MovieChat Forums > The 'Burbs (1989) Discussion > Why wasn't Ricky involved more?

Why wasn't Ricky involved more?

He went into walters house with them and he helped Art throw over the tools in the backyard but mostly after that he was more of a watcher and didn't participate in the snooping after those scenes. Why didn't he partake more in the scenes with the guys after that?

By solesister - "Get thee to a nunnery!"


He had a party going with friends. Who invites over a bunch of friends and then disappears and leaves the guests alone. No, he and his friends were there to "watch the show this afternoon", not to take part in it.


Because they did though I mean yeah he had his party going but he still try to help out in certain ways bike slowing down the cop and the klopeks when they arrived, as well distracting the cops to let Carol Go pass
