Wish McCulloch had been better written

Given more dimension as a character. I thought he was starting to branch out as a character near the end (before the writers essentially hit the reset button via the flashback).

"The first order of business is to find Julius."

"Fluoride doesn't prevent tooth decay. It does render teeth detectable by spy satellite." -JL


He's probably my favorite "adult" character in the series along with Sheriff Garris from Part VI. Probably could have had a better death scene and the scene where Jason throws him out of the building is cringe worthy but yeah he did a good job as a sleazy A-hole guy.


He's definitly not a favorite of mine . Even in New York he seemed wimpy, and it almost seemed like he was constantly looking out for his own ass. He was a pretty awful person. He was good in the role though, and nobody's as bad as Dr.Cruise from part 7.


I liked him. I thought he was a strong, moral character. Only his personality made him unlikable.

It's one of those days...


Completely agreed
That said, his reaction to Tamara was hilarious. ".... stop it! I mean.... really. "

Death Awaits you (Horror forum)


I love it when she drops the robe.

"... Hey..."


"Now see here, young lady!"

Top Ten Classic Horror Movie Working Titles - http://landowonder.com/top-ten.html


Charles was a great "baddie"

