the Coreys

Is it true that the two coreys were high on cocaine during most of the filming? I also heard that in License to Drive, they were stoned out during most of the filming too. It's crazy, cuz they were only like 17 in this movie too. So sad =/.


This is news to you?


Lmao! I just felt bad for Merideth because she had to act like she was in love with corey and not bust up laughing during his horrible michael jackson impersonation. .


Lmao! I just felt bad for Merideth because she had to act like she was in love with corey and not bust up laughing during his horrible michael jackson impersonation. .

I know right? That's why they should've cast Corey Haim to play Bobby instead of Feldman.  


Haha! Absolute worst thing I've ever seen.
