
ok can someone explain this movie for me? ive watched it like 5 times and i still dont get it. thanks.




And the whole plot about if he doesn't switch back soon he will lose Gina forever was just a joke by Bobby. the weakest part of the movie, but forgivable because it's 80s and has Corey/Corey.

It was the tantric thing that the old man was doing in his front yard on the night of the bike accident. He was becoming more spiritual with Gina, but when Bobby and Lainey crashed into each other, the spiritual energy went into their bodies instead.


It wasn't tantra that they were doing it was tai chi moves.


Gina And coleman, the old couple do some kind of spiritual grabbing a hold of nature thing out in the lawn, right?
And bobby is running home, and lainey is riding home during the old peoples spiritual session.
Once bobby passes through the shortcut, lainey passes through at the same time.
They crash into each other and fall over.
The old people had gotten so caught up in the spiritual moment that it had really started to work, so their "spirits/bodies" got trapped inside of lainey and corey's bodys.
Coleman was corey, and apparently gina was lainey.
Lainey didnt have as bad side affects as corey did though when the old people got trapped inside of their bodies, so I dont think Lainey really knew she was the old lady.
So once coleman realized he was the old man, he started freaking out and all that.
Then he went to sleep and had a dream, Corey feldman in the dream was trying to explain to the old man tat he was trapped in his [corey's] body. And the old man wanted to know where Gina was. Corey said "I dont know". So it was up to Coleman to find which girls body Gina was in.
When coleman woke up, he was still trapped inside Coreys body, so he had to go to school. Went to school, saw Lainey tugging her lip [that was a habit that Gina had.] And knew that Gina was in Laineys body. So Corey [coleman] tries to get Lainey to fall inlove with him before time runs out. Because in a dream Coleman had, the original corey had told coleman that if he didnt find gina soon and get her to realize that she was in laineys body, that he would lose gina forever. So Corey [coleman] takes lainey out on a date and tries to convince her that their the old people trapped inside the kids bodies. Lainey doesnt believe Corey [coleman] and gets mad and runs off. So Corey chases after her, and tells her to atleats remember what she dreams about that night, and tell corey [coleman] what it was about the next day. And so lainey dreams about Gina explaining what happened. And the next day, she tells corey [coleman] what her dream was. And since lainey had that dream she starts to believe corey [coleman]. When corey [coleman] goes home that night, he has a dream and the original corey tells him to prevent Lainey [gina] from falling asleep. And then Corey [coleman] wakes up from the dream and yada yada. And then a dance comes up, Lainey dumps her boyfriend for Corey. Because apparently shes inlove with him now. So Corey and Lainey run off to the old peoples house and do the expirement the old couple had done during the beginning of the movie before they got trapped in [corey and lainey's] bodies. But the expirement didnt work. Corey and Lainey were interrupted by corey [haim] and one of Joels [Laineys ex boyfriend] friends. Corey haim and Joels friend had told Lainey and Corey [Coleman] that joel was going to shoot someone. Corey [coleman] told Lainey to go home and that he'd deal with the whole situation, and corey [coleman] told Lainey to MAKE SURE that she doesnt go to sleep that night or else he'd lose Lainey [really gina, since gina is supposedly trapped in lainey's body] forever. Lainey goes home, and the coreys and Joels other friend run off to stop Joel. Once they get to wherever Joel is. Hes pointing a gun at an enemy of his. And Corey makes a long speech convincing Joel not to shoot someone because it "isnt worth it." So Joel backs out. They all go home. And corey goes to Laineys house, to check on her. He looks in her window and shes sleeping. he freaks out, breaks through the window and tries to wake her up, she cant because her mom drugged her and all that. So Laineys parents come flying in and freak out and throw corey [coleman] out of the house. And Corey runs home all mad and wakes up, and hes back in his original house as coleman. And wakes up and sees that he is coleman once again and is no longer trapped in Coreys body. He walks in the kitchen and sees Gina and is confused yet relieved. He goes back to his room and looks at the chalkboard and sees that it says, "The whole losing Gina thing was a joke, it didnt make for a great story, but it was funny. etcetc."
So yeah.
Thats basically it.
Get it now?
You should.
because my fingers are about to practically fall off all because i wrote this "summary" for you.


Throughout this movie Corey seemed more like he was possessed with the spirit of Michael Jackson than Jason Robards.

'When there's no more room in Hollywood, remakes shall walk the Earth.'


Bahaha, that made me laugh.

He's the reason Cliff Notes were invented.


Top effort, thank you :)

He's the reason Cliff Notes were invented.
