MovieChat Forums > Best of the Best (1989) Discussion > The only discrediting line from this mov...

The only discrediting line from this movie...

Is when the Wade character is explaining why she is qualified to help the team, and she tells the coach:

"I have a belt in tae kwon do."

Huh? For all we know, she could be a white belt. 'I have a belt' is pretty vague. TKD enthusiasts everywhere rolled their eyes, and probably shut the TV off at that point. How does Phillip Ree let this get past the cutting room floor?

Otherwise an awesome film. One of few to bring depth and characterization to the martial art genre.



huzdaman! man you are reading to much into this comment by wade. She said it as a kinda tongue in cheek clever remark after being put down by the coach after he insisted he didnt need her help and the fact that she is a woman had been brought up.


you are reading to much into this comment by wade. She said it as a kinda tongue in cheek clever remark after being put down by the coach after he insisted he didnt need her help and the fact that she is a woman had been brought up.

Point taken darren, like I said, other than that small detail, I loved the film. I guess it did sound sort of anal-retentive LOL
