I figured out how he teleports - IT MAKES SENSE... kinda

So everyone laughs that Jason is pretty much a super being who can teleports, has super strenght and stuff. It seemed that the writers were just trying to make Jason awesome not caring about how absurd it sounded, but here's the thing... the teleportation stuff MAKES SENSE if you take one step back.

Remember in Part 7 when Jason fought a girl with supernatural powers and stuff? Perhaps he absorved some of that power when she attacked him with her telekinetic powers. Now Jason also has supernatural powers and can teleport! Makes sense, especially because it's one chapter after the other.

I once told a man to go screw himself! Can you even imagine?! - Kilgrave


Interesting theory but she only had telekinetic abilities, not teleportation powers. And I don't think he can absorb powers from other people either. I think maybe he just ran super fast off screen.



Well, his corpse absorbed a lightning bolt and resurrected in part 6, so...

And yeah, the girl was like Carrie, but I think it's like the flu where people get different symptoms. Her gift was telekinesis, Jason's was teleportation.

I once told a man to go screw himself! Can you even imagine?! - Kilgrave




Obviously it is because Jason is a deadite


He's always been kind of like that. No matter how slow he creeps along and no matter how fast the victim runs, Jason always catches up. Reminds me of the MST3K joke: "Oh, it doesn't matter how slow I'm walking. My brother-in-law is the editor!"

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