The Vampire On Rollerblades

Was that a boy or girl? I couldn't really tell. I don't remember hearing his or her name in the movie either.

R.I.P. Uncle Steve


belle was the character's name. it was a guy. russell clark was his name, but he was a choreographer in real life. and only did small part's in film's he helped choreograph.


Thanks for the answer!

R.I.P. Uncle Steve


That's a dude? :D :D
Oh man, ive seen this movie a lot of times and i never reflected on that...
Oh well,that rollerblade scene is brilliant, dude or not! :D


lol i had always wondered that too, that's a really feminine dude no doubt

Casting for movie in the Dallas area titled "Sluts" -



Yeah too bad he didn't have more killing scenes. He was one of the creepiest vampires I'd ever seen. The scene where he rollerskates towards the college girl in slow motion was scary as hell!


LMAO. I came to the board to start a topic on that he/she on roller blades but saw that someone else aready had. I disagree on it being scary. My sister and I had great expectations for this movie after the first one but when that vampire came out and was riding freakily on rollerblades... we just could not stop laughing. It's a big inside joke now, lol.


hrm so for the last 16 years I thought it was a chick and found out its a dude?



Belle-the rollar-skating vampire, looks like any black drag queen you'd see in a gay bar. I know, I've seen plenty of them. And, by the way, I think s/he's eerily beautiful.

No good deed goes unpunished


Are you guys kidding, that's a guy?!! I've seen this movie so many times and never has it crossed my mind that she was a guy! I mean his name is Belle for goodness sake! Bloody hell...


But, Jess, you see what we are talking about. You stated "HIS name is Belle".

Just kidding, Jess, some people can tell someone's gender automatically (like you). Look at how many people were confused by the clapping mutant in X-Men 3.

So, now. Is Big Bird a boy or a girl. I have always wondered.

No good deed goes unpunished


Bell is one of the best vampires ever to be on the silver screen.


For my entire life, I've always thought that this vampire was a woman. This isn't really shocking, given the fact that he wears skirts, makeup, and has long permed hair. Anyway, I didn't really like the character. For one thing, he doesn't say anything!! I couldn't take the silent vampire very seriously.

"You're incapable is exciting me, Steel, except as an anthropological curiosity."
Day of the Dead


c'mon people, thats totally a dude. the adams apple is enormous. wasnt it roller skates anyway? brian thompson and louie are the *beep* anyway. the roller skater is just a little flair to provide contrast. they seem like a really fun group. they go from suits to a rebellious loner to rollerskating tranny. they must have the coolest conversations. and you know they talk some hilarious *beep* on the boss lady whose played by julie carmen who i would have no problem following around for a few lifetimes with that sexy eartha kit voice. but yea...totally a dude


I always figured Belle was a drag queen vampire. The rollerblades were just a plus.
I wonder, tho, if she was doing drag before she was turned (into a vampire, I mean. LOL), or if it was a later development.

Right about Brian Thompson.

And... Julie Carmen! She WAS just smokin'! Pity her career didn't get any bigger. She'd just appeared in Robert Redford's Milagro Beanfield War. I thought her career was gonna take off.

Carpe Noctem


By far the most scary vampire ever for me as a kid and could never tell if it was truly a guy or girl. lol Never thought it was a "guy" but not a girl ether.

Man it scared me watching this today after years. I read it died of aids and found out what it truly was before going on this topic. lol Man what a shock... NOT!!


'It' was a male. A Man died, not an 'it'. Gay, straight, male, female, this was a person, not an 'it'.
He died, according to his page here, from cancer. No mention of aids.

Carpe Noctem


It said AIDS on Wikipedia and a tribute site I got from there as well as his on IMDB page it was famous besides this.

And man it is a "it" to me since I can't tell what it is whether it says male or girl. lol


'Belle' was one of the freakiest coolest lookin' Vampires I've seen in any Vampire related movie or TV product. Him and Radu from 'Subspecies'. It's just sad that HE died. R.I.P man.


I always thought it was Mario Van Peebles in drag.



That Dude had the most insane haircut of the 80s. And that's going some.

The memories of a man in his old age are the deeds of a man in his prime


I always somewhat obvious it was a guy, but the number of people referring to them as roller "blades" makes me realize a lot of people missed a good chunk of the decade where a lot of guys looked like that. :)
