Maybe this will...(DVD)

I get the feeling, hopefully this will turn up with a better print on DVD flip-disc style with the original on Side A when the remake is released.

"A commitment to cinema means to lead a technically deviant lifestyle."


I can see that. Perhaps even a special collector's edition...though that's asking a bit much.


If either film was getting a DVD makeover to coincide with the remake, they most likely would've announced it by now.

Sony/Columbia holds the rights to the original film; Lion's Gate holds the rights to the sequel. Shoots your double-packaged theory full of holes since studios almost never collaborate on releases or license their cashcow movies to other companies, even in instances of franchises.

Of course, that doesn't mean that they won't re-release one or both to coincide with the DVD release of the remake. And if Sony were producing the remake, I would absolutely expect them to upgrade the original film to Blu Ray as a tie-in -- but, unfortunately, the remake was made by DreamWorks. So in other words, don't hold your breath.


I wouldn't put it past Sony to actually UPGRADE to BD.. and put it out a week or two before the REMAKE hits the shelves... I mean the NAME recognition will be out there.. maybe AFTER.. but around the same time anyway.. It would be nice if Lionsgate would do the same for the sequel.. but.. I just watched the DVD (of the original) and I have to say.. I thought it looked pretty damn good for a non BLU transfer.. even on my 47".. althuogh I realize ALOT of people here may have projectors or ALOT larger..


I hope it is re-released period. I don't care if there would be a Collector's Series. I had it on VHS that I bought from CDNOW(now dead) and it's currently sitting 15 hours away in my home state....and I wanna watch it!! Argg.

The hardest thing to do, is to truly live."
