unknown song in movie??

i have searched all my life for this one song. The song is when ever tommy is on his motorcycle riding away from training to quit. It is one of the coolest songs that i could never find on the soundtrack and i dont know who it is. it sounded like richard marx, but if you know who sings the song when tommy is on the motorcycle please reply. thnks


hey the song is called enemy and its by david steele. i havent been able 2 find it. even knowin who its by and wot its called. gdluck findin it :)


Yep, it's David Steele. However it was never released, so it's rather impossible to find.

David Steele sang in the band callaed DOUBLE DEALER(canadia rock gruop). THey released their only album on MTM label, and it contains tracks you can hearDavid's voice.


Did anybody ever find this song ???????
