Julius is Dumb

I dont know if he is the dumbest character out of the series but he sure was the dumb one on here why in the world would you punch Jason Voorhees until you cant punch anymore and then tell him "come on and take your best shot."?

I mean Julius was an arrogant character on the film so it doesnt surprise me if he thinks he can outpunch Jason

Do you ever think of me? You're so considerate


i think the dumb part was when he left the shotgun behind and did not come back for it, lol.


Well, these people do not know Jason Voorhees like the viewer does. He is just some crazy guy in a mask to most of them. Even the ones who may know a little about Jason still don't know how unstoppable he really is.


Honestly if any person came up to me in the dead of night in a dark alley I would run like h*ll! So I do agree that Julius was definately a little arrogant thinking he could beat this maniac that had slaughtered the rest of his class and grown adults. But it made one of the best deaths in the series!


Yeah, it's like the dumber the character is, the harder they are slayed.
But perhaps Julius was planning on a way down on the other side of the building. Many buildings all over the world have multiple fire escapes.



Well, ya gotta give Julius credit for one thing: he went down fighting. As opposed to Jason's other victims who chose to run for their lives, only for him to catch up with them and still kill them (J.J., Wayne, Eva, Miles) or others who chose to beg for their lives and still got slaughtered (Tamara and Suzy).

Julius didn't know anything about Jason or his invulnerability to pain, but he said 'screw it. If I gotta go, I'll go down fighting. Who know? I might luck out and knock this chump off the roof.' So he put up his fists and started swinging like there was no tomorrow.

Alot of people think that was a suicidal move...others are saying they're glad Julius fought but got pissed when he still lost. Either way you look at it, he gave it his all and died a fighter and that's the important part.


Julius: "operator. Give me the police..." Wouldn't the operator be the police?

Lakin-ite member since... well, today...
I'm Jon, and Jon is me. Together, we're one!



He dialed ##*...

Lakin-ite member since... well, today...
I'm Jon, and Jon is me. Together, we're one!




I don't look at him as dumb. He went in thinking that Jason wasn't going to stand up to all of his punches but by the end, seeing how he had made not even a dent on Jason (even with the mask on), he knew he was going to die. So with his bloody hands and reaction, he just says to hell with it, take your best shot and just get it over with.


Exactly. He gave Jason all he had, but wasn't enough. He punched him in the face and in the body, until his hands were raw and he was too tired to keep on punching. At that time he knew that it was over and that he was going to die. What was he supposed to do, cry and beg Jason to spare him? He died like a man, on par with Sheriff Garris in Part VI. Kudos to him.


As others have mentioned the reason he is real moronic isnt the fact that he chose to challenge jason, but the fact that he kept punching him in his HARD hockey mask!


"What color is the boathouse at Hereford!?"



He punched Jason in the body too, but it didn't help a whole lot. Besides, his punches to the face were making Jason walk back to the ledge, so Julius was encouraged to keep at it. It's not as if he could have shot for a double leg and submit Jason on the ground.


If he would've use William Shatner's patented flying double kick he would have knocked Jason down!


Julius seemed really excited when their boat got to NYC. You'd think he'd be a little bummed due to the bloodbath and all...


LOL! True dat! it takes a lot to put the Jasinator down. Hell, I don't even think a shot to the groin would've made him double over.



Maybe cause Jason has never seen a brotha before and did not know what to think; or possibly Jason was a zombie racist.


I thought Julius went out quite bravely and put up one hell of a fight before Jason took him down for the final count.

I've been chasing grace/ But grace ain't easy to find


Julius was a complete moron.


Julius was the only male character who put up a fist fight with Jason. Most male characters in the franchise did not stand a chance.


Julius was a legend and went down fighting and I love his last line to Jason "Take your best shot...mother *beep*


I took it as a racist scene to show how a person of color was not as intelligent as the others. Its really sad and should be edited when shown on TV
