better than Jason Goes to hell.

Jason goes to hell looks like a sci fi channel movie while part 8 has classy cinematography and better location. Plus JASON is in the whole damn movie, not a body swapping pig demon.


For sure. Part 8 is underrated and I'll never understand the hate that it gets.



Fully agreed. Its gets far to much crap.



I agree, but I actually love both and find both underrated.

History is written by the victor. History is full of liars.


Definitely. I like all the 'Friday the 13th' movies except 'Jason Goes to hell' and I don't count that one as part of the series because like the people who made 'A Nightmare On Elm Street 2' it looks like they knew nothing about the Jason character. The body swapping pig demon as you called it was one of the most ridiculous things I have seen in a Horror movie to date and was nothing like Jason.


I agree with you on that.

Friday the 13th Part VIII:Jason Takes Manhattan(1989) has two very attractive cast members the girl in the beginning and Rennie so that's a plus although it's kind of pathetic of a film franchise to have attractive girls as a plus side to it's quality,The film's boat setting was actually a upgrade to me as a location in the woods you have more a fighting chance but on a boat anything could go wrong,The drama in this film felt natural and not forced & that's pretty much it.

Jason Goes to Hell:The Final Friday is a little too silly for my liking the demon slugs,the possessions & the overall tone of it was terrible.

I hate both movies but I say Part VIII is a little easier to watch.


This one gets a lot of criticism because nothing in the movie makes sense--- like Jason being able to teleport and swim for a long distance


I think they're on the same level (1/10).


This one was better than part 7 as well.


It's not bad at all, though I wish the kills were better in this one. They seemed tame.


Agreed. This one is vastly underrated. JGTH is crap.

The Saw Is Family
