
i actually enjoy this


Agreed. This movie has its flaws, but it's still highly entertaining and doesn't deserve all the hate it gets.


I like it but I can understand peoples' dislike of it. After all, Jason doesn't even get into Manhattan until the end of the movie. It is unfortunate the movie just didn't have the budget to have a majority of the film take place in New York City.


it's good. i like it a lot better now.


I rewatched this again last night for the first time in years. It's better than I remembered it being...but it's still one of the lowest ranking entries in the franchise for me. Not that it's bad, it's a decent film and I can say I genuinely like and enjoy all the Friday the 13th films, it's just many of the others are better.

If I had to pinpoint issues with it I'd say;
- The kills aren't all that great, one or two are decent but it pales in comparison to some other entries.
- Less nudity than most other entries.
- Less humor than some entires, this isn't a terrible thing in and of itself it's just when in conjuction with the above it becomes a slightly more bland film. The other less funny entries tend to have more tension, better kills and more nudity than this film.
- The pacing/length, this film is the longest in the franchise excluding the unrated version of the 2009 reboot. It's not a lot longer, only 10-15 minutes compared to most entries but once more when you add the above issues it all adds up and makes it a little less fun than other F13 films.


I will admit the boat part did drag on
