"Livin in the city ain't no big deal", the "gang"....

LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!! Scenes like this make this movie the "gem" that it is.


"You're dead meat, slime bag"


"Hey, man, it's cool. It's cool."


If the crack don't get ya, then the hookers will!

Reportin' live for Black TV: White folks are dead, we gettin' the f*@# outta here!


That was one of the greatest moments of the entire series.



I love how they were angry and ready for a fight until they saw Jason's face. Then they basically said "Oh, it's no big deal. Don't worry about it." 


That part was funny all Jason did was turn around and take off his mask but DIDNOT kill the gang. My guess is it would of took to long and not for nothing where were the cops in Times Square. There always a bunch of cops around that part of NYC. Jason walking around in Times Square like nothing.
