Re-make / Sequel?

I had heard in past there was a possible re-make or sequel in the works. Which would you prefer? I love the movie in all it's low budget glory. So many of the hidden messages are relevant to today's world, I think it would be fun but I could also see both sides getting triggered. Also those messages with conform, obey, stay asleep is what the republicans say to the liberals and consume, buy, reproduce is the other way around. I think a 8 to 10 episode series would be great.


They'd get a big corporation to remake it, and the tone-deaf producers would: hire a bunch of woke writers that don't understand or care about the original; race/gender swap characters for free outrage marketing; make it some typical Hollywood writers' room criticism of fringe right-wing extremism; and completely fail to criticize the overarching, corrupting influence that global corporations have in modern America.
