MovieChat Forums > The 'Burbs (1989) Discussion > Why would the Klopeks be collecting Walt...

Why would the Klopeks be collecting Walters mail?

For a family who never came out of their "cave" and spoke or knew no one. How or why would they be collecting Walters mail during his hospital stay? He had a mail slot in his door. When was Walter ever on friendly terms with the Klopeks?

By solesister - "Get thee to a nunnery!"


Good question. Anyone? :)


Walter worked for them. . He was a closeted homo sexual who lured young men to his house . He raped , drugged and murdered the boys . He then sold the bodies to the klopeks. How's that ?


This is one of those movies where a lot of things about the plot make no sense, but everything else makes up for it, and you are still having a good time.


They lived next door and Walter didn't seem to like anyone else on the block.


It's been awhile since I have seen it, but didn't someone ask them to get the mail for Walter? I could be wrong, but I thought Walter's sister asked them. She wouldn't have know who to ask and one neighbor is the same as any other to her, like I said, I could be wrong, but that's what popped in my head.
