MovieChat Forums > Fright Night Part 2 (1989) Discussion > lol The werewolf guy pisses me off

lol The werewolf guy pisses me off

He is such a cracked up freak.. I would of pulled a homer simpson on him. Stake him in the heart when he wasn't looking and then when someone goes "how did you know he was a vampire?" my reply is

"he was a vampire??'.


Yep, a real creep.


Yeah, he was a creep but he wasn't a werewolf.

He was a vampire like the other two.


With all do respect, he was a werewolf. Maybe in the original script he's not suppose to be one, but that's what he turns into in the movie. Not to mention that he doesn't melt when he gets hit and he turns back into his human form when he dies in the fountain. Also, we never get to see his casket and he turns into a wolf only during the night. And he's the only monster who can climb buildings, has hair all over and has a snout.


With all do respect, he was a werewolf. Maybe in the original script he's not suppose to be one, but that's what he turns into in the movie. Not to mention that he doesn't melt when he gets hit and he turns back into his human form when he dies in the fountain. Also, we never get to see his casket and he turns into a wolf only during the night. And he's the only monster who can climb buildings, has hair all over and has a snout.

The vampires in these movies were written as old-school vampires (like Dracula) and they, also like Dracula, could take different forms. They could turn into bats, into clouds of mist and also into wolves (either actual wolves or man-wolves).

These Fright Night "Dracula-like" vampires were limited shape-shifters but they were still vampires. Even Brian Thompson's character says to the vampire who prefers his wolf form, "You were supposed to bite her neck!"

That is also why when Alex shoved roses in the wolf-form-loving vampire's mouth, it hurt him. But roses hurt vampires, not werewolves.

And she got that idea after reading Dracula, remember?

And finally, if you recall in the first Fright Night movie, the character Evil Ed, right before he was staked through the heart was in full wolf form.


You forgot to add that they don't use silver to kill him. This is exactly why I said I agree that in the script he might have been written as a vampire. I think that the make-up crew (or director) decided that they had enough of vampires so they added a werewolf for the fun of it without changing the original screenplay. You will agree that the movie's inconsistent enough in general to allow my presumption.
I agree that Regina is a shape-shifter but the werewolf never changes into anything else (not even into smoke). Also, he is the only one that doesn't kill anyone (eat) until they make him go bowling (to stop prolonging things).

I don't remember that scene with Ed very well, but that isn't relevant. I'm not saying Ed couldn't shape-shift. I'm saying this guy is (unintentionally or not) a werewolf.

I'm not complaining here. On the contrary. A movie like this should have various ghouls. One of the best scenes in the original is when we find out that Sarandon's helper is not a vampire but some other strange creature(people still debate what he was :) ). Speaking of helpers, Thompson has a great role, and they give him next to nothing to do. Idiots.


They really get into the whole "werewolf vs vampire" debate in this thread...
