This movie is a classic, a great Saturday morning movie! Look at the end of the movie when Ray comes down the stairs of the Klopecs porch... he never steps... just slides down.... so f'n stairs!


I love this movie, it's gets better with every viewing.


* it gets


Hey LtRumsfield9 dude
No need to have corrected your grammar , not on this board there are no grammar, spelling police not on this board if there was we would tell them to "p*ss off and paint their own god damn house"


Not only is it underrated, it's timeless. Outside of Ricky's friends' fashion, it doesn't really look like a movie from the 80s at all.


It is somewhat overlooked. It tends to get lost in amongst other comedies from the 1980s and early Tom Hank's films like Big, Sleepless in Seattle, Splash and The Money Pit. It's not often I hear people talk about it. It's just as good as classics like Gremlins, Ferris Bueller, Ghostbusters, The Goonies, Back to the Future, Beetlejuice and The Lost Boys.

You keep on reminding me of a darkness only I can see



I loved it as a kid. I just watched with my kids and all of us loved it. It is for sure a classic.


This movie is, dare I say, nearly perfect. Direction is great, performances are top-notch, the score is very fitting, the humor is timeless, and the thrills are there from start to finish. The narrative may be flawed for some viewers, but all I know is... this is a ridiculously fun and well-made movie that completely delivers.

One of the 80's best comedies/thrillers, as far as I'm concerned.

You want something corny? You got it!


Oh, I agree!! I don't see any problems with this movie.


I agree this movie is awesome. One ever someone talks about Tom Hanks and list his best movies I always say 'The Burbs"


This movie is so great. You're right...I just noticed he slid down the steps last time I watched. That was hilarious. I also love when he's eating the sardines and pretzels. My favorite is Art. Especially the scene where he just helps himself to Ray's fridge while is eating their breakfast, and then eats dog food. There are so many great things about this movie. It's a shame it has a low rating.
