Hey. What's the body count in this?

Fine Literature Of The Day:

"Ooh... me so horney"


( I haven't seen this movie nearly as much as I have seen SC2, so I might screw up on names and might even forget a murder or two. Maybe someone with more insight can fix it for you. )

( Here goes )

Lots and lots of "bad" people.

Maria (1) gets ran over with a garbage truck.
A news reporter (2) is given cleaning chemicals instead of cocaine, when the reporter tries the "coke", it burns through her sinuses.
Herman (3) gets a stick rammed through his throat.
Jan (4) gets beaten to death with a stick (in the worst Sleepaway Camp murder of all time in this poster's opinion).
Peter (5) gets a firecracker put in his nose and it goes off.
Snowboy (6) gets an oar across the face and then is blown up in a gasoline fire.
Arab (7) gets her head chopped off with an axe.
Cindy (8) gets lifted up about forty feet and then dropped on her head.
Lilly (9) gets buried up to her neck in garbage and then has her head chopped up with a lawnmower.
Bobby (10) has his arms ripped off via a jeep (he was tied to a tree while this happened).
Riff (11) is beaten with a stick, and then has tent spikes put through his hand and head.
Barney (12) gets shot with a .45 magnum multiple times.
The rich asian guy (13) and the poor black girl (14) get killed in a booby trap (two axes come down from the ceiling and hit them both in the head.)
Angela (1) (yes, the Angel of death herself) gets stabbed to death by Marcia.

but before Angela breathes her last, she kills a police officer (15) by sticking a needle in his eye and then kills a paramedic (16) by sticking the needle in his heart.

Angela's body count - 16
Marcia's body count - 1

Total - 17

The box cover said "She's out to slash last year's record", and as you can see, she was four deaths short from having that happen.


Some corrections:

Snowboy (6) gets an oar across the face and then is blown up in a gasoline fire.

It shows it was a log in a deleted scene, not an oar :)

Barney (12) gets shot with a .45 magnum multiple times.

4 times to be exact :)

The rich asian guy (13) and the poor black girl (14) get killed in a booby trap (two axes come down from the ceiling and hit them both in the head.)

Close- but it hits them in the chest.

Angela (1) (yes, the Angel of death herself) gets stabbed to death by Marcia.

Now this has always been a deep thaught of mine. In the end, the guy Says she's still alive, she kills the two dudes in the car. Did she truely die? ANGELA? THE ANGELA? The driver asked "What's goin on back here?" and she said "Just my usual work" or something like that. In a deleted scene , she even sang the Happy Camper song...... SOOOO is she dead? I mean... It gives us a peaceful ending but... ANGELA?! Freddy didn't die. Michael didn't die. JAson didn't die. Even Leprachaun and Chucky didn't die... so Angela didn't die.

but before Angela breathes her last, she kills a police officer (15) by sticking a needle in his eye and then kills a paramedic (16) by sticking the needle in his heart.

Kills the paramedic first, then the cop.

Fine Literature Of The Day:

"Ooh... me so horney"


It's obvious the producers left themselves some leeway on whether Angela bought the farm at the end of Teenage Wasteland, but the way I look at it, the fact that they haven't made a sequel since then, leads me to believe Angela bled to death in the back of that ambulance.

Of course, anyone who would dare make a sequel, would be nuts not to examine just what the *beep* really happened that night.

So if they ever get around to making a sequel, you'll be right and I will be wrong. But until then, I think I'm right and she's dead. Too bad really, as the Sleepaway Camp films (Unhappy Campers and Teenage Wasteland only, the first one really sucked in my opinion) are some of the best independent slasher movies of all time.
Tonight, you sleep in HELL


Great Job M J 1978 for all body counts. The only thing is on Riff the tent spike looks like it goes in his back as opposed to his head. Iam not 100% sure but that what it looks like to me. I have sleepaway camp survival kit with the best picture you can get for those movies and still looks like the back. You still did a great job.

The first sleepaway camp is the best in the series.


Here it is for Sleepaway Camp 3:
Maria Nicastro-Hit by garbage truck, compacted along with garbage inside.
Tawny Richards-Poisoned by drano cleaner after mistaking it for coke.
Herman Miranda-Impaled through mouth and out head with walking stick.
Jan Hernandez-Beaten to death with stick.
Peter Doyle-Explosives stuck inside nose cause face to explode.
Snowboy-Lit on fire inside of tent.
Arab-Decapitated with axe.
Cindy Hammersmith-Hoisted up flagpole and dropped on head.
Lilly Miranda-Buried up to neck, head shredded to pieces with lawnmower.
Bobby Stark-Arms ripped off after they are tied with rope to end of jeep.
Riff-Nailed in hands in back with hammer and tent spike.
Barney Whitmore-Shot several times, later hung from tree.
Greg Nakishima and Anita Burcham-Axe/hatchet slammed onto chest from ceiling.
Paramedic-Stabbed in chest with needle.
Cop-Stabbed in eye with needle.



That's right it was a log.That log was used once before do you remember on who?



Close.Her name was Jan and they were killed by a stick not a log.The log victim
was Phoebe from Part 2.The big long stick was also used in Part 2.Do you remember who that victim was?
