What was up with Regine?

If she found Charlie so reprehensible why did she kept on flirting with him? Was she just toying with him or did she want to sire him? It would seem that she wasn’t too shaken up with her brother’s death.

"Beauty is the means which we use to measure our own vanity."


I was thinking the same thing when I saw this movie.
Regine had plenty of occasions for killing Charlie but instead she prefered to play with him, to kiss him, to touch him every time she could and she wanted to turn him into a vampire so she could "torture" him forever.
If you want to revenge your brother death just kill him and that' s it.
Probably Regine had the hots for Charlie.


I don't know about you but an attractive woman wanting to sleep with me for all eternity doesn't sound like punishment or torture. I think because Charlie killed her brother she was attracted to him like you suggested.

"Beauty is the means which we use to measure our own vanity."


Its simple people, the plan was: She was seducing him to play right into her hands, eventually turning him into a vampire, then torture him forever...although flirting, make-out sessions and sponge baths wouldn't have hinted to that, I'm sure she would've enslaved him and made him suffer for a LONG time!

I'm your average ordinary everyday, jorgeegeetooo!


She was toying with him and seducing him. She wanted to turn him and have hm regret all the bad things he will have to do. Especially if he actually killed his gf. If she killed him then he would be dead and not suffering.

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