Jason Take Manhattan or Dream Child

Which do you think is the better sequel from each franchises?

Fri 13 part 8, JTM, or Nightmare on Elm Street 5, the Dream Child?

I've always associated these 2 sequels with eachother I guess /c they came out at around the same time and they are both prequels to the final movies in each franchise.

I remember some theaters showed these 2 as a double feature.

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Also both are thought of as the worst of their respective series. I'd have to say Dream Child, as it's in the top half of my Nightmare ranking, and Jason Takes Manhattan is in the bottom half of my Friday ranking (I still like it though).

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I know Dream Child is thought of as the worst by many, but I think it ties with Freddy's Dead a lot, a lot of ppl say that one is the worst.

Ppl used to hate Freddy's Revenge, but it seems like it gets more respect nowdays.

Create a society in which you would like to live, not knowing what you're going to come into it as.


Freddy's Revenge is pretty bad. It's made worse by comparison, being surrounded by the best entries in the series. But as it's all relative, compared to parts 4-6, part 2 is actually kind of alright. It kind of missed the point of the series and made questionable leaps with the mythology (which is probably one major cause for the hate), but at the same time it makes for a better standalone film than the later entries.


And part 4 truly is subjective, some ppl say it's great and some say it's horrible.

Create a society in which you would like to live, not knowing what you're going to come into it as.


JTM I like better but I love both.


Part VIII is definitely the worst of the original series (i.e. excluding the New Line sequels), but it does also have some entertainment value. The Dream Child just...pisses me off. Jason Takes Manhattan is dire, but has a certain b-movie charm. By part 5 the ANOES series had fallen so far it was just loathsome. Any film in the franchise not written and/or directed by Wes Craven just isn't worth watching, as it's a pale and frustrating imitation of Craven's work. Freddy especially fails in this one, as he becomes a ridiculous buffoon more akin to Warwick Davis's wise-cracking goofy little Leprechaun than a true nightmare creature.

As a series, Friday is different in that it doesn't have one sole visionary that was responsible for all of the good installments (although Steve Miner is probably closer than anyone else, being involved with the first three films and thus overseeing the creation of Jason Voorhees as we know him). Maybe that helps me enjoy even the lesser sequels, whereas the crappy installments of ANOES or Halloween feel like insults to the work of Craven and Carpenter.


I think part 5 gets more hate than it deserves actually. And I think all the directors bring certain good aspects to the franchise.

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Dream Child

Death Awaits you (Horror forum)



I actually prefer most of the Freddy movies over Jason ones, especially the Elm Street "Dream trilogy arc" as I call it, but I like both franchises.



Me too. I've just been trying to familiarize myself with the Fri 13 movies a little more.

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"Dream trilogy arc"

What's that, 3, 4, and 5?

Reportin' live for Black TV: White folks are dead, we gettin' the f*@# outta here!


3, 4 and 5 are what I consider the NOES trilogy b/c they are an on-going story.

But I sorta cosider parts 1, 3, 4 and 5 the true Freddy Krueger story. Parts 2 and 6 go off in their own direction.

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Jason Takes Manhattan, but i love Dream Child as well


JTM. Both films are decent though; nothing more, nothing less.

Like the rest of the series, I'd love to see JTM uncut (never going to happen). It's not as cut as some of the films (2,5,and 7), but still cut. It does have some problems, like the teleporting Jason, that hold the film back too, but overall I like it.

Dream Child needs the uncut version on DVD. The R rated version just isn't as gruesome. I don't like the comic book scene as it is out of place in a horror movie. I understand that we are talking about a comic book aficionado, but still. Also, too many Freddy wisecracks in this one. Parts 3 and 4 kind of started that clown Freddy trend, but were more subdued than this.


Yeah I agree, Dream Child's unrrated version SHOULD be on DVD, I'm lucky enough to have the VHS which is unrrated. But really I don't think there's a whole lot of difference, It's just Dan's and Greta's deaths that are cut a little and really Ithought Dan's drug on a little too long in the unrated version.

And I really have no problem with the comic book sequence, sure it's a horror movie, but it's a horror movie about DREAMS, dreams are like that so I thought it was in place.

I know many ppl who don't like the beach dream in part 4 b/c they say it's too bright and sunny for a horror movie, but again I think it shows how dreams really are, bright sunny one minute and a dark nightmare the next.

Create a society in which you would like to live, not knowing what you're going to come into it as.


Dan's unrated death may have drug on a bit, but at the same time, you can see more pain and suffering from him. The agony that the uncut death showed would have had much more impact on first time viewers and should have been left in tact by the censors.

Greta's death in the R rated version is similar, but they completely cut out the scene that shows the big hole in her stomach. I've heard confused people ask how she died. Some people think that Freddy simply stuffed her with food until she choked, not realizing he was feeding her with her own insides.

I blame New Line, they should have fought for this film.


The comic book scene does fit in the movie with the way you describe. That being said, this is a horror fantasy series so they should have come up with a darker more sinister scene than a black and white comic book scene with a skateboarding Freddy (ugh), where he shreds the paper kid to death. They could have still done a comic book style scene and have it be less cringeworthy.

I like the beach dream from part 4. It was bright and sunny, but I liked the part where helpless Kristen got caught in the sand while a still sinister Freddy was stepping on her head trying to push her in deeper. He kept his mouth shut and wasn't skateboarding or playing a videogame or riding a broom or any of the other nonsense the later films had him doing.


I know many ppl who don't like the beach dream b/c of Freddy putting on sunglasses lol a lot of ppl say that was crigneworthy lol

Honestly though I like all of what Freddy does even when he;'s beng a clown, it shows he's on the top of his game and really is having fun with what he's doing, killing is a game with him :) And there is something really disturbing to me about clown Freddy, he's much more cruel. When I got into the series I watched it backward, starting with part 5, and I watched down to 1, and I remember being very traumatized when I saw part 5 b/c I was like WOW if someone was after me with that much power who could do all that stuff to me, I wouldn't have a chance, but when I got to part 1, it didn't have the same effect on me.

I know I'm in the minority here but when I saw Freddy on a broom stick for the first time it made my day, b/c in a funny way Freddy has always reminded me of the Witch of the West lol, so when Isaw that I was like "I KNEW IT!!"

Create a society in which you would like to live, not knowing what you're going to come into it as.



Dream Child, though both series were declining. Takes Manhattan is rock bottom for the Paramount series.

