MovieChat Forums > The 'Burbs (1989) Discussion > A sequel would work with the same cast

A sequel would work with the same cast

Most are still living, and capable. Even the director is still alive and working.

The only actor that would really be missed is Ducommun.

Come on think of it.... Dern, Hanks, Fisher, Feldman all living in the same houses when someone mysterious moves in next door.

It would work.


No need for a sequel. It would just be a rehash. All the loose ends were tied, so we can just assume the characters all went on with their lives and put that whole mess behind them. I imagine that eventually the Klopek house was bulldozed to the ground and authorities excavated the backyard to find any remaining buried bodies. Over time, a new house was built on the property, the yard was replanted, new neighbors moved in and things carried on as normal.


Eh, why not. As unnecessary as a sequel would be, at least the inevitable remake will have to wait several more years.

You want something corny? You got it!


I don't know about a sequel, I think part of what made The 'Burbs so realistic was the one-shot nature of it. Art says "We are out to get 'em" but that's just Art being a dipsh!t for the camera. Now that the Klopeks are gone, the neighbors are just going to resume their normal lives.

If a murderer moved into your neighborhood and after awhile you and some friends managed to get enough evidence to arrest them, would you suddenly go out looking for more murderers? Or let's say it resulted in an explosion and all the media attention showed up in the neighborhood, do you think some weird family is going to set up shop after the Klopeks after seeing all these news broadcasts about how a group of neighbors exposed a group of killers without the help of the police?

Nah, I think this movie did a good job of covering those typical suburban legends of "Our neighborhood was always normal but there was this one guy/family/house that no one was sure of." Having another family move in for the main characters to undo would be contradictory to the film. Besides, that's part of why the neighbors went after the Klopeks, they didn't conform to what they thought a "normal" family on the block should look like. They got lucky at the end when it turned out the Klopeks were murderers, if not then all the paranoia would've been for nothing. How would a sequel cover that same exact theme?

Can't be too careful with all those weirdos running around.


Most are still living, and capable. Even the director is still alive and working.

The only actor that would really be missed is Ducommun.

Come on think of it.... Dern, Hanks, Fisher, Feldman all living in the same houses when someone mysterious moves in next door.

It would work.

I used to think a sequel could be funny. Have a new odd neighbor move in, and find out it's not the first time the neighborhood has been suspicious of another new neighbor. But this time it's real. And it would introduce a new generation to The Burbs. But sadly I think with Fisher passing away it, any hope for a sequel is now gone.
