MovieChat Forums > An Innocent Man (1989) Discussion > 'Is the *beep* getting old yet?'

'Is the *beep* getting old yet?'

Growing up me and my movie watching mother were Christians with an unwritten rule of not using profanity. But the previous sophisticated F Murray caught us off guard with that line and it became a family inside joke albeit modified for kid ears Is the stuff getting old yet. She went in as a Selleck fan but that line stole the show.


F. Murray Abraham had some great lines:

To Tom Selleck: "Hey hey. Don't you be giving me the side of your neck when I'm trying to do you a solid."

To: Tom Selleck after Robbie gets shanked and lit up: "Yea, he didn't know enough did he?"

To: Parnell afterthe cop is sent to prison: "He officer. Hey officer. Ain't life a moxxther fxcuxker."


Yea. Side of your neck. 5 years before this movie some Funk group had a song called Talking out the side of your neck. We liked the fresh new spin he gave to it What a little gem o a movie. We alsi liked Off Limits w Gregory Hines and another 1 of Mom s favs Willem Dafoe. They play pkain clothes MPs invesigating the murder kf a China Town Hooker. Similar release date and under radar feel as Innocent Man.


Wasn't China was actually in Saigon. GREAT flick, too. R.I.P. Gregory Hines. Movie has A LOT of great lines in it but I really love:

Buck McGriff: How many times did you *beep* her Maurice?
Maurice: 'bout 8 10 times, I'm a 'ho tamin' *beep* That bitch wont work for a week at least.
Buck McGriff: *beep* She hasn't got the clap Maurice and you can't piss without a painkiller.


To Kate Rainwood when she comes to the jail-

"Those a$$holes have been riding high so long they think the only thing that can take them down is Kryptonite.

Of course they are pea-brained dickless sh#theads. Which is definitely in our favor!"

"Aerial says we are cut off..."
