I am not alone!

I just looked on the web to find best of the best (cause the crappy blockbuster doesn't carry it) and I came to IMDB. I thought I was the only person to like this movie. I was thrilled to see people talking about it. I my self would like to get the soundtrack. Is there a dvd of the movie anywhere?




It's a bloody classic of the genre. Best of the Best is in the pantheon of great martial arts movies as Enter the Dragon & Bloodsport. These 3 films are the greatest masterpieces the genre has to offer.

The critics gave the thumbs up to retarded bollocks like American Beauty, Titanic and the utterly dehumanising Moulin Rouge. Theyre idiots!

I saw this classic 15 years ago, and it still hits the ball out of the park.


It's a stretch to put it up there with Enter the Dragon but this film does have it's place in Martial Arts film history and should be credited to bringing out the best of TKD. As for Bloodsport, well, it was fun when it first came out but looking back now, it's corny and deserves to be buried.


Your best bet with the DVD is amazon or eBay. That's where I got mine. I myself loved it because of the great martial arts action Rhee gives to us. His Tae Kwon Do and Hapkido is so fluid that it's sick. And the fact that I get to translate what the Korean team are saying to my friends, because I myself am Korean. What really surprises me is how this movie got only 1 out of 4 stars (not IMDB). But to each its own is what I say.


hey, thanks for the reminder on where to get the DVD. I've been racking my brain on where to get it!!!!! I found it on Amazon but ultimately picked it up at Future shop which is a Canadian retail chain.

