English is "halarious" cuz I don't speak English; actually, I'm not American.
So, if you're going to show my spelling mistakes, at give me an answer wich has more sense than "it's an 80's horror flick".


Well it would help if you had a clear question you could communicate, as it stands you seem to be wondering why 'that kids' are at camp...!?


If you weren't on drugs when you posted this, take some now. If you were on drugs when you posted this, time for rehab.
twirl the gawhril, release the gavlease, and in go the nails as fast as u please


Go to hell.


That, you actually wrote correctly. The irony!


I think he/she meant



Hah ha ha ha ha.
twirl the gawhril, release the gavlease, and in go the nails as fast as u please


But what about bobby he said that it would look great on his resume. and tony wanted to get out of east LA.so maybe the bad kids either were forced to go or wanted to get away and the rich kids wanted to do make them selfs look good. o yeah plus alot of the kids were there to learn to share so all of them were bad kids.


I dunno about bobby...his only problem was he was a moron, and angela basically even says that when shes says something about there being one less idiot in politics....is it really wrong, or even bad, to want to do something for yourself? I don't think so. I guess Mr. Baker would disagree...but then again, he did come on to her...what a naughty naughty boy....


"What a dillllldo"

(not you, it's one of my favorite quotes from the movie when the kid is spray painting on the tree)


Wait a minute... who am I here?


Yeah, that was pretty funny. Snow boy had some funny reactions, specially when he is getting bitched at for spray painting things.


At Angela's eyes, Bobby was an a**hole, and he would be an idiot in politics for sure, but I think the real reason why she killed him is because he wanted sex from her, and told her that "her type" do that. I think she wasn't gonna kill him, until he tried to make out with her.

