That 'groaning' sound when the captain's throat is cut...

Seriously, what the heck is that sound effect? It's the single scariest sound cue I can remember from this series, which is odd considering it's in one of the worst entries. But just after Jason drags the machete across the captain's throat, there is that unsettling groan-like sound effect that just chills me. I can't be the only one that gets creeped out by it!


You're right, it is creepy:


The scene is filmed in slow motion I think, and cut down quite bit, it looks like it was meant to go longer. The camera cuts right as the first drop of blood comes out. So basically you see the guy get his throat cut and no blood come out, looks kinda crazy haha.

I'm from Paris... TEXAS


I bet it was a creative way to get that scene to pass for R rating. Slow it down so it seems longer, and cut away as soon as the blood appears.

Top Ten Classic Horror Movie Working Titles -


For sure. Most horror films were getting butchered in the late 80s.

I'm from Paris... TEXAS
