wretched film

Thank god I had sense to skip this piece of crap when it came out in theatres in 1989. Just saw this abomination on HBO. Wasted all the good vibes and promise of the 1985 original. Charlie is now an supremely annoying moron. Bad decison on filmmakers part, when movie begins, that Charlie has convinced himself everything that happened to him in the first movie was all in his head. Cmon, give me a break !!!!! Right there, my hate for this movie started to well up. Things got worse. The vampires are stupid, unmenacing, and worst of all, boring. The fx are sub-par. Only Roddy McDowall escapes with his dignity intact.


I never saw this when it came out at the movie theaters and then I watched the original about 2 or 3 years ago for the first time in like ages. I was looking for the sequel because I never got the chance to watch it. I liked the start of the film with the flashback of the original scenes from the original movie but I did not care for Charlie saying it is all in his head all that he went through in the original movie. Plus, Charlie had a friend who was supposedly killed by Peter Vincent. I thought the movie was good and liked it but it would have been better had they used the actress that was playing Charlies girlfriend in the first film. I bought this at a store here in Decatur, Illinois called Disc Replay. I got it at a good deal too! It was only for $40.00! That is not bad at all because if I tried to buy this from Amazon it would have been doubled or tripple the price of what I paid for it!

Dedicated to USA UP ALL NIGHT and the fans! www.usaupallnight.webs.com/



This film is amazing.


Yes I know this film is amazing!

Dedicated to USA UP ALL NIGHT and the fans! http://www.usaupallnight.webs.com



I saw it when it came out on VHS back in the day. I liked it but there is no doubt that the movie is over-stylized and has a weak plot when compared to the original. I disagree, however, with the special effects. I am a huge fan of what they did in this film. It's a lot more fun than all the boring CGI effects of today.


I wouldn’t say the film was wretched, I think it just suffers massively from Charley being in unconvincingly scripted denial at beginning and a very lazy ending Jerry had to be cornered by multiple beams of light and still kept on going until he was finished off by the one big blast of light. His sister is so pathetic that a little bit of light reflected down a lift shaft pretty much pins her to the spot and does her in . All the same, the effects beat today’s crappy CGI hands-down and Roddy McDowall is as classy as ever. Julie Carmen, Brian Thompson etc add even more value but I have to say that it also made a big difference watching the film in its original widescreen format.


I honestly think this film was above average in terms of sequels, it had impressive effects and the leads where again as likeable as they were in the first (McDowall in particular)....toss in a fun monster mash, some attractive production values and you have one entertaining if a little goofy (though that was kinda the point) flick. It wasn't as good as the first, sure but that doesn't stop this from being a good film on it's own terms.


I actually loved this sequel back then and still do. I DVRd a Hi-Def widescreen presentation on my cable box over a year ago and I watch this one more than the original. I think this one moves at a faster pace than the original.
