
In the opening scene, when she looked into the mirror and it shows milkshake tatooed onto her , why did she turn around and stare at the camera for a second?


I think they were shooting on a pretty tight budget, and couldn't afford to do a second take. The actress seems semi-retarded, she just made a stupid mistake.




You are absolutely right about the budget thing.From what I read they only had a budget of about $1,000,000 to begin with and had to shoot both sequels with that.I'm unsure how much money went to Part 2 but if you do the math you start out with a sum of $1,000,000 and subtract what was used for Part 2 you get the
budget for Part 3.You and I both know that $1,000,000 isn't much to shoot two films on.They probably cut corners on both films with an emphysis on Part 3.
