no longer on netflix?

is this no longer on netflix? i can not find it anywhere on there anymore at all.
By solesister - "Get thee to a nunnery!"


Damn I love Netflix but I hate when they take down good stuff. It might pop up on Hulu I noticed they pick up a lot of when Netflix takes down.


netflix has sucked so bad the last few years that we are thining about dropping in and switching to something else.

By solesister - "Get thee to a nunnery!"



something is up then if u cant even buy it on amazon! wtf!

By solesister - "Get thee to a nunnery!"


Is there a reason why I can't buy this on Amazon? I wanted to watch this on my phone but Amazon daids its not available.


I just watched The 'Burbs on a Netflix DVD from Universal Home Video (1999). Netflix has a much wider selection of films (especially older ones) available on DVD than through its streaming format.

E pluribus unum


Streaming is better than DVD.


I agree, Ginger, etc.

But when you want to see a certain pic on streaming and it's not available, the DVD is the next best thing. The DVD I received was evidently watched a lot. There were minor scratches all over the playing surface, but the sound and images were perfect.

I'm sure the DVD option is a loss leader for Netflix, but I think it's intended to transition present DVD customers to streaming, which is much more profitable.

E pluribus unum



It's playing on Starz right now, as I type this.
It will air several more times this month.


Just watched a real clean HD copy of this off Exodus via Kodi.


I have a blu-ray copy in the living room a DVD in the bedroom , a DVD in the car and I still watch it if it shows on TV I like this film 😉
