What town...???

Having watched this movie since i can remember (i own two copies, one for back up), Ive never wondered (until i watched it again today...)where this was supposed to take place? What town, what state....anyone have any ideas? Moreover, where was it shot? Thanks...knowing this will help me sleep at night....since Corey Haim never returned my fan letters those 13 years ago....saddd.

On another note...do you find you are the only person who likes this movie in like a 2 state radius? My friends (i have forced everyone to experience its magic) cannot stand it...their loss, obvi....but still, any similar reactions?


I sadly do not know where this movie is set, sorry.

Though I am happy to report that my sisters (I have three of them) and I all GREATLY enjoy this movie. It really is one of the most fabulous movies of the 80's. I may just have sisters with excellent taste, that's all.

I'm not good or real... I'm evil, and imaginary


Marrj- I hear ya, not alot my my friends truly appreciated the power and spiritually of this movie. This still is one of my favorite shows of all time. This show soo reminds me of my adolesence, growing up, its one of those shows that makes you feel real good inside.


it was filmed in new hanover county... wilmington north carolina... at NH high school...


Here's a little tidbit for you. "The Crow" was also filmed in Wilmington, NC. Sadly, Brandon Lee died there filming the movie.

What I would like to know is how close the two movie sets were. They look nothing alike! Dream a Little Dream is so wholesome and homey looking, and The Crow looks like hell itself.


I used to live near Wilmington. The Crow was shot almost entirely on a studio lot and sound stages, while Dream a Little Dream was pretty much entirely on location - that is why they look so drastically different; the Crow's sets were all simulated. Screen Gem Studios is located in Wilmington, so that is where The Crow was shot. DLD was filmed in the old historical part of Wilmington which has a very small town feeling. (the whole of Wilmington itself is actually the 4th most populace city in NC or something.) Also, anyone that watches Dawson's Creek should recognize that it was shot in several of the same locations as DLD.


I have a cousin who named one of her sons Brandon Lee because she thought Brandon Lee was cute

Matthew 7:21


I have lived in Wilmington NC all my life and I just have to say I am SO PROUD. I have never seen either of these movies but I have seen clips from DALD and i REALLY wanna see it. There's bad parts of Wilmington and and good parts. The bad parts would probably be downtown, or 'cracktown', as i call it. Good parts would be the city part with the circuit cities and best buys and stuff. it's a good little town. My g-ma went to Hew Hanover Highschool where all the school parts were shot at. behind corey f dancing you an see a paw, and my middle school had that paw like foot prints down the school sidewalk.

"Death By Stereo!"


Yep I've never met anyone who liked this movie but me. Either they don't know it or think it's just another teen movie. Like another poster said, I just love the spirituality portrayed in the film and also the unique direction and cinematography - which is definitely not commom for the time it was filmed in. Also a fan of Corey Feldman's acting in it (and Haim's). They're also both great in The Burbs and Lucas respectively. Wish their careers hadn't ended so early.


grrr, god i hate how people get off topic on threads like this. the question was what town was the film shot in, not your personal input on the movie. theres over a dozen other threads on here where you can give your opinion.

now back to the topic, the film was shot in nc but was supposed to take place in ohio.
but of course hollywood never actually films movies in the location its supposed to portray.


Wilmington, North Carolina. The same town where Brandon Lee died while filming The Crow. Can you believe both movies were filmed in the same town?

I am the only person I know who likes that movie. But I don't just like it, I LOVE it. I think it's mostly the acting, and the little things. Like that thing that Joel does with this index fingers, that non verbal punctuation he does. The things that Bobby and Dinger say, and the way they say them. Like the part where Dinger is sitting in Joel's car, waiting for him, and he talks to himself about how every girl wants him and he should be drinking a pina colad and looking at some Hawaiin chick "Hello honey". The debate between Bobby and Dinger over whose life is rougher, ending with Bobby saying that his mom didn't go into spasticated seizuers every now and then and Dinger saying "That's rude, Mr." I EAT THAT STUFF UP!!!! It's just cool! It makes me smile, no matter what kind of mood I'm in.

Another thing I really, really like about the movie, is the scene where Bobby talks Joel out of killing Dumas. That whole speech is one of the greatest movie speeches I've ever heard. One of these days, I'm going to assemble a string of movie clips that I think contain the greatest, truest, most heroic, and most profound words ever spoken in movies. That whole speech about "Why are we all here right now? Because we're young, and when you're young every little thing seems so big..... Why do we have to take something so far that it can't be taken back again?" I put that right up there with the part in Tombstone where Doc Holiday tells Wyatt Earp that there is no normal life, there's just life, so go take that spirited actress and make her yours, and live Wyatt, live for me. And a few of the Braveheart speeches.

My favorite movies have a seech in them somewhere, where one of the actors explains something that I never fully realized before, and which makes me a braver, stronger person for having heard it.

Dream a Little Dream, is, I think, an important movie for that reason, and I think that one speech at least should be required viewing for every teenager.

I say this movie is not merely a good movie, but a great movie, that everyone needs to see.



Clevland is were the second one said that the first one took place.


Wilmington is also where Dawson's Creek was filmed and where One Tree Hill is currently filmes. A ton of movies - feature and made for tv - where filmed there. They call Wilmington "Hollywood East."


Yes I know where Screen Gems is at. It is by the airport, the sewage plant, and the prison. My great grandma also lives by it. There's a One Tree Hill poster on the side of it.

"Death By Stereo!"


I'm thinking I might go round and take a tour of Screen Gems nexrt Saturday. Unbelievably cheap.

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It seems most Dream a Little Dream fans feel the need to spread the joy. I have shown this to everyone I know and they all don't get it/hate it. If you meet someone who likes this movie, you're friends for life.


I don't bring it up to friends ever, don't think they'd appreciate it. But, my brother and sister dig it with me. My sis and I quote it still. "Who's got the chip." We were teens when it came out so it just stuck with me. It has a lot of depth and more going on than one might think.
