MovieChat Forums > Cops (1989) Discussion > How come they don't show the police tazi...

How come they don't show the police tazing the suspects anymore?

Whenever I watch an older episode of COPS where they show the police tazing the suspect they just pause the moment, I think it's good they're tazing those who are resisting.


I've noticed on Law and Crime Network uploads they pause when a tasing is shown up close and also blur out drugs. I've not seen it on the official COPS uploads. I wonder if it's to abide by YouTube's policies.


I never knew they would blur out drugs, I didn't see them do that on the Official COPS channel site on YouTube, I know most of the times the suspects deserved getting tased.


They only blur out drugs and tasers on the Law and Crime channel, but not on the official COPS channels. It's pathetic to me as nudity has always been blurred and the strongest profanity bleeped out no matter what. I've noticed in later seasons you don't see any graphic violence or blood compared to their earlier seasons.


I always feel the later episodes are totally watered down compared to the earlier episodes, I couldn't believe how graphic and wild the earlier episodes were, they even have shown dead bodies in several of the early episodes, the one thing what I see too much from the later episodes are traffic stops where someone gets arrested for drug possession, a DUI or a warrant, I'm getting a little tired of having to see that all the time.


The traffic stop and drug possession cases that started to become big during season 19 are tiring as well, and many of the typical domestic disputes with arrests in the later seasons are also tiring as well.


I've always considered Season 18 to be the last truly great season of the series, I could see a major change from Season 18 to Season 19, I'm not a big fan of the domestic disputes of the later seasons either, I always thought Season 18 was the last season to have an old school feel of the series.

For some reason I have a hard time watching the episodes that takes place during the COVID pandemic, I feel these episodes won't age as well as the other episodes.


Season 18 was one of my favorite scenes. Ryan Cook from Vegas is my favorite cop from that season. He got into so many weird and interesting calls/situations. Seasons 19, 21, 24, 25 and 27 were decent, but any other seasons since then are fairly bland, although at least once per season, you'll have at least one memorable segment.

I've only seen the trailers of the COVID/Fox Nation seasons, as I don't have a Fox Nation subscription and who knows how the long full episodes on YouTube will stay up. I'm pretty much stuck to reruns.


I'm not sure if the Fox Nation episodes are still on YouTube or not, I thought Seasons 24-25 were decent seasons, one of my favorite episodes from that time period is from Springfield where a guy was tweaking on meth and totally freaking out, they have lots of very old episodes on YouTube that I recommend watching.

I liked Ryan Cook from Vegas and he was definitely fun to watch, the peacewalker segment was my favorite.

On the Season 18 episodes I've been noticing a lot of people seem to be bashing on Officer William Hutchinson from Palm Springs, I think he can come across somewhat arrogant but does have a sense of humor at times.


I actually felt buy for the guy who was freaking out because of his meth addiction. I know he also manufactured the drug. His wife really seemed like he was trying to get him help the best she could.

I'm half and half on William Hutchinson. In the segments like the guy acting strange at the hotel, the two guys who had marijuana coming out of their car, and the guy with the two drag queens who were pulled over, he was cool and funny. I didn't like him quite as much in the segment with the Hispanic couple breaking into the wealthier couple's house, the segment with the drunk guy at the restaurant, and the slightly older husband and wife who had drugs in their hotel room that were found on their bed.

With the couple in the burglary case, I was slightly surprised by the amount of force they used, as the owners weren't home at the time, and it seems like the cops noticed it first. They claimed they were having sex, but drugs were found. I didn't like the owner's reaction either, as they both seemed arrogant when confronting the suspects, calling them liars, and assuming they were illegals because they were both Mexican.

I also wasn't fond of Hutchinson at the restaurant when the suspect was slightly touching him, causing Hutchinson to throw him to the ground hard.

Hutchinson was actually the head of the Palm Springs Police union for a bit.


I thought she was a good wife for trying to get him the help the best she could, usually most spouses would give up on them and leave.

I remember hating the episode where a couple got arrested for having drugs in the hotel room, I remember feeling sorry for the suspects in that episode, I also wasn't fond of him in the episode with the hispanic couple breaking into a house, I remember the owners were very snobby and arrogant towards the suspects which made me not feel very sorry for them, especially when they've said that they're a bunch of leaches, I also didn't like how the police were letting the couple bash on the suspects, I wish the officers were calmer in that segment.

I don't remember the episode when he threw the suspect down hard because he was slightly touching him.

My favorite segments of Hutchinson was the one with the guys having marijuana in the car, the Cheech & Chong moment he made definitely cracked me up, I also liked him in the segment with the guy acting strange at the hotel.

That is interesting that Hutchinson was the head of the Palm Springs Police union for a bit


Yeah, the woman knew the meth addict had severe problems. I wonder if he was a great guy before his addiction?

That hotel room segment was hard to watch, as the couple was in disagreement over who had it, so the cops arrested both.

That segment with the couple breaking into the house was not my favorite, especially since they treated the suspects like they were hardened criminals by quietly sneaking up and then yelling at them with guns drawn, and with Hutchinson saying to the male suspect, "You almost made a fatal mistake". The owners remind me of certain people who if they see a dark-skinned person, they get really upset. If they were white, I wonder if the owners would've reacted the same way. Hutchinson tried to quiet down the woman, but it din't work.

Victims should never confront the people that break into their house or steal their car. I remember a segment in season 17 where a younger Hispanic guy broke into a car in Vegas and the victim, a middle aged big white guy with sunglasses and shorts and got nasty with the suspect who actually seemed calm.

The Cheech and Chong suspect is probably my favorite of Hutchinson's.

I wonder if it's normal for officers to react that way with buglaries in houses with the guns drawn and sneaking up on them. Seems like the Hispanic people were the only people in the house at the time, so it wasn't really a home invasion.


Usually if they're burglarizing the homes the officers seem to be calmer than what these officers were, I thought there is a major difference between burglary and home invasion, I remember on a Season 20 segment from Fresno the officers who arrested two suspects in a home invasion were a lot calmer than this segment, I thought the officers totally overreacted in dealing with the burglarly suspects, I didn't like seeing Hutchinson telling the male suspect that he almost made a fatal mistake, I'm not sure if the owners were racist or not, they strike me as ultra conservative people, I also wonder if they would've treated the suspects any differently if they were white.

I agree the victims should never contront the criminals who break into their house or steal their car, to me it makes the victims look bad when they do that, especially if the criminal is trying to stay calm, I know when the suspects are trying to plead with the victims often make fools of themselves, I don't recall the Season 17 episode you've mentioned with the younger guy breaking into a car and the suspect getting nasty with the suspect who seemed calm.

I remember the suspect tweaking on the meth seemed really scary and I'm impressed with how calm and respectful Officer Lord was while dealing with him, I hope he's gotten a lot of praises in how he handled the situation.

I didn't enjoy seeing the couple getting arrested for meth in the hotel room, I wonder why the clerks at the hotel didn't like seeing the husband make numerous phone calls, I thought Officer Hutchinson was very smug and arrogant while dealing with those two.

I really enjoyed the comment Hutchinson made about the movie with Cheech & Chong since "Up In Smoke" is one of my favorite comedies.


Yeah by the way the officers were acting with the whispering and the yelling, You'd think they were trying to stop a drug dealer from discarding his drugs by flushing them down a toilet or something. I also don't think just simply burglarizing and damaging a house is something that warrants a death sentence either. The call was listed as a burglary in progress so maybe the officers were trying to give the suspects the element of surprise but it still seemed very excessive to me, as if they were trying to show off for TV.
