I wish this movie were real so these stupid ass kids would really die

Murderer in a mask, let me run away. Oh look there's disco music and lights flashing everywhere. No worry, there's a murderer behind me, let me just stand here in amazement because lights and music are playing.

Crapola, I have a camera and I just found the guy who's been murdering the other kids, let me take off running. Trip and fall about as gentle as a 2 year old baby, oh look a dead body. I have an idea, let me just lay here and talk to an obviously dead body, no worry about the murdering psychopath coming after me.

Twitter: FBSportsguy


... are you serious? First of all, it's a horror movie. People do stupid *beep* all the time. Second of all, she was high for the first time and, yes, drugs affect people. Shocker.

Thirdly, who the hell do you think you are thinking you'd do better in a situation like this!? Have you ever encountered Jason? Has he ever killed all your friends and/or family?

You know nothing, Thereffman.


I would know to run, and not stop running. This basic, caveman level thinking apparently is well beyond your grasp. With a name like godzillaprime through, it's understandable you have a severe mental retardation. Your state appointed handler no doubt has their work cutout for them.


Wade lost his glasses and couldn't see and the Asian chick was high.
