Manhattan is so empty and desolated in this

No way in the world was that Manhattan. Even in back alleys in the area they got off the boat would have been filled with cars and people. This was so obviously filmed in a Hollywood studio. Ugh. That wasn't even a NYC subway either.

This could have been SO good if made the right way.


with the exception of the time square shot, the "manhattan" scenes were shot in Vancouver BC.


By this time, the series had almost developed its own identity for style, reality and logic. It became more and more unrealistic and stylish the longer the series continued. The setting for the scenes are not supposed to be real but to assist the movie experience. It's not a documentary piece, that's for sure. If you're looking for realism, turn on the news. This is cheesy horror at its best. It doesn't pretend to be anything else.


The plan was to shoot most of the movie in NYC. But, due to funding, as Paramount wasn't what it is today, they were only allowed to spend 2-3 days in New York. So the producers and writers had to work with what they had, unfortunately.

If it had been today, the could have used NYC to their heart's content.

Memphis Raines: I'm a little tired, a little wired, and I think I deserve a little appreciation!


i believe the director mentioned in crystal lake memories he wanted to do a scene on the brooklyn bridge. that would have been cool to see. gheheehe

I hated Jaws, it had too much shark, and dont get me started about King Kong, waaay too much gorilla


Paramount was stingy with the Star Trek movies, too, and is why we had to see the same Bird of Prey blow up time after time.

Top Ten Classic Horror Movie Working Titles -


They wanted to do Julias and Jason's fight scene in Madison Square Garden too but that was cut due to cost, that would have been so cool


Jason was no pro boxer so MSG would never sign, sanction and host a boxing match with him.
