
I just found out this news today. If anyone has anything archived on their home computer, please copy and paste it into here for posterity. I'll be putting a couple things up later today.


I used to have so much saved, but that hard drive collapsed. I know our good friend Tacho had so much saved too.


by ILoveJourney2004 4 hours ago (Tue Dec 1 2009 08:58:45)

House Arrest + Hype Energy Drink + Richard Marx haircut - Girlfriend Of Age Without Same Last Name = Posts Deleted

Benny stunk at English but he was always good at Meth.


by slikshooz 1 hour ago (Tue Dec 1 2009 12:43:05)

Parent's basement + mail order bride book + Hypercolor t-shirt + cheetos-stained acid washed jeans = Posts Deleted


by ILNi 22 minutes ago (Tue Dec 1 2009 13:31:46)

Trailer park rec room w/ WiFi + deposit blockage on poker sites + Pearl Jam cd - no freeroll tournaments = Posts deleted


by slikshooz 16 minutes ago (Tue Dec 1 2009 13:38:01)

Sanyo cd shelf system + Ace of Base cd + collared shirt with collar popped + 'Cop Rock' on the tv in the background = posts deleted


by TelecasterOne 9 minutes ago (Tue Dec 1 2009 13:44:50)

Hairy Palms + Eddie Vedder cardboard cutout wearing cousin's crotchless panties + bedazzled Ed Hardy schmedium t-shirt - weekly shower = posts deleted


by ILNi 4 minutes ago (Tue Dec 1 2009 13:50:42)

Trailer Park Laundry Facility + Checking for Loose Change + Stealing Women's Clothing - No Lotion = posts deleted


by TelecasterOne 28 seconds ago (Tue Dec 1 2009 13:54:16)

Low Self Esteem + Hideous Facial Birth Defect + Lifelong Stutter + Transgender Request Denial Letter - Concept of Responsibility or Consequence = Posts Deleted


by slikshooz 13 minutes ago (Tue Dec 1 2009 14:25:45)

Knockoff Brut cologne + silk shirt + pleated pants + Boone's farm wine + Mom's friend over for 'I feel bad for you, cheer up' date night = posts deleted


by maixiu 39 seconds ago (Tue Dec 1 2009 14:39:04)

Nightmares about corn starch and clown shoes + Neo-nazi comic books + Maxell dubs of Mudhoney on a Sears ghetto blaster + a half dozen Whip-Its = posts deleted.


By ILoveJourney2004

Up before noon + itchy ankle tracking bracelet + half cooked bacon =


by TelecasterOne 1 hour ago (Wed Dec 2 2009 07:15:20)

Five McDonalds Apple Pies + Dandruff Blizzard + Last Weeks Fruit of The Looms - Gas For Sky Blue 1993 Geo Metro = Posts Deleted


by slikshooz 56 minutes ago (Wed Dec 2 2009 07:58:48)

Bowl of Fritos + N'Sync beanbag chair + Supermarket Sweep reruns on VHS = posts deleted


by TelecasterOne 2 hours ago (Wed Dec 2 2009 09:07:07)

Authentic Daniel LaRusso Karate Gi + Travis Bickle Clip-On Mohawk + Triple H/Degeneration X Entrance Theme Music + Jolt Cola + Uber Sized Toblerone - Approved Drug Test From Arthur Treacher's Fish 'N Chips = Posts Deleted


by maixiu 2 hours ago (Wed Dec 2 2009 09:28:38)

Whoops, sorry 'bout that, Tele. I forgot to include yours as well. 60 push ups on my knuckles.


by TelecasterOne 2 hours ago (Wed Dec 2 2009 09:30:04)

(bows) All good sir...just glad the laughs are coming back!

"Ow? Ow is not an acceptable kiai in this dojo, Mr. LaRusso."
- Mr. Terry Silver


by MrBuzzcut 2 hours ago (Wed Dec 2 2009 09:51:12)

He's had inoccuous posts of mine deleted from the "Newhart" and "Road House" boards!


by slikshooz 1 hour ago (Wed Dec 2 2009 10:17:35)

Poster of the cast of 'Blossum' + autographed drumstick from Eddie Money's 'Walk on Water' tour + zubaz pants = posts deleted


by ILoveJourney2004 4 hours ago (Wed Dec 2 2009 07:08:41)

Up before noon + itchy ankle tracking bracelet + half cooked bacon = POSTS DELETED!


by MrBuzzcut 4 hours ago (Wed Dec 2 2009 07:11:45)

I miss Johnny.

At least his act was funny!


by TelecasterOne 4 hours ago (Wed Dec 2 2009 07:15:20)

Five McDonalds Apple Pies + Dandruff Blizzard + Last Weeks Fruit of The Looms - Gas For Sky Blue 1993 Geo Metro = Posts Deleted


by slikshooz 4 hours ago (Wed Dec 2 2009 07:58:48)

Bowl of Fritos + N'Sync beanbag chair + Supermarket Sweep reruns on VHS = posts deleted


by TelecasterOne 5 hours ago (Wed Dec 2 2009 07:04:19)


Repost the Betty thread!

Daniel LaRusso Authentic Karate Gi + Travis Bickle Fake Mohawk and Aviators + Triple H/Degeneration X Entrance Theme Music + Jolt Cola + Uber Sized Toblerone - Approved Drug Test From Arthur Treachers Fish 'N Chips = Posts Deleted


by ILNi 1 hour ago (Thu Dec 3 2009 16:42:58)

YouTube down for site maintenance + Self-Timer on Digital Camera broken + His "My Buddy" doll giving him advice that Kai is evil - His Nappy-Poo = Posts Deleted


by slikshooz 1 hour ago (Thu Dec 3 2009 16:47:19)

AOL Dialup taking too long + Unread Nintendo Power magazines + The crappy Voltron, with the cars, reruns on the tv = posts deleted


by ILNi 1 hour ago (Thu Dec 3 2009 16:51:11)

Constant barking from Pitbull in neighboring trailer + Inability to contact Tom from Myspace + rejection letter from IMDb stating Douche_Bag user name taken = Posts Deleted


by slikshooz 58 minutes ago (Thu Dec 3 2009 16:54:52)

Package from the 'Jelly of the Month' club + 'How to Pick up Trashy Chicks' book + a fresh pack of erasable pens = posts deleted


by ILNi 53 minutes ago (Thu Dec 3 2009 16:59:44)

Re-reading Men's Health article about how, "Size doesn't Matter" + Finding out his Mom accidentally bleached his favorite flannel jacket from the 90's + learning that WWE is fake = Posts Deleted


by slikshooz 51 minutes ago (Thu Dec 3 2009 17:01:46)

-laughing my a-s off at these-

portable CD player with a broken anti-skip + 'Informer' by Snow + a blacklight poster of unicorns = posts deleted


by ILNi 43 minutes ago (Thu Dec 3 2009 17:10:15)

Finding the home video showing him playing with Cabbage Patch Dolls + missing $5.00 from wallet + phone call from Mommy stating she is having a night out with the girls and needed money for smokes = Posts Deleted


by slikshooz 2 minutes ago (Thu Dec 3 2009 17:51:05)

Pants with lots of zippers + 'My Two Dads' poster + black licorice + empty box of fries from Hardee's = posts deleted


Carmen Ronzonni v. Whineielle

by MrBuzzcut 3 days ago (Fri Feb 27 2009 07:56:20)

Carmen Ronzonni: Hardened by the means street of Van Nuys.
Whineielle: Vomited out by the mean streets of Newark.

Carmen Ronzonni: Negligent mother allows him to go cross country with a chain smoking juvenile delinquent.
Whineielle: Negligent mother allows him to travel overseas with a drunken pedophile.

Carmen Ronzonni: Can't pitch.
Whineielle: Can't punch.

Carmen Ronzonni: Wears cheesy blue and red "58" jacket.
Whineielle: Wear's Miyagi's sake-stained hand me downs.

Carmen Ronzonni: Pitches in The Astrodome.
Whineielle: Bitches in Miyagi's home.


by Shield24 3 days ago (Fri Feb 27 2009 08:39:24)

Carmen Ronzonni: Tries to pitch like Warren Spahn.
Whineielle: Tries to eat like Warren Saap

Carmen Ronzonni: Boasts about "playin' in the Dome"
Whineielle: Boasts about plastic metal trophy


by TelecasterOne 3 days ago (Fri Feb 27 2009 08:39:52)

Carmen Ronzonni: Fueled by Catfish Hunter
Whineielle: Fueled by Miyagi's catfish

Carmen Ronzonni: Coached by a beer swiggin', manual labor workin' athlete
Whineielle: Coached by a sake swiggin', irresponsible slope handyman

Carmen Ronzonni: Gets the third out after successful trick play in the stadium
Whineielle: Gets knocked out after pitiful horseplay in the restroom

Carmen Ronzonni: Friends with Kelly Leak
Whineielle: Has a leaky faucet

Carmen Ronzonni: "Let them play...let them play...let them play!!!"
Whineielle: (tiny drums making noise)


by maixiu 3 days ago (Fri Feb 27 2009 09:48:55)

Carmen Ronzonni: Gets the third out after successful trick play in the stadium
Whineielle: Gets knocked out after pitiful horseplay in the restroom

I would like to bring up that not only was it a trick play, it was an illegal trick play! Ronzonni was on the pitcher's rubber when the tag was applied, which should have been called a balk. Somebody find out if Pat Johnson has a brother living in Houston who occasionally umpires Little League.

Carmen Ronzonni: Buys porn for corruptible adolescents.
Whineielle: Has his morals corrupted making homemade porn with his sensei.

Carmen Ronzonni: Steals hotel beds from his teammates.
Whinielle: Steals girlfriends from local A-crowd.

Carmen Ronzonni: Has his life saved by umpire moving pitching rubber.
Whineielle: Has his life saved by referee's biased officiating.


by ILoveJourney2004 3 days ago (Fri Feb 27 2009 10:57:33)

Carmen Ronzonni: Hits Navajo kid with baseball due to an uncontrolled pitch.
Whineielle: Hits Mexican kid with gate due to an uncontrolled YMCA instructed karate kick.


by ILoveJourney2004 3 days ago (Fri Feb 27 2009 11:13:17)

How did I miss putting Ronzonni on the list?

He is just as flaccid and emasculated as LaPusso.

Tanner Boyle almost beat his ass in a fight!

Not to mention that he made Leak look like a a-hole in front of everyone when he said that he could pitch. Those Navajo kids were about to scrap the whole team because of his lie. I'll bet Kelly and the rest of the Bears felt just as let down as Freddy Fernandez did when he was watching LaPusso's beaten body get washed away with the tide.


by MrBuzzcut 3 days ago (Fri Feb 27 2009 11:19:07)

Carmen Ronzonni: Tormented by a character played by Chris Barnes.
Whineielle: Tormented by Karate's Bad Boy, Mike Barnes.

Carmen Ronzonni: Best friends with the coolest guy in the valley.
Whineielle: Best friends with the laziest old coot in the valley.

Carmen Ronzonni: Was hurt when the Bears chose Olgilvie as treasurer.
Whineielle: Was hurt by Snake's catty remark about his weight.

Carmen Ronzonni: Street smart.
Whineielle: Dumb everywhere.


by romefan123 2 days ago (Sat Feb 28 2009 09:29:37)

This is too


by TelecasterOne 2 days ago (Sat Feb 28 2009 10:59:16)

Carmen Ronzonni: Tough guinea
Whineielle: Flaccid wop

Carmen Ronzonni: Greaser cuffed jeans
Whineielle: Mom's beltless Levi's

Carmen Ronzonni: Strikes 'em out with a variety of pitches
Whineielle: Strikes out with a variety of b itches


by ILNi 2 days ago (Sat Feb 28 2009 11:51:18)

Carmen Ronzonni: Pitcher
Whineielle: "Catcher"

Carmen Ronzonni: Hidden ball trick
Whineielle: Balls hide or depress upon seeing the always threatening Mike Barnes

Carmen Ronzonni: Plays with, "Jews, *beep* Spics, and Pansies"
Whineielle: Played by Silver, Kreese, Ali, Kumiko, and Jessica

Carmen Ronzonni: "Life's Looking Good (for you and me)"
Whineielle: Life has never looked good

Carmen Ronzonni: Told to play just play catch
Whineielle: Told it is up and coming by Century 21 Agent


by maixiu 2 days ago (Sat Feb 28 2009 16:10:05)

Carmen Ronzonni: Wop who throws airballs
Whinielle: Greaseball who throws flaccid punches

Carmen Ronzonni: Declared California Champ without winning anything
Whinielle: Declared tournament finalist without winning anything

Carmen Ronzonni: Shoves fats kids into the back of vans
Whineielle: Shoves girls out of the way to get at bonsai trees


by ILoveJourney2004 16 hours ago (Mon Mar 2 2009 06:39:17)

Carmen Ronzonni: Demands that everyone be cool in front of CHP officers.
Whineielle: Tossed out of the Resceda PD station for waffling and waving around his "evidence".


by MrBuzzcut 14 hours ago (Mon Mar 2 2009 08:27:54)

Carmen Ronzonni: His crappy pitching makes Tanner Boyle sick.
Whineielle: His whining and kvetching make the audience sick.


by maixiu 13 hours ago (Mon Mar 2 2009 09:28:59)

Carmen Ronzonni: News reporter edits him out of public-interest story.
Whinelle: Ex-girlfriends erase him from memory by tearing pages out of diaries.


by TelecasterOne 12 hours ago (Mon Mar 2 2009 10:20:48)

Carmen Ronzonni: "Hey hey, mmm-baby!!!"
Whineielle: "The price of fame, Mr. Miyagi. Better get used to it...yeah hoo!"


by MrBuzzcut 11 hours ago (Mon Mar 2 2009 11:01:09)

Carmen Ronzonni: Sprinted around the bases to win the game.
Whineielle: Winded after ten yards.


by TelecasterOne 8 hours ago (Mon Mar 2 2009 14:21:49)

Carmen Ronzonni: Picther
Whineielle: Catcher

Carmen Ronzonni: Has a big target
Whineielle: Has a big target

by ILNi 3 minutes ago (Mon Mar 2 2009 22:36:42)

Carmen Ronzonni: Throws pitches in dirt, making catcher's gear a necessity for Ogilve.
Whineielle: Throws flaccid punches at Miyagi in unnecessary catcher's gear.


Whinielle vs. Carmen Ronzonni!!!!! You, sir, are a champ.


Stupid Quotes from Danielle

by romefan123 2 days ago (Tue Jul 21 2009 08:01:21)

Start with some easy ones:

1) "I'm in love with this rope. Me and this rope, we're going steady."
(STILL to this day cannot believe he actually said that...who wrote this?)

2) "YOU sign it." (Nice comeback, *beep* but he already HAS signed on for the All-Valley)

3) "Macaroni & Cheese! You KNOW what I liiiiiike." (Earns him flaccid boy of the year 1989)

4) "Do you know how to sweep?" (EVERYBODY and their brother would have done EXACTLY what Mr. Miyagi did...the fool!)

5) "Mr. Silver, excuse me, I'm sorry,...but you can't make me do something I don't want to do..." (Oh, yes he can! BOYS...?)

Ha ha ha...I'm sure we can get to at least 25. Please add on.


by Shield24 2 days ago (Tue Jul 21 2009 08:41:30)

6) "Nothing like smog, huh Mr. Miaygi?"
Why he insists on getting approval for everything he says is beyond me.

7) "I didn't want it to be my fault your dream didn't come true"
He ADMITS his motives weren't to help, but rather to asway his own guilt

8) "Tell him I'm sorry, tell him I want to pay for it"
With WHAT!?!?!?!

9) "You're gonna be dead meat!!!"
What high school grad (allegedly) uses this threat

And my favorite...
10) "Mr. Miaygi it's over, forget about it, I want to go home, I'm afraid...whimpering mumble....WELL I'M AFRAID OF HIM ALRIGHT!!!!"


by CaptainC05 2 days ago (Tue Jul 21 2009 08:54:36)

25 Romefan? Na pal...we can make it 100 no bother.

This is a great thread to rejuvanate the board romefan. Lets continue

10) "Then ill see you tonight, if thats ok with you?" - (firstly before he says this notice that he asks Jessica if shes busy tonight. She says no. Then he says the quote above. LaPusso is so thick and unskilled when it comes to woman that he doesnt realise that he doesnt have to say the 'if thats ok with you part'. This is because she has already stated that she isnt busy tonight and that should be the signal for lapusso to lead the situation like a man. Obviously its ok with her fool if she says she isnt busy! adding in that part shows that not only is he dumb, he cant lead a situation like a woman wants a man to as he feels the need to ask for permission. This is one of the biggest mistakes you can make with woman. But lapusso aint a real man anyway. Hes probably the biggest pussy that has been)

11) "I feel like the whole damn world is coming down on me!" (Wrong again dumbass. Its all in your head. The only thing that came down on you is Mike Barnes downward spinal heel kick which cracked off your spine and caused you to fall to the ground squelling and screaming like a little bitch in all that pain infront of all those people.

12) "Oh my god the trees in the water! i gotta get it! i gotta get it!" - (Whaaoo! Jessica is having the time of her life with this pathetic chump. why she risked her life for that complete waste of a male specimen is beyond all comprehension. Lapusso constantly viewed MiyaGays bonzai tree as far more important than banging Jessica or even more disgracefully, her life.)

13) "Im afraid! i just want to get out of here! i wanna go home!" - (after receiving a humiliating beating in a strictly officiated, 3 minute karate fight, with a crowd of people watching and your title at stake you are insisting in a girly high pitched scream that you are happy for your opponent (with whom you are terrified of) to take the title without fighting sudden death and that you want to go home and 'forget about it' while probably nursing the aiching bones. How we are expected to have any respect for this little bitch after his countless moaning episode is beyond reasoning.)


by TelecasterOne 2 days ago (Tue Jul 21 2009 09:42:49)

14)"Yes he will...YOU WON'T!" (followed by maniacal laughter)

15)"Tell me about it, I'm so thirsty I could drink a horse!" (besides the fact that this makes about as much sense as Daniel Johnston's lyrics, Danielle's date banter is more unnecessary than the condom in the back pocket of his mom jeans.)

16)"Mr. Miyagi, you're more important than college, you're more important than anything." (Mr. Miyagi, I'm ghey for you, I want you to hurt me with your sex.)

17)"We've got moves back there that you guys don't have here..." (like what, juggling soccer balls...more like, crying in the sand)


by MrBuzzcut 2 days ago (Tue Jul 21 2009 11:51:00)

18) "That's good."

Whineielle's pathetic attempt to win favor with Mr. Terry Silver upon first learning of the QuickSilver method.

On, no, Danny Boy.

It's great.

Very, very great.


by Shield24 2 days ago (Tue Jul 21 2009 12:14:45)

18) "I'm sorry I thought the lessons were for free"
OK Danny Boy, logic time! Mr. Silver, in all his sinister ruggedness, has just declared "you owe me a lot more than that". Our flaccid boy hero, in a herculean effort of stupidity, automatically assumes the means money. A sinister declaration would tell an average moron that Mr. Silver isn't really worried about the $35-$40 karate lessons would have cost in those days.

19) "the real estate lady said this neighborhood was up and coming, and I believe her"
In the year 1999, me and Mrs. Shield, with Shield9months and ShieldBaby on the way, went looking for a house. We found this really nice place, brand new as a matter of fact. Central air, central heat. Great school system. Overall nice place to live. However, we then met the neighbor. We met her as she was throwing dog-poo at the house, protesting its being built. Apparently, she argued it abutted 3-4 feet into her property. I thought for a moment about the pros and cons: air, heat, school, new. Then I weighed the negatives: Insane woman throwing feces. Not too hard to walk away from that one. The realtor even tried to salvage it in some way, I forgot what he said. I tell this story to point out that NO realtor is going to tell you the property is crap and you shouldn't buy it.

20) "I got some poor guys blood all over me"
What? Some guy bled on your sweatshirt and you're pissed? It was a thin grey sweatshirt! Wash it off or go get another one at the Goodwill


by TelecasterOne 2 days ago (Tue Jul 21 2009 12:24:53)

21) "You could've killed him...why didn't you then?" (three words, three syllables...what the FACK???)

22) "That was the guy that wants my title...I was hoping you woulda killed him." (one more for the road...WHAT THA PHUUUUCK?!?)

Danielle's level of intelligence is staggering.


by SuperOtaku 1 day ago (Tue Jul 21 2009 21:27:29)

23) "Maybe if I went as the invisible no one would see me." (still doesn't work)

24) "Why is that guy kneeling like that?"

25) "That guy doesn't know what karate is all about."

26) "Why doesn't she just lie to me."

Daniel would rather live happily in ignorance then to face the sad pathetic truths in his life.


by Shield24 1 day ago (Wed Jul 22 2009 03:39:28)

25) "That guy doesn't know what karate is all about."

That was Pat Donaghy Johnson. 60 pushups ON YOUR KNUCKLES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

by CaptainC05 1 day ago (Wed Jul 22 2009 05:13:28)

26) "This is gonna be wild!" - (Whats that lapusso? Going out on a platonic date with a girl with whom you have no desire to shag? No actually that actually constitutes an insufferable scenario for real men. Its certainly not wild fool"


by TelecasterOne 1 day ago (Wed Jul 22 2009 06:16:33)

27)"I want your karate and my karate to mean something." (My karate??? I'm sorry, you mean the hobby that you've been loosely experimenting with for the last nine months? That kind of entitlement reminds me of Dirk Diggler blowing up at Johnny Wadd on set.)


by MrBuzzcut 1 day ago (Wed Jul 22 2009 06:16:58)

27) "He's dead?"

No, Whineielle -- Mr. Terry Silver buried his best friend alive.



by TelecasterOne 1 day ago (Wed Jul 22 2009 06:33:20)

28) "That's the price of fame, Mr.'ll have to get used to it, woo hoo!"

While I want to give Danielle the benefit of the doubt here that he is exaggerating, the smile on his face leads me to believe that he puts stock in the thought that the Los Angeles Times are just around the corner waiting to interview him and set up voting for Sportsman of the Year while producers start casting Scott Baio to play him in the made for tv movie You're the Best Around: The Daniel LaRusso Story...what an a$$hole.


by Shield24 1 day ago (Wed Jul 22 2009 07:29:33)

"That kind of entitlement reminds me of Dirk Diggler blowing up at Johnny Doe on set"

Awesome reference. Pure reek-of-awesomeness reference. My hat is off to you. I did correct the quote.

For my money, one of the best, yet never discussed scenes in Boogie Nights is when Jack Horner makes the switch to videotape and he's editing the movie in the warehouse while talking to the fat guy with the beard. All you can see on screen is this hilarious close-up shot of Doe pointing a gun downwards. I always crack up at that scene.

Back to the subject at hand:

29) "If you had fought Sato, would your father have been referee?"
Newsflash, idiot! Not every streetfight needs a referee. I was exactly 13 when I saw this movie and knew, instantly, that Miaygi was talking about a fight to the death.

The following would have been a quote, but I'm positive it was cut from the movie:
"I know part of it that already does.....(moves in for kiss with Kumiko).....O.....O.....O........OOOO....oh jeez, I'm sorry. Um...this is a little embarassing. do I put this. I....ummm..."


by TelecasterOne 1 day ago (Wed Jul 22 2009 07:44:15)

Thank you Shield, I'm humbled (Doe, dammit!).

And just to make number 30 a reality...not sure if you've looked in on the HBO awesomeness that is Eastbound and Down, but episode 4 (the first season DVD just came out) has a special treat where Kenny Powers follows his highschool crush April Buchanon (aka April "Big Cannons") into her bedroom while at a cookout, starts making out with her, and prematurely blows it...and then tries to play it off by saying they shouldn't do this because he's concerned about her feelings! Hilarious! Check it out if you haven't...

31)"I hate this bike, this stupid bike, I HATE IT, etc..." (Because the first thing I do after getting jumped is project my weakness on inanimate objects...the bike didn't make you fall, Danielle)


by MrBuzzcut 1 day ago (Wed Jul 22 2009 08:34:40)

32) "I work for free."

Oh, no, Danny Boy. There are costs other than wages involved in your employment -- like replacing the entire inventory because you wouldn't "sign it".


by TelecasterOne 1 day ago (Wed Jul 22 2009 10:17:12)

33) "You guys don't go steppin' in front of any more buses, ok?"

Translation: Even though I'm lying my ass off in front of a girl to make myself look tough, we all really know that my Japanese handyman totally saved my ass from multiple contusions. I'm really glad we've made a deal that you guys won't hurt me until the tournament. Please don't make me hit myself with my own hand. My urine is very cold.


by Shield24 1 day ago (Wed Jul 22 2009 11:41:42)

"My urine is very cold"

And there goes my coffee....

by SuperOtaku 21 hours ago (Wed Jul 22 2009 15:55:08)

34) You're from Receda? I'm from Receda!

Daniel needs all the friends he can get. That includes hanging out with 10 year olds.

35) Looks pretty good, huh?

Even though he did a pi$$ poor job and didn't do both sides...


by arazi25 14 hours ago (Wed Jul 22 2009 23:05:52)

36) Can you break a log like that?

Can't dumbass Daniel tell a photo-shopped hype poster from real life? Its not really Sato chopping that telephone pole...its a damn cartoon stupid! WTF?
Haven't you seen a cartoon?

And despite that, hasn't dumbass witnessed Miyagi chop the damn tops off 3 long-neck Coors Light bottles? Now trees and bottles are different we know
but still

Hasn't Miyagi performed countless miracles by now? Why the hell wouldn't he be able to half a damn log you ignorant dweeb.

Why the hell would you ask some dumb crap like that?

Miyagi replies...don't know, never been attacked by tree.

Translation: Dumbass I can handle anything, any situation, why would I fear a goddam tree? You've seen me in living color...yet you are amazed by a damn photoshop poster of the voice of Cookie the Damn Monster chopping a damn imaginary cut and pasted on xerox copied red-wood tree! WTF? What do I have to do to impress you Daniel? Please...I want to know!

What is about Cookie Damn Monster chopping a fake log that impresses you so?


by arazi25 12 hours ago (Thu Jul 23 2009 01:15:58)

37) NA, NA, NA, Not at the 'Y' but a good school!

That one pissed me off so much

Ok, so the YMCA karate classes aren't good enough for Daniel. Not enough for a kid with no job, and no car and no people skills whatsoever? What impresses you Daniel? Not an orginization that was open to all races and colors...One that provided services for folks to take advantage of.

Wanna piss on the Villaige People Daniel? Maybe a loaded question...LOL

I'm sure any damn one of them would have kicked his ass all over Reseda..worse than Johnny.


by TelecasterOne 6 hours ago (Thu Jul 23 2009 07:07:12)

38) "Hey, they never laid a hand on me last year...just some elbows, maybe a few feet, I'll never forget that knee to the..."

Now, now Danielle...don't let your weak ass sense of humor cloud the truth. I seem to remember a Johnny Lawerence fist to the face, a Tommy jab to the ribs, a showdown with Dutch that wasn't fully disclosed, and a SLEW of hand to hand damage on the beach and behind the apartment complex on Halloween.

More delusional than David Brent...


by romefan123 2 hours ago (Thu Jul 23 2009 10:46:19)

This is easier than I had originally thought...

39) [When Chozen asks him, "You Sensei teach you to fight with speah?"

Daniel's pussy-boy cry of, "Naahhhooo..." looked like he was about to cry like a 5 yr old GIRL.

40) "Just catching up on some sit-ups." Huh? CATCHING up? I don't think that kid's done a sit-up since before the prom.

41) "We can go Dutch--it's refreshing." Do you mean you've STILL GOT Dutch on your mind, after that embarrassment in the locker room? If he came at me like that, I suppose I might, too. But then again, I don't REEK of weakness and flaccidity.

42) His query to Mr. Miyagi, upon their entrance into the All-Valley Tournament: "Can't you tell me anything?" Hey, *beep*-Stick! How about YOU researching the rules and regs of the most famous tournament in the Valley? Ever hear of the Library? Ever hear of GOOGLE? Ever hear of asking Allie? She's been to many of these, as support and confidant to the great Johnny Lawrence (until she turned traitor), you twit. Who do you THINK she was DATING all those years before YOU messed up things??

43) "Why am I so STUPID??" That's what WE'VE been asking...


by maixiu 2 hours ago (Thu Jul 23 2009 10:52:04)

Ok, so the YMCA karate classes aren't good enough for Daniel. Not enough for a kid with no job, and no car and no people skills whatsoever? What impresses you Daniel? Not an orginization that was open to all races and colors...One that provided services for folks to take advantage of.

I hadn't thought of that. What a stinking ingrate. I worked 2 years for the YMCA in Taiwan and have nothing but respect for that organization. They open their doors to the likes of Daniel-san; thousands wouldn't.


by romefan123 2 hours ago (Thu Jul 23 2009 10:58:47)

I worked for a YMCA too, coaching soccer and helping run summer camps. Have nothing but the utmost respect for this well-organized, affordable institution. Daniel, once again, wants everything handed to him.

He's a prima-donna--Sensei Kreese said it himself.


by TelecasterOne 2 hours ago (Thu Jul 23 2009 11:07:04)

44)"Live or die, man? Wrong...HONK!"
Two things, what kind of grand delusion is Danielle "The Terminator" LaPusso operating under if he thinks that one of his open hand strikes will KILL Chozen...more like, only injure his hand...and two, stop copying Miyagi, get your own original comic relief excuse for not knocking out the bad guy, you skinny waste of sperm and egg!

45)"I didn't even know you had a father..."
As if to rudely say, huh...I thought you were so effin' old that your pop would have kicked the bucket two decades ago!



by MrBuzzcut 1 hour ago (Thu Jul 23 2009 11:55:19)

Ironically, Whineielle probably ended up living at the Y.


by Shield24 51 minutes ago (Thu Jul 23 2009 12:29:38)

Not so much a quote, but more like an action that really would've pissed me off:

Assuming it'd be OK to just buy a plane ticket and fly to Okinawa with a guy who CLEARLY has more pressing issues than babysitting your flaccid mushy @$$. Among them:

1. Tending to a DYING father
2. Getting geared up for the final battle with Sato (he knew it was coming)
3. Maybe, just maybe, get some nukie from Yukie

I've got this retarded 8 year old kid living across the street (not actually retarded, but you get my drift). I dread the day this kid was born because he's whinny, a brat, obnouxious and his parents don't keep an eye on him. He thinks Shields 9 & 10 want to hang out with him, so he's at my house at all hours of the AM and PM. Nothing I hate more than cutting my grass and seeing this kid stroll across the street and asking me a bunch of question I have no idea the answers to (something about something called Bakugon and his bike with no front wheel).I can relate to what Mia-gay must have felt like just as he boarded the plane ("see fatha...see Sato...make amends...see Yukie...long time....what the christ?....ahhh fragin $h!t my christ, this pantload again.


by arazi25 15 minutes ago (Thu Jul 23 2009 13:05:54)

46) It may be GREAT for YOU but it SUCKS for ME....I hate this place..etc.

This fool can't even be happy for his damn mom. Can't even be happy and grateful that mom is finally making some progress in the world. No...he cant
be happy about that. He's only distressed about how terrible he is socially. So he blames his environment. Blames California. Blames mom.

Daniel has absolutely no social skills, no street skills. Ironically for a city kid, a terrible survival instinct also. The fight with Johnny could have been avoided easily and with grace.

Anywhere in the United States this child would have gotten his ass kicked.

This quote should be re-written as such. "IT MAY BE GREAT FOR YOU, BUT I SUCK."



God, I wish someone had saved the original "Watch-along" we did back in the summer of, I believe, 2008. That was a true Kai original.


by Kotter7579 6 days ago (Thu Jul 23 2009 14:59:06)

47. "What am I doing????" (as he buries face in hand as if he's really really pondering about what he's doing)
Talk about not selling the viewer that you are really concerned about the situation!!

Also, not a quote but an unforgettable um, move ... the dance with the hawaiian shirt !!!! Terry Silver should have blown his cover by cracking up lounder than ever since he witnessed and heard the worst "dance" on the planet.


by Hotwyre6 6 days ago (Fri Jul 24 2009 00:39:46)

48. "Have some pie, I made it myself"

Well, he's disrespected the YMCA, his mother, Mr Miyagi, the entire Cobra Kai organization, Freddie Fernandez, and the school that the taxpayers of California - a state to which he has not contributed any revenue, and his mother has not had time enough to do so in any measurable degree - have provided him access so he can get an education. One might think that this is enough, but not for the bottomless pit of disrespect that is Daniel LaRusso. LaRusso even goes and takes credit for something into which a hard working cafeteria employee probably put a healthy dose of pride and joy.


by romefan123 6 days ago (Fri Jul 24 2009 10:23:00)

For sure. That mutton-head was a continual drain on society. His continual, incessant WHINing made him utterly unlike-able. But his lack of GRATITUDE is what seals the deal with me. You little piss-ant, LaRusso, you!

49) "Yeah, well, I just dont' understand the rules here and I wanna go home, so why can't we just go home?"

See, Daniel, maybe they tolerated your overplay on other guy's girls there in Jawsey, but see, here in California, one doesn't get inVOLVED in other people's affairs, and stays CLEAR of their woman. Might have worked when you were dating 12 yr olds, but HS seniors don't tolerate that crud. The RULES haven't changed--your interpretation of those rules is what is lacking.

50) "It's tickets to the Underground, it's a nightclub--it's for on your last night here."

Doesn't this twerp think that Jessica has any packing to do? How about maybe getting a good night's sleep, before traveling 3,500 miles? How about saying good-bye to her Aunt, who she's staying with and is related to, and spending time with her? Why is this kid so flippin' pushy all the time? Then, he goes and blows it anyway, by ruining the night with a cheap-shot to some poor dope who's only crime was complimenting "his" girl...and no, Daniel...she WASN'T with YOU, you stupid twerp!



by Hotwyre6 5 days ago (Fri Jul 24 2009 16:52:34)

(Because the first thing I do after getting jumped is project my weakness on inanimate objects...the bike didn't make you fall, Danielle)

Just a side note on this... but Danielle had the best bike in the world for that hill. Setting aside the fact that he's a little old to be riding a BMX, it was still the most capable bike for that kind of gradient and terrain. But does Danielle grip down on the handle bars, lean back like a champ racer and become master of the territory, bunny hopping over obstacles and table topping when the situation calls for it? No, like the total sack that he is, his knees come as close together as the bike will allow, he pedals lackadaisically, and hits 4 cm bump that sends him sprawling.

I think that's the part that gets me the most. Any 11 year old who is beginning on BMX riding that takes a spill understands that it's part of the experience (but they wouldn't lose it trying to negotiate an anthill like Danielle did). A beginner gets up, dusts off, fixes his bike, washes his scrapes, and forgets about it. Not LaRusso. He's got to throw a tantrum about it and ditch a bike most underprivileged kids would be grateful to have.

by Hotwyre6 5 days ago (Fri Jul 24 2009 17:07:55)

Easy 50. Here's to an easy 50 more.

Here's one that always bugged me.

51. (After Miyagi explains his father taught him karate) "I thought he was a fisherman."

Is there some sort of Venn diagram in the LaRusso universe that determines that fighters and fisherman are elements of disjoint sets? Because last I checked, a guy who trains to throw punches doesn't suddenly lose the ability to cast a net into the water.

I mean, my old man taught me how to box. But wait, in LaRussoland, this is impossible. "I thought he was a car salesman!" It's really not hard to confuse this chump, is it?


by romefan123 5 days ago (Sat Jul 25 2009 10:27:36)

So so true. In fact, it may have inspired me to come up with yet another list, entitled, "The ingratitude of Daniel LaRusso". But for now, we'll work on this list:

52) "Sunglasses? Mom, it's California, it's the look".

No, Daniel. Wrong decade.
The sunglasses look was more like the 70's, fool.

53) "Isn't this a little extreme, Sir, I mean..."

Extreme situations call for extreme measures.

54) "Damn it...damn it, I should have known. I should have known with this guy. I should have know."

You're right. You should have.


by Hotwyre6 3 days ago (Sun Jul 26 2009 20:55:45)

55. "Oh, that's just this voice in my head telling me I gotta be crazy to be talking to you."

I can almost excuse this one because I'm actually thinking it might be true. Daniel has most likely suffered a certain level of brain damage from the many poundings his noggin has taken, and might be exhibiting symptoms.

But come on, Danielle, if you know the voice is in your head, you don't need to vocalize your response then, do you? All I have to say is he better really be hearing voices, or you can throw in "mockery of the mentally ill" to the many list of questionable activities in which Danielle has engaged.


by romefan123 3 days ago (Mon Jul 27 2009 10:02:22)

56) In response to his mother's plea to take off his sunglasses, and show his baby-browns: "Are you on something?"

Daniel: "Yeah, I'm on Minute-Maid."

What a little snot. His mother gets up at the crack of dawn to fire up some eggs and toast and juice for the kid (not like he's in THIRD grade, he's allegedly a HS senior, I thought...but then again, why is he only 16, this all I can't figure out), and does he appreciate his mother's kind gesture? NOOOoooo. Fact of the matter is, he blows her off and tries to high-tail his way out of there, ignoring his mother's repeated requests.

57) "I grew up on Macaroni & Cheese!" + "I give eleven."

That whole episode sealed this kid's fate. His over-enthusiasm and zealousness of a rather routine and mundane situation...and then lying about his ranking of her mac&cheese, may well have been the pivotal point that brought many of us to this board, and ultimately, joining forces with the Kai. In no other scene can I recall did this Dip-Stick look so goofy, so flaccid, and so corny.


by Kotter7579 2 days ago (Mon Jul 27 2009 13:53:56)

Whinelle, speaking to Miyagi:

58. We have time; I didn't want to make it seem like we had to sign the application today or anything.....

Oh Really?? This from the boy who sounds like he downed a few bags of Starburst and a pound of skittles judging by his chit chat speed? There was no hurry? Now he steps back after babbling on and on about the "new rule" and how he had it memorized on his way to gleefully thinking Miyagi would sign the bleepin' form in a matter of seconds. He practically ran over everything in his pot belly path to get Miyagi to sign it and then was SO BUMMED (laughably to us of course) that he did not.

THEN, when Daniel returned later and gets the blank app handed back to him, he goes

59. "YOU SIGNED IT?!?! YOU SIGNED IT?!?! You didn't sign it..."

Ah, bliss. This thread rocks more than it "being open season on him....and you!"

**nose honk**


by TelecasterOne 2 days ago (Mon Jul 27 2009 14:13:09)

60. "She's beautiful, I think she's beautiful, I think she's something else..."

Was there some kind of running theme to have Danielle constantly talking to himself?! Was this evidence for all his later erratic behavior that he had mental problems?

Or was it just to reiterate that he was a toolbag in a new town with no friends (not even Freddy)?


by Hotwyre6 2 days ago (Tue Jul 28 2009 00:43:19)

You know, that bike scene just keeps on giving, too.

Lucille: Daniel what's wrong?

61. Danielle: "NAAAHHHHTHIIIING!!!!!"

I just couldn't stand the nasally way he says this. Sure, I might have said something that way when I was 8. Not (allegedly) 18. Like he's gonna fool Lucille that nothing's wrong.

Lucille: Why'd you throw you're bicycle away?

62. Danielle: "Because I felt like it, alright?"

Yeah, you probably "felt like" getting thrown off the soccer pitch, "felt like" you were too good for the Cobra Kai studio, etc. Yea, Danielle, everything is going right your way as a result of all the awesome choices you make. Chucking your bike in the dumpster is just one more triumph on the list of decisions that's gonna rocket you to success.


by Kotter7579 1 day ago (Tue Jul 28 2009 13:34:36)

63. This is the 80s; you can't be so dam passive!

WHAT??? Is Danielle the key point person on aggressive behavior in this amazing decade which this takes place in? Is he also the expert on the 70s as well, when he wore 70s blue and brown "Fonz" T-shirts which were too tight as he longed to be him 24/7?

A 12-year old Benjamin Linus just brought me a sandwich. How do you think I'm doing?


by TelecasterOne 1 day ago (Wed Jul 29 2009 07:54:23)

64. This one is a combination:

(to the tourney announcer) "Mi-ya-gi do...Mi-ya-gi do karate!"


(to the mailman) "Excuse me, Miya-GI!"

Danielle becomes such a prick as he gets offended that people can't pronounce MiyaGAY's name right...even though it took him like FOUR tries to get it right himself. Does he show any understanding for the common mistake that he struggled with? Oh no, he acts like someone just anal raped his grandmother while pouring sugar in his gas tank...all confrontational and pretentious.



by TelecasterOne 1 day ago (Wed Jul 29 2009 08:51:04)

65. "I found out that these real bonsai trees go for around $10,000...we get this tree and Mr. Miyagi will be set for life"...or something like that...

I'm sorry, when did 10k set anyone for life??? Of course, this is par for the course when it comes to Danielle's financial prowess, but's not like he and Miyagi had the foresight to invest that money in Microsoft or Southwest Airlines. The money would've been gone in 18 months after they squandered it on Devry tuition, warm Sapporo, and nipple clamps.


by ILoveJourney2004 1 day ago (Wed Jul 29 2009 09:16:47)

<The shower scene after the AVKT '84.>.

66."Mr. Miyagi, I was thinking...That we should come up with some kind of strategy...My future, my whole tournament career."

No comment as this quote speaks for itself.


by TelecasterOne 1 day ago (Wed Jul 29 2009 09:38:24)

67. "I have a chance to become champion again, all I have to do is put my name to it."

Riiiiiiiiiight, more like a chance to get your ass kicked again


by romefan123 1 day ago (Wed Jul 29 2009 10:05:41)

67.5) (A shoot-off of #63)

"Hey, it's the 80s!"

Yeah, no sh it, Sherlock. Daniel, once again, repeating himself. No new material ever. What is it with this jaggoff that he insists upon saying the same things, and telling people what decade it is?

68) [From the soundtrack] "You're the best,...aaaaaROUUUND!"

No he's not. If I'm a betting man, I put my house on Daniel 99 times out of 100 losing that match to Johnny. In fact, I still don't believe he won, since there are no blows to the head allowed. Should have been disqualified.


Further evidence that Pat Johnson was on the take.

69) "There, okay? I signed it. I signed it! Now, you want it? You gotta work for it, pull us up! Come on, man!"

Boy, did they EVER have to work. He's one heavy wimp.

70) "Uh, well, uh, ummm, I I I ... I gotta go back, I forgot something, my math book, I I I I'll meet you up, up there..."

No Daniel. You didn't forget anything, save your balls. You left them on the beach your 2nd night in sunny California.

I think Dutch ran over them with his bike.


by MrBuzzcut 1 day ago (Wed Jul 29 2009 10:06:12)

71.) "... the defending champion only needs to fight in the final match. Isn't that great? That limits my fights to just one."

Just one? Thanks for clarifying that for the audience, Whineielle.



by TelecasterOne 1 day ago (Wed Jul 29 2009 10:23:35)

72. "You got a new foot in there for me?"

Danielle's attempt at humor is actually pretty gross.

73. "This guy is different...I don't know, I'll show you sometime, let's ROCK AND ROLL!!!"

Yeah, we all know that Mr. Silver was a mastermind, but this exchange between Danielle and Jessica just shows how disloyal Danielle is to Miyagi, someone who has given him everything...and then it shows him reverting back to his cheesy-ass Rick Astley-wannabe self.


"Ow? Ow is not an acceptable kiai in this dojo, Mr. LaRusso."
- Mr. Terry Silver


by ILNi 11 hours ago (Thu Jul 30 2009 01:38:32)

74. "Oh yeah. Let me try. Oh come on just one turn, please. Oh common, you gotta. One turn. Please."

Here Whineielle sounds exactly, once again, like Sensei Shields 8 year old retarded neighbor across the street. I actually really sympathized with Miyagi when Whineielle nags him to let him try the "drum technique". Had Whineielle been killed by the swinging hook (or whatever it was), poor Mr. Miyagi would have been responsible for his death and nobody would probably believe him how much Whineielle was nagging him. Exactly what Tele said... Dick.

75. "Kooomehko."

It's not Kooomehko you dick. It's Ku-mi-ko! Kumiko!

76. "Carrots right?"

I really don't think Ichiro needs your English translation of a carrot, or for that matter, needing your help putting the carrots back into his wheelbarrow. The man has probably worked on a farm for 14 hours everyday of his life and the last thing he needs is some morbidly flacid Jersey kid thinking the "white man's burden" still applies and that he needs your help with anything.

by MrBuzzcut 6 hours ago (Thu Jul 30 2009 06:44:34)

Great stuff all around!

There's got to be some way to get the link to this board to Macchio ...


by MrBuzzcut 6 hours ago (Thu Jul 30 2009 06:55:31)

77) "Nice truck."

Initially, one has the inclination to despise El Flaccido even more for what seems to be a barb aimed at the far superior Mr. Terry Silver.

However, sarcasm requires a certain amount of intellect, and throughout the series Whineielle has proven to be about as intelligent as the bonsai tree he nearly destroys.

In this instance we can take Danny Boy's words at face value: where he comes from and where he "works" for free -- the ghetto -- that really IS a nice truck.


by TelecasterOne 4 hours ago (Thu Jul 30 2009 08:14:23)

78) "Why not this time?"

Danielle, gesturing to the wicked slide at Golf 'N Stuff, must feel like a dumba$$ when Ali points out that they don't have bathing suits ("oh yeah...BATHING suits!")...why was Ali hanging out with this tool???

79) "To little trees..."

Miyagi makes a toast and yells BANZAI...of course, Danielle thinks he's toasting to plants.

Does his stupidity know no bounds??? Kids with massive brain injuries have a better grip on logic than this flaccid vacuum.


by Kotter7579 2 hours ago (Thu Jul 30 2009 10:15:01)

80. "You mean she hit him??"

*Now* he gets it. Oohhhhhhh.

Sidenote - the scene where he's kicking the brick at Ali's house. First, putting in the effort to kick said brick and then making it fall off!!
(Did Ali's dad later issue a beatdown to the wife becasue she didn't get it fixed? Boy was he MAAAAD !!! lol)
Seriously, why would you start doing that while trying to make a good first impression????? And it's happening in a neighborhood where poping the clutch is about to overtake the brick incident as a supreme moment on Danielle's personal most embarassing top ten list of things that happened to him during his first 5 months in his new hometown.


by romefan123 (Fri Jul 31 2009 09:45:38)

81) "Yeah, well, I only hear what's worth listening to."

Way to antagonize the one guy in all of Okinowa who wants to pulverize your ass worse than anybody, Fruit-Cake.

82) "Oh, yeah, a couple times."

So Freddy asks him if he's ever "used his Karate". What Karate? What couple of times? He's never used Karate in his life, except a couple of cheap-0 lessons at the "Y", by his own admission. Started his friendship with Freddy right off with A) an assault; and, B) a lie.


by CaptainC05 (Sun Aug 2 2009 12:49:40)

Arite boys

Just like to say even as i am sitting here on holiday in Bulgaria for the week i have probably spent 40 pounds, or 90 lev (the equivelant of apprx 22 hours) on internet usage in my hotel solely for the purpose of coming on this board and laughing my ass off at the continued brilliance and ingenious regarding the ripping and pisstaking of Wheinelle LaPusso that you guys have produced. But rest assured even tho i have spent nearly 1 day out of my 7 here reading this board instead of sunnying myself on the beach i have been taking care of business on the woman encounter with a stunning Bulgarian girl working at the Aquapark, the quality of game and wittyness of chat i had to produce just to pull her was of a standard that i am incapable of reaching on a regular basis. The closest Whienelle LaPusso would get to a girl of such culture and beauty considering his lack or complete inexistence of game regarding woman is through his internet screen!

If yous get a chance boys then come to eastern europe. You will not be able to deal with the woman here im telling you! Hot doesnt even begin to explain it.

Anyway onto mine now. my apologies if its been done before..

"Im sorry if you dont like, it but ive got problems and if your not gonna be part of the solution dont give me a hard time about it!" in a squelly high pitched voice to Miyagays face.

Im sure all of yous are disgusted with the ignorance of our flaccid boy hero here. Miyagay allows him to stay in his house, a big room, eat his food, drink his drink, usage of shower etc etc for absolutely free and this is how he repays him! the selfishness and immaturity of the boy is inmesearable!


by jrwbtw (Sun Aug 2 2009 16:18:33)

If I were Terry Silver (and I'm not saying I'm not), before your vacation I would have said:

"Have a good trip, Captain!"

Been to Prague 4 times now, but not to Bulgaria yet.


by Kotter7579 (Mon Aug 3 2009 10:12:24)


This one not a quote, but a key moment when Whinielle is completely losing it at a hilarious pace:

**SLAM** goes the phone, as Whinielle gets pissed at the ER Nurse who probably hasn't had a break during a long night of dealing with ER issues. Imagine if it wasn't an old school phone, but a cell ---- he would have had that same PO'd face and anger going on as he pressed the end call button instead of getting the SLAM satisfaction!!

The last thing that poor nurse on the other end of his hysterical phone call needs is some blabbermouth hothead insisting that HE did it, that HE wants to talk to him, tell him I did it, and that he'll pay for it. She should have said, "Go ahead with your credit card number and 3 digit security code on the back"....I'm ready when you are!
or "what was your pin number again?"


by striderwind (Mon Aug 3 2009 14:43:44)

While Danny boy is marooned at the bottom of Devils Cauldron we're treated to this gem:

83) We're dead? Yeh well this guys dead. Hey, your dead man! You're dead. You want me to sign it? Fine, fine, I'll sign it. We'll get in the ring and see who's laughing then huh. We'll see who's falling then, you're gonna be dead meat.

BWAAAHAHAHAHAHAHHA! The stupidity of this quote needs no explanation.


by Hotwyre6 (Mon Aug 3 2009 17:36:24)

I think we can go ahead and count this as quote number 84. It's gay, it's stupid, and it's from Danielle, so I think it fits the criteria just fine.


by romefan123 (Mon Aug 3 2009 22:36:29)

85) "With just a LITTLE bit left over for repairs, if we're careful."

What...$40? Just how far do you think you can stretch your "college fund" Daniel? This guy is as good at finance as he is at Karate.

86) "You're the best friend I ever had."

Say WHAT? He's known the guy since...what...Halloween? Maybe...two months? If that's the best that Daniel can do, he's worse off than we think. And, news-flash,'re not "Pretty okay, too". You're a dweeb.

87) "Look, I'm not looking for any trouble."

"Maybe trouble looking fo you."


by ILNi (Mon Aug 3 2009 23:17:48)

88) "So, what are you going to do now?"

What a perfect question to ask someone who just lost his job and means of income you freaking jerk. Mr. Miyagi, expecting to still have a job when he comes home from Okinawa and spends most of his income/supplies on building a house for Yukie, the jerk Whineielle still finds it in his flacid head to ask Mr. Miyagi this question. The last thing you want to hear when you lose a job is what are you going to do now? It would especially hit hard for Mr. Miyagi being Japanese and the whole honor thing. Ohhhhhh but Whineielle solves it all by throwing away his college education and crossing to the right side of the tracks to lease The Crap Shack.

89) "The fish, the fish will be fine. It's not going any place. That fish is dead."

*beep* you Daniel, just *beep* you. The poor man Miyagi, having no money to spend on food, spends the whole freaking day fishing scrambling for any food and calories he can get. Furthermore, he prepares the succulent fish just in time for when Whineille comes home. But does the flacid boy hero appreciate such a proud and amazing gesture from Mr. Miyagi? No! He instead lets a days work of poor Mr. Miyagi's go to waste by literally dragging him away from the only meal he has probably had in the last 48 hours to show him "opportunity knocking". All in all, another failed attempt at humor by Daniel.


by JMFOX (Tue Aug 4 2009 03:22:49)

The infamous "Yes he will, you won't" line

also, "I'm sorry but Mr Silver you can't make me do something I don't wanna do"



by Hotwyre6 (Tue Aug 4 2009 03:39:38)

90. "Get out of my way!" This line of dialog might not appear so bad until one looks at it and realizes just how weasel like Danielle really is here. This is a really good example of the difference in the way the Cobra Kai and Danielle see the world. Danielle sees people in "his" way. Basically, he runs screaming saying "Clear the path so I can get through. Move so my safety isn't compromised."

It's a subtle but important distinction when the Kai yell "get out of the way." The Kai are warning others that there's trouble coming and it's in the best interest of the bystanders to clear out of the danger zone. The Kai surely could clear the way brutishly if they felt the need to; as if those other students could stop them. Of course, John Kreese's students are made of better stuff than that, and not being inclined to abuse their superior martial capabilities, they shout a warning well ahead of time in order to ensure no others are victims of Danielle's horse play.

91. "It's coming around." Yes, Danielle, it is. In a most just way.

Of course, before he gets his comeuppance, Danielle has to hand a female a weapon in order to cover his escape so he can risk her safety as well in order to make sure that he is safe. Fortunately, the Kai let this particular incident go as Ali is clearly influenced by Danielle "As-long-as-my-own-sorry-hide-is-preserved-I-don't-care-what-happens-to-anyone-else" LaRusso.


by MrBuzzcut (Tue Aug 4 2009 06:57:37)

90. "Get out of my way!" This line of dialog might not appear so bad until one looks at it and realizes just how weasel like Danielle really is here.

91) In a similar vein is "Get out of the way!" from KK3.

Old Linguine Arms' legendary clumsiness has sent Miyagi's little tree plummeting to the briny surf below.

As you stated, Whineielle sees Jessica as a hindrance to his stupid business plan, and nearly sends her to a watery grave in his haste to retrieve a stupid plant.

This reminds me of George Costanza's brazen cowardice in "The Fire": every man, woman, child and invalid to himself!



by maixiu (Tue Aug 4 2009 07:02:51)



by maixiu (Tue Aug 4 2009 07:31:16)

92) Hey, this school sucks, man. It SUCKS!"

Dutch's reaction to this says it all. It's pretty sad when the "hero" of a movie is being mocked by an arch-villain and the viewer understands that it's well-deserved. The school sucked? Why? Because they don't expect soccer players to be such poor sports that they sucker punch a would-be teammate for a stiff yet legal (Bobby clearly got a touch on the ball) tackle?

Beyond that, can you imagine Danielle's point of comparison, his school back in Newark? One can safely assume that it was all peeling paint, crumbling mortar, and backed up plumbing. Most of the students carried shivs they made in shop, so that they could circumvent the metal detectors at the doors. Out in California their lockers are outside for Christ's sake! But to a fungus like Daniel that means the school sucks.


by romefan123 (Tue Aug 4 2009 09:28:25)

Maixiu, counting your splendid observation, and including a few gems from other Kai that hadn't numbered their entries, we're actually up to 94 now. Here, is the 95th example:

95) "He's dead?"

No, Daniel. When Sensei Silver said that he buried John last week, what he meant was, he kicked his ass two outta three in foose-ball, you dolt! Mr. Command of the Obvious was really in rare form in this one. Note the look of...not sorrow or regret...but RE-----lief on Daniel's mug upon hearing the tragic news.

But like the Phoenix rising from the ashes in Phoenician mythology, the greatest Karate Man I have EVER know, Sensei John Kreese, of the Kobra Kai Dojo, reappears, much to the chagrin of the Boy-Wonder. The look of sheer terror on Daniel's face, when Kreese pops out from behind his FatHead, makes the movie, in one man's opinion.


by TelecasterOne (Tue Aug 4 2009 09:50:14)

96) "Check out that chicken...he's WILD!!!"

Ah no, Danielle, he's not...he's an a$$hole and he's about to break a real egg all over your Rick Springfield wannabe hairdo.

After watching the trilogy, it's evident that Danielle's perception of "wild" can be summed up as anything slightly out of the ordinary since the wildest thing he ever did back in Jersey was eat some mac 'n cheese with one hand while playing Space Panic on his ColecoVision with the other.

At this point, flossing with Miyagi's pubes would be "wild" for Danielle.

"Ow? Ow is not an acceptable kiai in this dojo, Mr. LaRusso."
- Mr. Terry Silver


by Kotter7579 (Tue Aug 4 2009 13:21:55)

Stated earlier, at #89: "The fish, the fish will be fine. It's not going any place. That fish is dead."
Thank yoU!!!! yeah!! I thought of that one and now it's righfully enshrined here, on the greatest board EVER on the IMDB!

97. I hit the curb, the curb hit me!!

Translation --- winner, CURB .... or actually winner is JOHNNY due to that helluva shiner. GO KAI GO!!


by ILoveJourney2004 (Wed Aug 5 2009 05:25:07)

98. "Hey whatever happened, I apologized.".

This one has to be the lamest. So you did, hunh? When did you apologize for insulting Chozen's honor? I can't seem to recall LaPusso ever apologizing to anyone for anything. Except for Ali, so that he could commit the most disgusting liplocking in the history of motion cinema.


by maixiu (Wed Aug 5 2009 06:06:35)

I defer to no one in my distaste for Daniel Larusso, that's well-documented on this board, but clearly you've never seen The Paper Chase Guy smear his fishy lips over Persis Khambatta in Warrior of the Lost World.


by ScummyTattoos (Wed Aug 5 2009 06:29:00)

99. "No, you have to be strong here (points to head), not here (points to flaccid bicep)"

Speaking louder than the din of the cheering crowd in the gambling joint, Daniel manages to insult a U.S. soldier...

"What you think you can do better, hot shot? huh?"
"Well..I dunno" Daniel stammers, realizing that his big mouth has gotten him into trouble yet again. Instead of secret of Myagi family karate, LaPusso should "ask drum" to teach him some badly needed social skills.


by romefan123 (Wed Aug 5 2009 07:07:28)

As per usual, Sensei CaptainC05 was bang-on that this thread could strike 100 (giving the Terry Silver salute in the truck). I'll take the honors myself:

100) "Mr. Miyagi, look, seriously...I don't stand a chance against this guy if you don't train me."

Daniel, apparently, you didn't stand a chance even WITH Miyagi training you. Only thing that kept you from total anihilation was the "Quick-Silver" training you so generously received from magnanimous Sensei Silver.'re gonna use that Kata-crap? Wake up and SMELL THE COFFEE MR. LARUSSO! LAST TIME YOU WEREN'T FIGHTING THIS!

Fine thread boys and girls, one for the archives.

by TelecasterOne (Wed Aug 5 2009 07:28:21)

Let's keep this misery going, shall we?

101) "I've been my mother's partner for years!"

Danny, Danny, Danny...

Lines like this make it apparent that Danielle is content with going home after a date and attempting to fck the sleeve of his favorite jacket.


by CaptainC05 (Thu Aug 6 2009 10:48:20)

I appreciate your acknowledgement of my forecast that we would clear the 100 mark Sensei Romefan. Sensei Captain? i could get used to that lol!

102: What you kidding, im a free agent!" (in response to Kumikos question on whether he has a bird).

A rather desperate, pathetic and hugely attraction killing statement by the boy hero himself. Never heard of playing hard to get Whienelle? that response has 'unorginional and boring' written all over it fool


by Hotwyre6 (Thu Aug 6 2009 23:01:44)

103. "Weeks? What, one week, five weeks, how many weeks is weeks?"

This one stands out merely for its concentrated stupidity. "Weeks" is plural, numbskull. So it's pretty obvious it isn't going to be one week, now is it? Again, this is the same scene where the brain damage he suffers from Johnny's ghetto beat down flares up most prominently. Unfortunately, it seems Mr. Lawrence only further wounded the portion of Danielle's brain which governs impulse control, because that only appears to degrade as the film series progresses.


by ILoveJourney2004 (Fri Aug 7 2009 05:47:20)

(After LaPusso incites the peasant farmer uprising against Chozen).

104. "Call me sometime when you're not so busy."

Maybe Daniel was under the impression that Sato, like Kreese, gave Chozen a "cease fire" order and that he was free to make smart ass comments like he did to Johnny and company about stepping in front of buses.

Boy, was HE wrong!


by romefan123 (Fri Aug 7 2009 19:26:12)

Keep this up, and we'll hit TWO hundred...

105) "I used to be my mother's dance partner."

Admitting to women that you're trying to score with and mentioning that you're a momma's boy defies all logic. Perhaps this is why this kid is 0-3. Allie dumped him for a real man. Kumiko ends up "making up some story" about a dance school, when in Part II, she claimed there WEREN'T any "schools like that here". Of course, Daniel, being the sucker that he is, believes both stories.

Finally, Jessica "claims" she and her boyfriend were "Pretty dumb about it and are talking about getting back together blah blah blah." Who's BUYING this story? It's like playing cards with my brother's kids, or something.

106) Miyagi: "Not everything is as seem."
Daniel: "Oh, bullsh it, I'm going home, man."

What a mouthy little twit. Here we have Miyagi telling him that he IS learning something, but of course, Daniel has to wise off to his betters, a theme common throughout this series. He questions Miyagi. He questions Johnny. He questions Sensei Silver. He questions Jessica. The kid is a Doubting Thomas.


by Shield24 (Fri Aug 7 2009 20:04:23)

107) "Why, so bonehead can knock more of it out of me?"
A rude response to Jessica Andrews' imploring him that needed to buid up his wind.

OK, reality check here, guys. Let's review for a minute what JEssica Andrews has endured in probably 4 weeks of knowing our flaccid boy hero:
1. Being forced to pay for her share on the platonic date. Social graces are completely lost on Whineielle. A man, in a first-time social situation with a female, ALWAYS pays the way. That is how it is done because (HOLY CRAP ODD CONCEPT ABOUT TO FOLLOW) maybe the girl can be won over with a little charm and generosity. Ever think about that Danny Boy?

2. Being patronized like she's retarded. "Hey you know what I like!!!" D!ckh3ad, it's mac ans cheese. Shield9 makes one hell of a bowl of it and he's NINE!!! (I do boil the water for him, by the way).

3. Kicked in the stomach after showing more cajones that Daniel in standing up to Snake and Mike. Oooooo...Daniel took out Dennis. Snake was going in for the kill before Ms. Andrews stopped him. Let me rephrase that: JESSICA ANDREWS SAVED DANIEL FROM AN EVEN MORE HORRIBLE BEATING! For her efforts, she is kicked.

4A. After paying $15 for a Cobb salad, being talked to like she's retarded and kicked, she then DESCALES A CLIFF trying to help Daniel. Before their descent, she (and bear in mind, she barely knows Miaygi) suggests that maybe he might not approve of their removing the tree. Daniel completely ignores her attempt at reason. I ask you: who was right in this matter, Daniel or Jessica?

4B. She is almost gang-raped. I saw The Accused. I lived 25 minutes from Big Dan's in New Bedford, MA. Gang rape is about as bad as it gets for a woman.

...through it all, she still tries to help Daniel train.

THIS is the way he responds to her training advice.

I hate him.


by Hotwyre6 6 days ago (Sun Aug 9 2009 03:09:45)

Whineielle sees Jessica as a hindrance to his stupid business plan, and nearly sends her to a watery grave in his haste to retrieve a stupid plant.

You're right Buzzcut, I hadn't remembered that scene until now. He's screaming to her to "get out of the way" even though she's the superior climber in every way (I've no doubt that any of the Cobra Kai members could have Aussie rappelled their way to the tree in seconds but that's another topic).

If he had just let Jessica get the tree herself the scene wouldn't have taken 20 minutes. But because LaRusso had to be baby-stepped through a process that 200+ Marine recruits learn from a ten minute formation lecture every week, LaRusso gives Barnes far more than enough time to put him at his mercy (not that Barnes has any, and not that it takes but a split second anyway).


by ILNi 4 days ago (Mon Aug 10 2009 23:02:40)

108) "I did pretty well with it last time."

Last time Lapusso? Last time? Apparently you don't remember attempting that "crane crap" against Mr. Chozen Taguchi. Even after a full day sake binge and having weakened reflexes as a result... Chozen easily reads, intercepts, and counterattacks such a worthless kick.

109) "I'm the guy who broke his nose, I just need to talk to him, I need to tell him I'm sorry."

Why be apologetic? Whineielle did the right thing, he had no choice. He should have taken a Kenny Powers like mentality when being asked about breaking the guys nose and said, "You're gddamn right I did. I was aiming for his fking nose!" Wishful thinking, I know.

110) "See ya around old fella."

Nice departing words Whineielle. See ya around old fella? Really? You almost killed (in a multitude of ways) a near priceless Japanese tree that Mr. Miyagi probably illegally transported from his homeland and strategically placed on a cliff so NOBODY would touch it. Not to mention a hefty 10k price tag for the tree. If the tree could talk, it would simply say, "Fck off, jerk."


by ILoveJourney2004 4 days ago (Tue Aug 11 2009 00:07:59)

MIYAGI: "Mr. Silver!

<Terry turns around>.

MIYAGI: "Very sorry to hear about death of friend".

<five second pause. Miyagi almost nudges Whinelle>.

111. "Oh too".

WTF! Sorry to end your silent celebration Danny Boy, but while Miyagi is trying to offer basic human compassion to a stranger, you could switch off your mental masturbation session of imagining John Kreese dead to respond a bit more timely.

As Buzzcut would say, "Jerk".



by CaptainC05 4 days ago (Tue Aug 11 2009 02:57:29)

112) "Why do i have to do it with this thing?"

Indicisive and unconvicting as ever Lapusso has the audacity to question a crucial component of the Quicksilver Training Regime Lesson 1 and insult the great Terry Silver in the process.

He would be wise for him to cast his mind back to that disastrous and humiliating beatdown in the crap shak by his future tournament opponent. Not only did he receive a vicious beating from Barnes without him venturing outside of first gear, but his two hardest punches in the face didnt hurt him at all. Now lapusso has the chance to develop some deadly skills with force and technique and immediately disses it. He is that deluded that he thinks the pathetic skill set he possesses and truly awful physical condition is good enough to beat Barnes. This guy is truly thick.

Its ironic that the only time Lapusso showed glimpses of how a 'real man' should act was when he was under the honourable tutelidge of Terry Silver. The war cry and proceeding smashing up of the wooden dummy while utilizing skills that he never had before and the smashing of the dickheads nose in the nightclub all perfect examples of how our flaccid boy hero should have acted in the beginning. He even broke a sweat in training for god sake! (his intense practicing of combos on the pads in Lesson 1). But of course, the weak, flaccid, spineless loser that he is, he reverted back to pussy wimp training with MiyaGay - and the events of the tournament tell the rest....


by mamu2 4 days ago (Tue Aug 11 2009 08:49:24)

113) "She buries Judy."

What an insensitive thing to say about a girl that was goodly enough to date you. I don't know the circumstances of their breakup but I'd be willing to bet she didn't deserve that comment even if she wasn't on par physically with Elizabeth Shue.

114) "It sucks." - in reference to his mom's inquiry about the Cobra Kai dojo. does not suck.

115) "Hey if you ever want this patch back, I'll understand."

Way to insult a proud traditional Asian man Danny. You accept and keep that patch with honor, not offer to return it used. Hurt old man feeling.

116) "I thought it came from Buddhist temples and stuff like that."

Ignorant and stupid is no way to go through life, son.

117) "No the problem is, I'm getting my ass kicked every other day, that's the problem."

The problem is you, actually. You caused those incidents.


by romefan123 3 days ago (Tue Aug 11 2009 22:00:15)

Mamu, all well-said, and bang--on points about this punk.


by patkav6 2 days ago (Wed Aug 12 2009 23:10:23)

Allow me to keep us on track. This ones been haunting me.

118. "The little guys get sick. We tend to em'." (Bonsai trees in kk3)

119. "This place has potential. Po-tential."

120. "you don't want to train me, don't train me. Just don't make fun of me alright." (ah, poor baby.)

121. " Daniel, with an L."

122. "Are those real fish in there? (No, Danny they're mechanical.)

We should all start and join a Rocky 5 topic with similar lines. Anybody down?

by CaptainC05 2 days ago (Thu Aug 13 2009 02:38:52)

123. "Why didnt you tell me thats what you were gona do!" in a loud, whiny tone in response to MiyaGays financial masterclass of selling the truck.

Why Danielle?

Firstly because he owns it. Therefore he can do what he likes.

Second because you dont pay any dig money to stay at HIS house he has a right to do what he wants with HIS assets.

Thirdly because he needed the money right away and you were away hunting for useless bonzai trees and putting an innocent girl's life in danger on some cliff top therefore there was no means for him to consult you (not that he had any reason to)

Fourthly because of your awful business and financial accumen you put him in a situation where he needed to raise funds.

It was the way he says this particular line. Its infuriating that someone that age and who is meant to be the main character hero is acting like a little whiny bitch.


by G. McFly 1 day ago (Fri Aug 14 2009 03:18:53)

This is one of the greatest (and funniest) IMDb threads in existence. Great job, guys.

LOL @ PremRaj


by TelecasterOne 1 day ago (Fri Aug 14 2009 06:19:11)

124. "What kind of belt you got?"

Of course this is all Danielle is concerned with...he believes belt color is the true testament of martial art skill. I'm sorry, didn't Miyagi just man-handle five guys and save your life? What the hell would it matter what color his belt is?

I never made it to my black belt exam (music got in the way), but in the street I'm sure I could've handled any one of the black belt students in my class just out of pure athleticism and size/strength...or crazy white boy intensity if I was pissed off enough.

Danielle only thinks Miyagay will be a benefit to him if he's ranked high enough. That's pure sht coming from a guy who steals a black belt and wears it for the rest of his life.


by romefan123 1 day ago (Fri Aug 14 2009 08:33:11)

125) (From Karate Kid I)

"Why didn't you tell me where you were going?
[Miyagi] "When I leave, you not here yet."
"Did you ever think that maybe I wanted to go fishing too??"
[Miyagi] "Ehh, you Karate training."

The precursor to the Captain's thread, where Daniel goes on record for the first of many times, questioning both his Karate training and Miyagi's veracity. If I ever spoke to MY father like that, or any adult male in my day, the back of his hand would have been pressed firmly against the buck of my teeth. This kid's really got some balls, doesn't he? Here he is, knowing Miyagi what, maybe 4 months at best, and he's questioning his betters. As Judge Smells would say, in Caddyshack: "Of all the nerrrrrrrrrrrve."

126) (From Karate Kid I)


Daniel moaning...not in ecstasy with Allie, but rather, from the hand and kick of Johnny. The beach...the hill...the fence...the mat...reader's choice.


by mikemic73110 19 minutes ago (Sat Aug 15 2009 15:24:42)

See, Daniel, maybe they tolerated your overplay on other guy's girls there in Jawsey, but see, here in California, one doesn't get inVOLVED in other people's affairs, and stays CLEAR of their woman.

Yes, but Ali and Johnny were not together anymore. Ali was not Johnny's woman nor was she ever. She didn't want to talk to him, yet Johnny decided to impose himself when Ali wanted nothing to do with him.

by mikemic73110 11 minutes ago (Sat Aug 15 2009 15:32:27)

Why is this kid so flippin' pushy all the time?

How was Daniel being pushy? He was just being nice and inviting Jessica out for a good time on her last night in town before she leaves. If she didn't want to be bothered, all she had to do was say no.

Then, he goes and blows it anyway, by ruining the night with a cheap-shot to some poor dope who's only crime was complimenting "his" girl...and no, Daniel...she WASN'T with YOU, you stupid twerp!

The same poor dope who was being a jerk to Jessica when she was clearly not interested? Some compliment. Daniel stepped in to defend her, but was then provoked into hitting the guy after he pushed him.


IlNi, you are the man.


-less Chaps quickly joins in..also bracing for battle.

MIYAGI: " Please don't punch window out of limo...Only rental..much tree,pay for rental...sorry miss performance of Purple Rain..but want to party! Fighting over...want you to invest in my Used car dealership with me!"

SILVER: "Invest with us??? just leave old man!"

MIYAGI: " Not leaving....I bought a case of Japanese Scotch so lets do this!"

Kreese: "Give the old man a chance...lets let bygones be bygones"

Miyagi: "OK now where hoes? I wanna get laid"

Silver: "I'm never smoking with Rick James again 'cause this weed is too good"

Kreese: "You know it!"

Miyagi: "please, please pass tree! mood for smoke!"

Now indeed its getting late and Miyagi hasn't come home...Daniel is pissed because Miyagi hasn't come home and help him celebrate...the celebratory mac-and cheese aint enough...he wants his soapy massage from Miyagi...But before he can leave, there's a knock on the door...Its Chozen!

Now all the bitchiness in Daniel is indeed out...he's already pissy from having to wait for Miyagi, now here's Chozen!

Remember the classic Daniel pose...(hands on hips...head tilted to the side..aggravated smirk..etc)

DANIEL: "What in the hell??? Why you? Why now? How did you find me?

Chozen: "YAHOO MAPS...people search!" I watched the tournament the tournament on PAY Per View...I have studio apartment close here too! You disgrace me cause me to move here...I now sell life insurance... Want buy?"

Daniel: "Don't need insurance insurance man...

Chozen: "Really should kick your ass 'cause you break my Carrot scale..but no
matter..'cause your master out at big party!"

Daniel is clearly enraged..just as enraged as when Miyagi goes fishing without him..He's pissy and Chozen loves it!!! They head into town! Daniel hot with embarassment and jealousy totally steaming!!!


by maixiu (Mon Oct 6 2008 19:14:05)

OH Dammit Here comes KREESE! didn't know he knew air gutar! WOW...Kreese has temporarily ditched the conservative threads for something else!

ASS-LESS black leather Chaps!!!!! Who knew this?

Oh my god. This is unreal. You are on a roll unprecedented in the history of this board, of this website -- nay, of this internet! All we're going to know is Cobra Kai comedy, azari's comedy. Queensonny won't even be a memory.


by arazi25 (Mon Oct 6 2008 19:34:46)

Who is queensonny? Was he any good? Where is he now?

For any manner, i'm just glad that you enjoy this and laugh....thats all that matters. That's what I'm here for!

Only my best material will do. Glad to be on the team!


by mamabearppl (Tue Oct 7 2008 04:48:14)

Queensonny, of recent memory, late, unlamented, is with us no more. Alias JohnnyLawrence5. There are still some old threads with him on it. You only need to peruse one or two, you'll get the idea.. Enough said.

So--how does the story end? Whineielle goes to the party and what--a major *beep* of a beatdown? I can hardly wait to read the ending!


by slikshooz (Tue Oct 7 2008 17:34:53)

Wow, this is clearly above and beyond anything I could have hoped for. I'd love to chime in and add a piece here and there, but that'd be the equivalent of someone touching up the Sistine Chapel once Michaelangelo got done with it.

The anticipation for the continuation and end of the party will be well worth it.

Well done sir.


by tava0009 (Tue Oct 7 2008 22:00:15)

Well arazi, I have to say, good effort..

But Kreese in assless chaps? I know this fan fiction is wild hyperbole, but that's an image that's hard to shake. I don't know that a man of Kreese's epic manly vigor would ever wear assless chaps, even in the craziest of fan fantasies.

I hold almost nothing sacred, but that image gives me the creeps. It's like picturing Conan the Barbarian in a tutu; it's hard to do.

But since I haven't contributed my own fan fiction, I'll shut up.


by arazi25 (Wed Oct 8 2008 02:21:56)

Love the encouragement... If you enjoy then I enjoy! Thanks for the awesome compliments!

I'm trying hard for the rookie of the year title...but until I bring the trophy home I'm gonna shoot to the moon!




by mamabearppl (Wed Oct 8 2008 03:26:27)

tava, the a$$le$$ chaps were a coffee spew. First thing in the morning, who needs that--I do! You're right, it was incongruous, which is what made it so damn funny. I'm trying to homeschool here, and all off a sudden the idea of Kreese--and I'd lose it all over again. Worst of all, I couldn't tell my granddaughter what was so danged funny.

arazi, I'm not reading Part 2 right now. I won't. I'm going to savor the anticipation for a little while and catch it later when everything in this nuthouse is a little quieter.

I don't think you need worry about the Rookie of the Year title. LOL.
The chaps...the reasons


by arazi25 (Wed Oct 8 2008 10:49:36)

I can't go into the science of how my stories develop, but there is a valid reason for Kreese wearing chaps...Kreese is wrongly depicted as a heartless villain in the movie...I know he likes to have fun and cut loose! I'm giving him personality!

The initial audience for parts 1 and 3 were given no middle ground...He's meant to be so polarizing. You either hate him or love him, and its so unfair.

They took all his depth away..and no person is that one-dimensional.. Miyagi was just as one-dimensional in the beginning....but they showed the layers of his personality. Like some cuddly panda....Miyagi liked S&M and torture parties just as much as the next fella...but oh no lets make him a saint!

Kreese has a sense of humor, and loves music...also a natural performer. Its not all evil, and when Prince called him to perform it was a given! Chaps and all he totally put himself into the moment...For a friend he loved! With friends thats what you go all out...and he went ass out!

Hell its a party, and everyone as you read further the inhibitions are further evaporating! is...The best is yet to'll see!




by mamabearppl (Wed Oct 8 2008 11:35:53)

You're totally crazy!


by Shield24 (Wed Oct 8 2008 11:41:21)

But in a good way...

by tava0009 (Wed Oct 8 2008 11:41:29)

But Kreese IS one dimensional: the dimension is "kick ass."

by ILNi 1 hour ago (Tue Dec 15 2009 14:55:46)
Edit Reply
UPDATED Tue Dec 15 2009 15:49:23

by arazi25 (Wed Oct 8 2008 02:00:49)

Ok heres PART 2 OF THE PARTY... Anyone new to this please read 1 before 2.
It will only add to your pleasure...ENJOY


Now,Clearly not thinking straight and PMS-ing very badly, Daniel climbs into Chozens Toyota Celica...As they glide along the freeway Chozen only stokes the fire...He's bringing out the Bitch in Daniel better than anyone could.

He never gives Daniel's anger a chance to cease..constantly making jokes about their 'fight to the death' about his 50's style dancing, and how Kumiko never ever would give up the pussy despite all Danny did "For the Glory of Love"

He even made a joke about Daniels small penis...even grabbing Daniel's crotch in a very rough manner for emphasis...He toots his ass up slightly and rips a fart..its totally juvenile even for Chozen...."RIKE SCENT OF CHOZEN...

Chozen has to relent but only 'cause Danny boy is getting pushed too far..

Why would Daniel fall for this??? hasn't this been done much too many times?
Apprehnsions settle deep into the boys tender loins!

Daniel orders Chozen to stop at a Time Saver for a large Sprite and jumbo Snickers...Maybe to flee But Chozen informs dumbass that there will be plenty "frood at pahty" 'so stop whining'.... No stop for piss either."

By the way, you can hear Chozens laugh...the trademark sinister laugh.

Theres no time to spare however...Chozen pushes the Celica all the way to 85MPH!

Now these two unlikely party crashers arrive at the gate...and security is pretty lax for 1:35 am.. Anyhow, the party is still raging... Kreese called up EXPOSE' and they are playing an extended version of WHAT YOU DONT KNOW!!!
And please dont knock Kreese..he banged the whole group!

This party is kicking ASS!!!! KREESE IS IN RARE FORM! He's totally lost himself in the mood...all the failures are forgotten..his knuckles feel fine!
The trip to Tahiti was good but this is great!

Amidst the haze of reefer smoke, hot tub steam, and charcoal here comes Daniel blinded by his jealous rage....

Only he clumsily bumbles into JACK TATUM...the badd ass DB who paralyzed DARRYL Stingley in a damn preaseason game. He's managed to spill some damn expensive COGNAC and broke the bottle also...Spilt it all on Tatum and needless to say, ruined the man's silky suit.. " YOU RETARDED *beep*

In a flash,before Eric Dickerson and OJ Simpson can avert Daniel from danger,
Tatum grabs Daniel with one hand grabbing the chest, and the other grabbing the boys tender scrotum...

He rag-dolls Daniel into a wall and inexplicably shoves his toungue down the boys throat..still tightly grabbing Daniels balls...then he unleashes a Johnny beachside stomach punch, knocking all the wind from his chest cavity...Tatum then hovers over Daniel....and proceeds to pull out his menacing black penis...
which is horribly large, and freakish in Seattle Slew in the breeding shed!

OH, my he's gonna try and piss on the boy... Tatum's friends WISELY avert this obscene act and prevent Daniel from total degradation!

Dumb-ass Daniel had the Chargers Jersey on by the way. And also by the way Dan Fouts was there and saw it all and didn't blink..As cool as ever...

Fouts tried to call Rev. Jimmy Swaggart over to intervene but Swaggart is getting his dick sucked in the far corner of the mansion...By SUSAN???? looks like SUSAN anyway!!! Susan...ALI's friend!!!

Who ever it is surely got acclamated to the party atmosphere in a hurry!

FOR Daniel however, there was no time for a Crane, Drum, nor Kata...seems like theres no defense from a ghetto style thrashing!!!

Jim Brown then scolds Tatum for such a heinous display. Didn't you learn any self control?? *beep* are you crazy? You need balance...Oh lord Jesus! Calm down...and Tatum indeed slinks off...maybe for more Cognac!

Jim brown also lectures Daniel to never, under any circumstances be so clumsy... O.J warns Tatum that the boy might litigate...but he's stuffed some Hertz rental vouchers and a pack of fruity jelly beans into the boys pocket to placate him somehow!

DANIEL: Where can I get some hot TEA?

JIM BROWN: BITCH, this aint a TEA pansy...get your damn mind right boy, or you gonna get broke to pieces. How bout you go and find you some pussy here...theres plenty of it...But just change that goddam raggedy ass filthy jersey...All these hall of famers here and you wear that...We all got nice threads on...Don't you have a tux or something???


"You smell like goddamn green house-paint!"

Meanwhile, Miyagi and Silver are sharing a hot-tub with Shannon Tweed and Brandi Brandt of White Snake fame...Miyagi is motorboating Shannon's titties..also pouring that herbal tea on them and clearly reverting back to his times as a hungry oriental newborn!!!!!!!

Silver is being Terry! which is great enough!

Daniel stumbles into the party scene..along with Jim Brown....Mr. Brown in his infinite wisdom and blackness has lent a hand to Daniel and tried to apply some mentoring...much needed...But as we all know the boy is too hard headed to let anything soak in and Mr. Brown advises him to cool out..and just think it through...."HAVE SOME COGNAC BOY...."

But the impending break-up is too fresh..the confrontation too immense..This is like ALI and Johnny in some sort of twisted and sick way Only its Daniel stumbling onto MIYAGI...and Miyagi is totally wasted...not sad anniversary wasted however..this time his ZEN meter is on PERFECT !

HERE it comes......

Miyagi, in such a relaxed mood, is neither surprised nor shocked... He's happy to see his protege' "Ahhh find party...You no invited, but you find anyway...only grown and sexy folk here...You with Jim Brown froot-ball prayer...HA! HA! HA!

Maybe you should take to-go plate and go home with Chozen... Go find balance! BONZAI!!!!!

He then buries his face back into Shannon Tweed's ample bosom!

Silver, is also amused and tells Daniel that for the next party he'll rent a space-walk, water slide and a cotton candy machine for his punk-ass!

Why Mr.Miyagi...why? Didn't we win together? why this? Silver...Kreese..?
I'm nothing without you...what about the shop? The trees!!! Dammit Mr. Miyagi I don't know what to do...please come home! WHAT IS THIS!!!

Miyagi informs Daniel that there are bigger and better things in life such as MAKING NEW FRIENDS, having fun, getting pussy, selling cars, making more money, and... OH MY GOD!!!!! QUICKSILVER!!!

Miyagi and Silver also have plans to help Dale Earnhardt finally win the damn Daytona 500 and break KING RICHARD PETTY record for Winston Cup championships...gonna teach him QUICKSILVER!

In other words its great minds planning to dominate the DAMN world!

*It's that sweet sticky MARY JANE that Rick James provided that's making this all too twisted replied Silver..but I love it!!!! YOU KNOW IT!!

What about the Bonsai trees???

Oh Daniel, I made deal...sold trees..and sold shop and you can get with the program or get the hell out!!! You used my karate to win the goddamn leave me alone...maybe when high subside I come to senses but dick hard...titties in face, and I cant turn back now!

Chozen comes in out of nowhere with an ill timed piece of news that hits home...MIYAGI sexed Kumiko and paid her way to Tokoyo....cop-block Dainel!


Daniel's Tachometer is clearly over the redline and it revs into the 9500 range..the redline...the unthinkable... He reaches over and slaps the hell out of Miyagi....Its such a disrespectful slap, and it stings because Miyagi's face is wet....



by mamabearppl (Wed Oct 8 2008 11:38:31)

I read Pt. 2 during break this morning and was so flabbergasted I had no comment at the time.

I'll tell ya though, I had alot of trouble keeping my game face on teaching the rest of school.


by maixiu (Wed Oct 8 2008 14:15:09)

I simply can't take any more of this s**t! Sweet Jeebus, I know you said you eschew 'cid but no man's brain work like this without some sort of chemical assistance. What is it? Shrooms?

You have got some serious, with a capital 'E', talent. You said you wanted to be rookie of the year, well, do you know who Fred Lynn and Ichiro Suzuki are? 'Cause you are following in their footsteps. For the past three days, random lines you've written keep popping into my head and I burst out laughing, uncontrollably, for minutes at a time. I'm in awe.


by slikshooz (Wed Oct 8 2008 14:59:35)

It's like I'm watching a legend in his prime. This is tremendous stuff.

I applaud you sir.

My favorite part, I mean besides the whole thing of course, is the little details.

For example, who knew CHozen drove a Celica? I would assume that he drove a riced out Accord. I learn something new everyday.

Shield sir, I see you've made some posts on the message board of my favorite show, 'The Shield'. Well done sir. How great is that show? I've never missed an episode. Question, what's worse, where Daniel's crap-shack is or Farmington?


by maixiu (Wed Oct 8 2008 15:25:50)

"Here comes KREESE! didn't know he knew air gutar! WOW"

I simply cannot stop laughing at this line. It's genius.

It's weird. After three days, the humor in this does not seem to be abating in the least bit. WTF???


by mamabearppl (Wed Oct 8 2008 15:32:00)

I've said it somewhere else, and I'll say it again, nothing beats waking up in the morning and seeing arazi made a new post. This morning I purposely didn't read it right away so I could savor the anticipation. The mental image of MiyaGay in the hot tub with Mr. Terry Silver is worth a laugh everytime it comes to mind.


by Shield24 (Wed Oct 8 2008 17:35:40)

Between this and Lord Strider, coupled with Siberian's anticipated return, it is heartwarming to see this board in all its proper glory.

In case any administrator has any ideas, I've saved these threads on a seperate file.

Cobra Kai



by maixiu (Wed Oct 8 2008 17:40:31)


(Sorry, just a callback to Buzdahatesyou, who is also MIA)


by Shield24 (Thu Oct 9 2008 03:47:52)

Good call, maixu


by slikshooz (Thu Oct 9 2008 08:59:57)

Shield sir, I see you've made some posts on the message board of my favorite show, 'The Shield'. Well done. How great is that show? I've never missed an episode. Question, what's worse, where Daniel's crap-shack is or Farmington?


by ILoveJourney2004 (Thu Oct 9 2008 09:35:54)



I am literally crying and heaving from laughing.

What genius!

Cobrai Kai
Never Die
You Bet Your Ass


by Shield24 (Thu Oct 9 2008 11:53:29)

Journey, needless to say, I make sure NEVER to have a beverage swishing through my palate as I read this.

silk, Farmington is a far safer place than the crap-shack. All of the violence the 19ers, ByzLats, et all inflict in Farmington cannot match the Cocoon of Horror (10 points if anyone gets that reference, by the way- hint- a New England sports figure used it in 1995) Mike Barnes inflicted on Danielle.


by slikshooz (Thu Oct 9 2008 12:15:23)


Oh, and that sports legend is none other than Tyson's comeback opponent Hurricane Peter McNeeley. Good reach.


by Shield24 (Thu Oct 9 2008 12:25:20)

I bow to you, sir...nah I'll grill your face like Armadillo.

Seriously, are you a Medfield, MA boy? Are you the guy McNeeley held up in that armed robbery? Did he say it to you as he cocked the gun? I'm a New Englandah, tried and true (though I HATE the Red Sox), how the hell did you know that?


by slikshooz (Thu Oct 9 2008 18:58:10)

Nah, I'm from Pittsburgh, but I recall that fight and the buildup quite well.

It was my junior year of high school and my friends and I were all so fired up to watch Tyson come back. We were semi "Tyson junkies" back in the day, but really who grew up in the 80's and wasn't? I just remember a lot of sketchy details from watching Sportsce


nter nearly every morning, but that 'Coccoon' comment has always been one of those random things I recalled. The fight itself was basically comical as McNeely's manager "threw in the damn towel" (like Rocky should've when Duke told him to while Drago was beating Apollo). I also recall McNeely, in the pre-fight instructions just looking drunk or something while he swayed back and forth and Tyson just had a cold stare right through him. McNeely held to his pre-fight word though that he'd attack Tyson hard and go after him, as he ran right at him at the beginning, lol. Tyson, in his day, was a f-ing bad man.

I'd rather have my face grilled than what Aceveda had done to him...


by Shield24 (Fri Oct 10 2008 03:54:53)

"I'd rather have my face grilled than what Aceveda had done to him..."

I remember thinking Vic and his boys are gonna pop in any second and save him...nope.

Let us never speak of this again.

by slikshooz (Fri Oct 10 2008 08:02:46)

Speak of what?


by Shield24 (Fri Oct 10 2008 10:43:56)

What happened to Aceveda...that still gives me a chill


by slikshooz (Fri Oct 10 2008 12:01:08)

Yes I know, I meant "speak of what" like "it's already been forgotten".

by ILNi 45 minutes ago (Tue Dec 15 2009 15:12:19)
Edit Reply
UPDATED Tue Dec 15 2009 15:50:14

by arazi25 (Thu Oct 9 2008 04:16:34)

Ok guys heres part 3...and once again, for newcomers read its 1 before 2 before 3...Enjoy!


Indeed, the scene is too surreal...Daniel has totally slapped the piss out of his trusted friend and mentor...the whole palm, the follow through!!! KEE-YAH!

The venomous accusations tumble forth! 'Miyagi you no-good ass dare you screw Kumiko?'

Miyagi volleys back: 'Girl deserve better, she was lost and ancient penis point her in right direction !' 'It was pleasure to light the way!'

'Jessica lost also..I show the way back to Cleveland..!'

'You still and always wet behind ear boy..thanks for leading sweet honeys to Miyagi's home'...How do you think YOUR room and board paid for??? Look no further than the WOMB you came from, bitch'!


So this is whats been going on?? Miyagi's a damn closet freak, knocking off Daniels love interests..and his mom???

'Passion has indeed been put before principle'


Miyagi leaps out the hot tub in a ferocious thrust, and its not graceful at all...There was maybe split second to think through the decision NOT to JUMP OUT with the Okinawan-lo-cut,hot pink bikini briefs...But honor knows no bounds.

'Young bee will now get his ass kicked by old prune'

Miyagi's blunt high is blown, and he's a little unsteady, but plenty game!
He's eager to get it on!

However, old age, and the hot spa and all the sex acts have run the tank mighty low!!Drained the battery!! Its the fumes of rage that's propelling this old bastard to defend his the most unlikeliest of ways...

This isn't a classic battle....Its plenty unique in its freakishness though!
Theres no karate involved...its just down and pissy!

Its hair pulling, groping, and grinding! A stand-up battle at first,it quickly goes to ground!

Daniel can't mount any offense now, and his energy is quickly dissapating...He tried to run but can't now...Its no escaping!

Miyagi is having none of it, and the Tea Kettle is steaming..whistling..with pink panties on! 'Fix your raggedy ass bike and raggedy ass life'

Now its ground and pound now....The attack is unrelenting... old Okinawan is doling out a true lesson in humility...Its getting ugly!

Daniel is squealing, and crying...heavily sobbing and He can't catch his breath and seems like an asthma attack is impending! The old man won't let up!
Miyagi in full guard, Daniel just giving up the the second.

He's puking now, and turning blue....fading...taking that ride back on the Jersey Turnpike...maybe??? in a oriental hearse! Courtesy of Miyagi!

Miyagi's high has faded and he's annoyed...tired, he's savaged Daniel, and taken the boy to the brink of death!

But still he had to be restrained by Silver...the Quicksilver method could have had deadly consequences... There was no give up, and clearly it was going to the death..what did he wait for?

Miyagi is escorted into the mansion and fed his favorite Japanese Scotch with Shannon but clearly pissed and uncomfortable with the nightmare he's become...its gonna get worse before it gets better! Because now its time for the Cocaine!!! Its only the hardcore partiers now...Its gonna get fierce...So evil evil! He's doing lines...he's WILD!

Daniel, slowly drags back to life..and clearly beaten...Jim Brown and Chozen load the boy into a van for first aid!!! Damn who's riding IN that ol beat up car?



by mamabearppl (Thu Oct 9 2008 16:50:27)

So I did the anticipation thing all day. It was an helacious one, but well worth the wait. I got to the part about MiyaGay's ancient penis and began losing it. My husband from across the room asked, "Karate Kid again?"

So what happens when they load Whineielle into the van? Do they take him to Jersey? To the nearest toxic waste dump? Or a toxic waste dump in Jersey?


by slikshooz (Thu Oct 9 2008 19:02:00)

"Okinawan-lo-cut,hot pink bikini briefs"


F-ing great.

PART 4...THE CONCLUSION??? Questions?
by ILNi 42 minutes ago (Tue Dec 15 2009 15:14:40)
Edit Reply
UPDATED Tue Dec 15 2009 15:51:09
PART 4...THE CONCLUSION??? Questions?

by arazi25 (Fri Oct 10 2008 05:27:17)

Here the latest update to the saga that was the best party in So Cal!! Enjoy!


Who's that in the old car creeping up warily??

Jim Brown has stabilized Daniel's condition...but as the boy comes to, he has a question that can't be answered....Where'd Spiderman go?

Mr.Brown calmly states there was no goddamn Spiderman, only Asian Man that
laid down that humbling lesson in humility....

'I told you to go and find some pussy boy....not agitate the old got a hard ass long is going to take for you to listen?' DAMN!

Daniel instead mildly whines for the egg and toast breakfast with Orange Juice form mom that he callously took for granted in KK I...

Chozen hasn't left Daniel's side though, But Jim Brown no stranger to the goings on of prison Sagely excuses himself for a Morning nip of whiskey from the wet bar!! He's gonna keep his distance close, but he knows..

Clearly feeling remorse for the actions that took place, Chozen won't confess that he was paid a handsome sum of money to retrieve Daniel and bring him over..

He only sees Brown leaving for a drink as his opening....If only boy wasn't so weak..moving van would only blow the moment!!!

He knows the boy well enough now, their previous encounters have given their 'friendship' a new it friendship?? Or lust!

Recall the first time Chozen gripped Daniels hand hard, they had a strange kind of feel for each other!

He relentlessly tormented Daniel like a lovesick school boy he's fond of... Did he rip off the shirt to reveal the man-titties to impress Kumiko...or for Danny boy?? He had Daniel alone at the house, could have made move...but now boy is in weakened vulnerable state! Stalked him relentlessly throughout part 2!

His next recourse is to fetch a fresh cloth he scored from inside, and apply it to Daniels forhead...He schooches ever so closely...Why is Danile so naive?

Chozen allows that he is grateful for life and thank Daniel for chance...for romance???? Wha the fu...!

Daniel caught off guard extends a hand of gratitude...Chozen slides closer and lunges in for a kiss...agressively! passionately! Its a hard one!

Again, Daniel can't defend any ground attack....because Chozen has artfully positioned his body to lock and spoon Daniel....Is this rape? because its awfully brutal on the floor of the van... Chozen wont relent and has a hand down the boys crotch!!!! Secret is out... The kiss is so bitter..So sinister.
So wrong...But Daniel in his rage..and completle disdain for anything his life at this point answers back..forcefully..He returned the kiss and they thrash forcfully in the van....its a torrid love affair!

The morning sun shine cuts through a bitter haze...But the green wagon pulls up...

Its mom, and a huge Italian man in the front seat...its not Uncle Louie though..this man is a larger version of the Uncle Paulie...he looks like Paulie..and sounds like him...Hes totally beliggerant!

Wearing an old Eagles jacket too! Who is the brown haired girl in the front seat? She got a nice rack..and clearly east coast Guido-Ette features... Its Daniels dad....and is it Judy...Who tipped them off?

But its too late...they get full glimpse of Daniel and Chozen's voyuerism and now they've pulled apart...Chozen in his best smirk..but heavily breathing and standing guard... Daniel however??? its the final nervous breakdown...the final piece, a breaking point!

He's fallen to his knees and unearthed a primordial scream..that pierces the wilderness... Dad is slightly drunk and asks 'what da *beep* am eye seein?
Unfricken boy a fag...I've failed as a father...Christ All Mighty! He grabs his long lost son not to hurt but to pile him in the Wagon.

Lucille spots Miyagi...He's truly in all his coke addled glory, and clumsily reaches out for her trying to fondle her tender bosom..she slaps him hard!

She wonders in her heart how it could all get this far....She sobs!

Green wagon loaded...Chozen following them hard in the Celica..Daniel face pressed against the glass looking out into the distance.....

Theres too many questions now?? Its Miyagi alone in the wilderness aligned with Silver and Kreese...Unchartered territory! plans still in place!

What becomes of this mess? Miyagi's limo stil parked... guests still hovering the party...morning beckoning the bleary eyed souls...and the Haunting spector of Jim Brown still looming large...

How is this resolved? Can the answers be found?


by mamabearppl (Fri Oct 10 2008 11:13:05)

Oh man, I can't stand it. Ok, it's 2pm. I'm going to force myself to wait uptil 8pm before I'm allowed to read this. I'll wait until all the kiddoes are in bed, I'll have my Corona with the lime ready, along with paper towels for beer spews, and then I will give The Conclusion the attention it deserves.


by mamabearppl (Sat Oct 11 2008 06:06:01)

Last night totally got away from me, so I had a Good Morning from arazi. That long-lost father was a stoke of pure genius. Man, you have a twisted mind!

by ILNi 40 minutes ago (Tue Dec 15 2009 15:17:10)
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UPDATED Tue Dec 15 2009 15:52:07

by arazi25 (Fri Dec 5 2008 09:44:08)

Hi guys...Its your favorite delusional freak. I'm picking up the Karate kid Series where I left off... ITS After Silvers wild party.


After the fallout from Mr.Silvers wild post tournament party life indeed goes on in Southern California. Miyagi and Daniel still haven't forgiven each other though... There were pictures taken, and videos too. Nothing can be forgiven nor forgotten, and Miyagi and Daniel now have a rift...Life is different.

Terry Silver indeed honored his promise to Miyagi...The Car Dealership was indeed thriving, but it wasn't the money Silver was after...It was the Miyagi name...He turned the proud man into a joke...a caricature of himself who is exploiting his once proud name to sell cars...Make cheap commercials. Sell out?

Old man Miyagi, he can't exploit young boys for CAR dealership...He can't exploit the boys for work purposes like he did Dany-boy... Remember, it was now the late 80's early 90's then and the CATHOLIC PRIESTS were in their child molesting heyday. Young boys were lured by men of the cloth...Not by men in Karate Uniforms or Asian, Khaki Dickie's outfits!

Fixing their bikes and making them halloween costumes were things of the past...It took more than that to win little boys affection...More. Was the All-valley past its time? Miyagi Do karate past its limit?


By simply going forward with the party and dealership, Silver ultimately scored the revenge and retribution that He and Kreese hungered for. That party was a brilliant success...for some! Kreese's antics with Prince scored countless fame and made him celebrity 10 times over. He started a Cobra Kai clothing line and a candy deal! Candy? Ever had Reeses Kreeses?

Wheres Daniel? DO YOU HAVE TO ASK?

Daniel's reputation was decimated, more of a joke than he was once was, He has to now piece together an existence that consisted of nothing more than a Tree Shack, two tournament titles, and some old cars...Miyagi was right, life much more than plastic metal trophy. Now you see? Daniel's toils at a Wendy's and lives on his past accomplishments...but no one gives a damn.

As for Sato, his role in the partnership is running 'Miyagi's Little Darling's
a nice upscale gentlemans club that showcases the finest young imports from Tommey village. Yukie runs the bar, but Kumiko shakes her ass and employs that dancing skill she honed in Tokoyo school. It's not a hot-spot, but just a nice place to have a drink and see some may run across someone you know there...Maybe some MISL Soccer star of some sort...some CBA basketball player..a faded star..some aging porn queen *beep* knows... All I know is that the All-valley tournament is coming on and there's crowd at the bar and some people going to come out.


Who's that green man in the corner that's making it rain? Why its none other than the Grinch that Stole Christmas, and he's having a great time.. Kumiko is his fave dancer and he's loving it...HER~ Go Mr Grinch..get your party on.

He frequents the place from time to time, and he dressed great... Smells like English Leather cologne, and quite the sex symbol. He's every bit the sex symbol that Patrick Swayze is...

The Grinch is a mans man 'contrary to what the song portrays, and he makes money off its rights... On the side he's a record producer and Executive at Capitol Records... 'Hes here at Miyagi's little Darlings' and here to have a good time with Kumiko.

Anyways, because of his status as the Grinch, he loves L.A. no one bothers the guy. Its comfortable....Its a life...


by Shield24 (Fri Dec 5 2008 14:10:50)

You're TEASING us with what's to come!!!!!

Small Valley Christmas part 2
by ILNi 18 minutes ago (Tue Dec 15 2009 15:39:09)
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UPDATED Tue Dec 15 2009 15:52:45
Small Valley Christmas part 2

by arazi25 (Sun Dec 7 2008 07:57:55)


Mr.Grinch is a hell of a man, and its a hell of a lap dance. The theft of the Who-Ville projects of Oakland are totally indescretions of a misshappen youth.
He's made his mistakes but has totally upgraded his self...He still got that thug in him though. Still got that thug in him! The night is young, AND Grinch much like Bob Seeger is working on his night moves.

Mr. Grinch- spits some game 'I aint gonna lie, I wanna get with you tonight, and we can go back to my crib and do the damn thing'

Kumiko- " You might have stolen christmas but you aint stealing this pussy "

...Feeling freakish with you Grinchie, but I don't come cheap. Your game that tight that you feel that you can make this happen?

Mr.Grinch only smiles that crooked smile...that devious crooked smile that the bitches love, and the haters hate!

Kumiko is getting her time card to punch out and Grinch calls for the Valet to fetch his Cadillac... He hands the guy a 20 and like a gentleman, opens the door for Kumiko.

Meanwhile, the All Valley pre-game show has got the crowd stoked and strangely has stirred up old feelings in Miyagi...Yes, Miyagi has been loud and rude and talking trash. He's MF'ing and rasing a ruckus...The old footage of Daniel taking down Johnny has stirred him up...He tossing MF bombs. HALLELUAH that was the *beep* replies Miyagi! But he's distracted by Kumiko leaving...he's all over the place.

That Cognac done got YAGI throwed! He has witnessed Kumiko and Grinchie.. He's agitated...And he rushes outside to Confront Mr.Grinch.

BITCH you better get your hands off my Caddie...I ain't got no beef with you Dawg, but I will bring out the pistols if you wanna jump stupid! See if I'm playin..

Now before the Grinch can call his people...a Young Boy and his father..both in Wendy's uniforms pull up on the scene... Not keen on the happenings, but only seeing Kumiko in the Cadillac arouses the boys interest and its quite a stir developing in the parking lot. And in all this commotion and mess, its Miyagi and Young Boy standing side by side!!



by Shield24 (Mon Dec 8 2008 03:39:26)

This will soon replace "Twas the Night Before Christmas" in my bookshelf


by ILoveJourney2004 (Tue Dec 9 2008 05:31:07)





SMALL VALLEY 3....and ending below
by ILNi 17 minutes ago (Tue Dec 15 2009 15:40:16)
Edit Reply
UPDATED Tue Dec 15 2009 15:53:44
SMALL VALLEY 3....and ending below

by arazi25 (Tue Dec 9 2008 09:59:58)


There is a major mess developing now...A fire-storm about is to develop. Parking lot is full of curious bystanders at this point...No one knows for sure at this point, but there is a young girl named Julie there....Her role is uncertain, but she has been sleeping around the Miyagi Mansion a lot. Is he sexing the troubled youth? Miyagi is a evil bastard at this point! Nothing is sacred!


Daniel and Evil drunk Miyagi are appearing to mount an attack against the Grinch who dosen't seem to be intimidated in the least, annoyed, but not intimidated though...Poised? Composed? maybe?

'Where is security in this bitch'? I don't wanna catch a charge...Y'all fools don't know what the hell I'm about! I'm bout to slice you two *beep*

And with that he slams the car door and advances forward!!! With a sharp blade...Old school style... 'Don't make me do it'! I don't wanna catch a charge.. The Grinch is conflicted!

Daniel is terrified 'cause its Miyagi who precipitated this nonsese in the first place...Now again he has to battle for honor! It was Johnny, Chozen, Barnes...he prevailed over them surely!

But what has he gained? Only about 45 pounds and a wealth of knowledge of Okinawan culture! Only numerous beatings and embarassments have since followed with no redemption...Now he has to man up and battle the Grinch that Stole Christmas?? No way!


Yes Daniel-San make move....replies Miyagi! Now is time for you to re-gain BALANCE..Make Good Fight! Always Look in Eye! Always Eye! I love you. Always love you and my fortune and car lot waiting for you to come back! Make shells and cheese macaroni for you back home!

For all fans of Daniel and Miyagi its indeed a warm sight...Miya


gi has fire in his eyes and heart! This is like old times! And shells and cheese is 10 times cheesier than that regular old Mac!!! Daniel is ready! the fire is back!

Miyagi urges Daniel toward battle...hell, he is even sporting a semi-lob in all this thirst for madness!

But amidst crowd, Daniels dad has dissappeared and re-appeared again in the darkness....

The grinch charges forward...but Daniel HOPS BACKWARD and pushes an unassuming Miyagi toward the Grinch precipitating the battle!!!

Now its just totally a scrum... a mess of bodies happened so fast! The Grinch in the confusion dropped the weapon... But as Ol' Miyagi tries to regain balance to its DANIELS DAD that nails him in the back of the cranium... And again...and once more in the ribs... then he just resorts to open hand slapping the old a jealous bitch....he tries to drag the old man across the gravel...Only the old man is babbling incoherent Japanese at this point.... Its bedlam at this point...! Was Daniles dad that did this?

The Grinch has tried to scurry away, but in the confusion dropped the weapon....Where is Daniel's Dad? Miyagi is hurt bad!!! STAB WOUNDS in is back!

Seems that in the confusion Daniels dad shanked Miyagi...but no one knows for sure.. Its time to leave the scene, cause the cops have been summoned!

Miyagi appears to be laying in Daniles arms clinging to life...but its only Daniel trying to pry away the old-mans wallet!!! Only 26 dollars bitch???

Julie has made her way to the scene....'Daniel..did we go too far?

How do these two know each other??????


by ILoveJourney2004 (Tue Dec 9 2008 11:18:06)

"And shells and cheese is 10 times cheesier than that regular old Mac!!!"

WAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! (Dr. Pepper exits through left nostril)

Oh man, that was WILD! I wanna see more!




by Shield24 (Tue Dec 9 2008 12:07:07)

"I wanna see more!"

NO! I wanna see a LOT more!!!


by maixiu (Wed Dec 10 2008 11:54:44)

I think I just peed in my pants.


by Shield24 (Wed Dec 10 2008 17:03:35)

I see the trail.


I hardly ever go to the boards anymore but am shocked they are disabling them. Anyways, I do have some things saved but haven't looked at them recently. I'll see if I can just post the list and if anyone wants something, just ask.


arazi25 Holiday Compilation!
by ILNi 1 hour ago (Tue Dec 15 2009 14:41:49)
Edit Reply
UPDATED Tue Dec 15 2009 15:47:25
The following will be a eight part thread of arazi25's legendary threads:

THE SWAGGER..THE it shoulda been! (Fri Oct 3 2008 01:55:43)

SLIK-SHOOZ...The PARTY PART 1 (Posted: Mon Oct 6 2008 10:37:21)

SLIK-SHOOZ THE PARTY PART 2 (Posted: Wed Oct 8 2008 02:00:49)

SLIK-SHOOZ THE PARTY PART 3 (Posted: Thu Oct 9 2008 04:16:34)

PART 4...THE CONCLUSION??? Questions? (Posted: Fri Oct 10 2008 05:27:17)


Small Valley Christmas part 2 (Posted: Sun Dec 7 2008 07:57:55)

SMALL VALLEY 3 (Posted: Tue Dec 9 2008 09:59:58)

THE SWAGGER..THE it shoulda been!
by ILNi 1 hour ago (Tue Dec 15 2009 14:42:56)
Edit Reply
UPDATED Tue Dec 15 2009 15:47:00
THE SWAGGER..THE it shoulda been!

by arazi25 (Fri Oct 3 2008 01:55:43)

Quite simply, Daniel couldn't score with Jessica cause he didn't have the SWAGGER the GLOW. Miyagi taught it..someone didn't follow up on it...Someone was dumb.

Until Bruce Leroy kicked Sho'nuf ASS, he was unsure, no coward but kind of trying to find himself...all the Karate Skills and good looks couldn't score him any pussy until he felt the GLOW..And that light-skinned dude shouldn't have had no problem...but he did. I couldn't believe that crap, but for the moment it was so.

When he found himself-- BAM! VANITY!!!!! No need for a sequel...cause he took what he knew and utilized it toward a better life....and numerous oppourtunities for more pussy!! and DISCO DANCING!

Jessica never came out of her panties for obvious reasons...But heres how a real man scores Jessica...a smart one at least. One that knows his talent!
This is how life for Daniel should have been.....


*Ok, Tomei village was poor, but if I'm fighting a fight to the Death with ANYONE I'm getting that sucker VIDEO TAPED...Damn, I know that you can get video equipment cheap in Asia right? So I video tape that "fight to the death" I then make numerous copies...Lots of CD DISKS..VHS tapes...mix-tapes whatever..Anything goes....just have it to remember

Also tape that Ice chopping stuff, and how I saved that girl hanging from that pole too..basically a highlight reel. Most importantly though the Death Fight!

I keep plenty of copies for myself of course, 'cause when I first meet Jessica that's the first thing I show her...

"Yeah, me and my dawg Miyagi just came back from Okinawa..I had a fight to the death with some chump named Chozen Taguchi...It was cool..I beat the brakes off that wanna-be oriental looking PUNK. "Larry Merchant and Jim Lampley was there too.....If I didn't honk Chozen nose I win by split decision anyway." "Tommy Hearns and Hagler was there too"

"Come sit on the couch...get comfortable baby....make sure you take your shoes off in the house.... Sit on my lap...Damn, Your booty soft!"

"OH, you think this is funny?, Don't believe me?...Ok I got the tape"

"Mr. Miyagi, please plug up the VCR and put the Okinawa tape in...While you up fix us some of that herbal tea, and warm up some of them pizza rolls in the microwave."

--What girl wouldn't be impressed?? You got priceless footage of a fight to the death that you were a part of. Instant street cred. Also pop in the All-Valley Tournament for bonus points.

"See how I kick Johnny ass on one damn leg...I tore my ACL and Lateral Meniscus and I still won!!!! They couldn't stop me..."

"Oh who that black dude is??? Yeah thats Lamar Latrell...he lost in the first round!"

"Lemme, get you some more of them pizza rolls then after I could show you some Kama Sutra massage therapy that Miaygi taught me...Oh its wild."

After you show her the tapes and give her that massage. You're in!

The next day, make it be all about Jessica...take her out to the Early Brunch at the Orient Express...Spare no expense, this ain't no cereal breakfast.

Then go out for a romantic walk on the beach! Not just any beach either! The same beach where you first met ALI...Only this time it none of that MLS soccer nonsense.

Ride her around THE HILLS in that yellow Miyagi-Mobile Chevy! Maybe in ALI's old neighborhood...maybe not! Who needs grudges...besides Ali was good to you and you got Jessica now!

Pop in the Smokey Robinson cassete and light a blunt!!! LIE about the Halloween Dance where you and Miyagi and Spider Man got in a big gang fight...Only this time you won!

Tell her that you know construction and could build her a beautiful Oriental style mansion of her dreams....Somewhere in Oakland. Tell her you'll be her personal Al Davis..only a bigger Dick!

Kiss her on the lips and whisper in her ear...Tell her you want her to have 2 kids with Miyagi being the godfather!

By now she's putty in your hands...

Tell her how you gonna break your foot off in Barnes ass in that tournament just for her..and afterwards how you gonna go sack-deep in that pussy..all goddamn night. Be firm about your intentions...cause she really feelin' you!

Mike Barnes ain't nowhere in sight..and Who's Mike Barnes??? Oh yeah, the guy you met who challenged you to defend your trophy! It was no trouble! He was pleasant. He expected you to resist. but to his surprise you didn't. He just walked away dumbfounded.


Because you signed the papers and didn't make him wait! You accepted the challenge. Neutralized all the rage.

Didn't need Miyagi's approval 'cause you a grown man and he taught you well! You didn't run from a challenge! Its on! You have the SWAGGER..THE GLOW!

Miyagi say ok Daniel handle you business....I taught you well. I'll send you a case of that Miracle powder too...Cause we share it...not hide it from each other! Yukie send you a new Silk Karate jersey also! Kumiko might come too!

Only gonna fight one match anyway! No sweat! And you don't need KATA to do it!
You are a machine! Gonna be a greasy fast Italian Tank like Mickey say!

The tournament goes as planned, and you kick ass. Mama showed up with Uncle Louie who made a miraculous recovery...Kumiko indeed shows up...she got a little "dance" Club Long Beach she want you to check out...Miyagi got the number for you so Jessica don't get jealous... Its all good now! Life is perfect!

After the tournament, maybe you get a real job! Move out on your own.
Even go to COLLEGE maybe?

You and Miyagi are still friends but you can stand on your own. The relationship will grow because you aren't in his face 24-7....

This is how it all should have been...but you have the travesty that is life in the Bonzai Tree shop..and a travesty it is.


by mamabearppl (Fri Oct 3 2008 03:55:38)

arazi, you write some of the funniest *beep* I ever read. I love it when I sit here with my morning coffee and find you've written something new. Thank you for a good morning and your usual spot-on observations.


by maixiu (Fri Oct 3 2008 13:31:44)

Good god. I'm not worthy of reading your work, arazi. That was seriously the funniest s**t posted here in a long, long time. And in the words of Homer Simpson, "It's funny 'cause it's true!"


by mamabearppl (Fri Oct 3 2008 14:22:23)

My favorite part was when he orders Miyagi to get the herbal tea and pizza rolls. Can you just see ole Miyagi fetching and carrying?


by arazi25 (Fri Oct 3 2008 14:58:20)

Once again I am honored to contribute to the best board on IMBD.

I have a home here. I feel welcome to be around superstars. No one here seems to get offended, people laugh and take this stuff at face value. On other sites folks get truly offended when you take the shine off their heroes.

Scary thing is, I do all this without the benefit of any drugs! Isn't that amazing? I wanna know what I could do on acid!


by bkoursarys-1 (Fri Oct 3 2008 17:08:00)

message for arazi25

Im with the others dude. A hilarious but truly honest and INSIGHTFUL assessment of how Larusso (not lapusso) life should have been. the stuff u wrote about how he should have shown Jessica the fight to the death, the mesaage, building the ORIENTAL STYLE mansion, his adventures with his 'homie' Miyagi and the way he shouldve dealt with barnes almost killed me with laughter. How much of a better film it would have made if it ended up something like you wrote. he really would be a hero...a mans man! someone your inspired by. However the reality is different. LaPusso isnt a mans man. He a virgin, *beep* wuss. but im glad it didnt work out like that...otherwise we wouldnt be having all this fun writing about LaPusso and disecting every pathetic move he makes and making fun out of it.

also i echo what some of the other guys have said. this board is great because everyone has common ground - we have fun ripping the piss out of that embarressment of the so called 'main character' and no one gets offended by it. a far cry from the Cocktail board where people have heart attacks because i wrote derogatory but highly deserved and justifiable comments on Tom Cruise and Elizabeth Shue. also because we have identified that just because LaPusso was the main character doesnt mean that he is exempt from critacism.

Damn the LaPusso slagging never gets old!


by Shield24 (Sat Oct 4 2008 05:10:22)

"On other sites folks get truly offended when you take the shine off their heroes."

As do we, sir. NOBODY disrespects Mr. Terry Silver and gets away with it...

"I love it when he pounds him"- Terry Silver, President, DynaTox Industries


by maixiu (Sat Oct 4 2008 07:06:34)

NOBODY disrespects Mr. Terry Silver and gets away with it...

Revenge? Of course you want revenge! Who wouldn't? And I'm gonna get it for you.


by mamabearppl (Sat Oct 4 2008 16:12:50)

When people disrespect Mr. Terry Silver, I'm afraid it reflects more on the disrespecter than the astounding Mr. Terry Silver. They disrespect out of intimidation, insecurity, jealousy and general all-around unworthiness. Mr. Terry Silver is an exceptional example of our species, and intimidates on many levels:

1. Incredible, luscious good looks. Lesser mortals of the male persuasion may notice that Mr. Terry Silver can reduce most any member of the female sex to helpless quivering desire with just a quick flash of his brilliant smile.. That's all it takes! And, of course, the hot tub scenes (have I ever mentioned the hot tub scenes?)are damn near coma inducing. An insecure guy who is not comfortable with himself or his assets or lack thereof will surely be tempted to uncharitable comments about Mr. Terry Silver. You can tell these guys right away because they will resort to petty observations about his ascot (which I think looks MARVelous) or they will refer to his gorgeous smile as sneaky or slick. (BU11$HIT!!!)

2. His fabulous wealth. Those of them who know deep down inside that they could have done better in this world, but were afraid to take chances, work hard and most importantly, give back to the community will make belittling remarks to the effect that he is "crooked." They are so intimidated by his financial prowess they will even jeer at his inspiring speech about honesty, compassion and fair play. They will claim, of all the nutty things, that his speech was "insincere." That he fixed the tournament, yada yada. These are the guys who show up late to their jobs at McDonald's and then wonder why their bosses can't stand them.

3. His selective, exquisite taste for the finer things in life. These guys who cannot be satisfied with what they have will tend to criticise his "drinking habits," or jump on the fact that Mr. Terry Silver knows how to enjoy the occasional expensive cigar. And the ascot again, always carping on the ascot, these guys. They will claim that Mr. Terry Silver was flawed. MR. TERRY SILVER WAS NOT FLAWED!

4. There are even guys who envy Mr. Terry Silver his karate abilities. You can tell these guys by the fact that they crow over Miya-Gay's "victory" at the dojo. They make a big to-do over the fact that the can of paint fell on Mr. Terry Silver's lovely hair. They consistently fail to distinguish between defeat, and the massive effort at self-control exercised by Mr. Terry Silver as he realized it was more honorable to save it up for the tournament. Guys like this couldn't be expected to know that the study of karate improves one's self control, having never gotten off the couch in their lives.

In short, you can always tell the inferior kind of guy who is going to lash out at Mr. Terry Silver. In fact, now that I think of it, guys like this were probably the reason Karate Kid III was made, to give these kind of guys a "hero" they can root for. Someone even more pathetic than them, so they can feel morally superior while they root for Whineielle. These are the guys whose tiny little hearts swell with vicarious joy as our flaccid boy hero cries, "We did it Mr. Miyagi, we did it!" at the end of his pathetic lucky win. This may be the exact reason why this movie has the ridiculous slant that it does. Mr. Terry Silver haters almost always wind up being LaWusso lovers.


by Canhoto (Sun Oct 5 2008 08:46:15)

“mamabear”, a long response can be found on the “Terry Silver was Flawed” thread, where your above rambling belongs but cowardly self couldn’t bear to post so instead decided to slip in some cheapshots here. More importantly, I don’t want to steal Arazi’s thunder on a brilliant original post and go derailing once again on the Kai’s theme of choice, missing the opportunity to build on the pizza rolls.

You missed the entire point of what Shield and Maixiu were trying to get across – insinuating that the hero of the story was Silver and not LaPuto. That’s why it was so funny.. And Arazi, the difference on this board is that nobody in their right mind can root for Danielle (the movie’s grossly off-mark intended hero) because the guy is a complete goof and has no hero traits whatsoever.

That was some hilarious $hit up there btw. After the pizza rolls, Danielle could also have had Miyagi break the tops off the bottles to show what a badass oddjob sidekick he had, and then after the DVD, pop in the “desire” song from the original soundtrack, slide the pagoda doors closed, and rub her back down with the foot remedy, mixing in a little scented oil.


by Shield24 (Sun Oct 5 2008 08:51:35)

No insinuation here, sir. Mr. Silver is, was, and always will be the hero of this movie.



by maixiu (Sun Oct 5 2008 09:08:40)

Canhoto, if you wish to revive this subject, that of your hero -- the negligent and predatory Miyagi -- then do indulge us with your thoughts on that man's refusal to train, inform, and otherwise support Daniel-san, his pupil and confidant, when that young lad was confronted by the Cobra Kai. How can you account for Miyagi's steadfast refusal to assist his young charge in his time of need? He was not merely content to withhold his backing but inclined to mock his young friend in the presence of his one female acquaintance. This is the man you hold up as virtuous, as a representative of all that is good?


by SuperOtaku (Mon Oct 6 2008 21:35:25)

No kidding, Max...Miyagi holds his knowledge above Daniel's head so much throughout the entire series. Like not teaching him how to punch until 20 minutes before the ending of the first KK. AND the stuff with the sweep in KK3. The more I think of it, the more contemptously I begin to see Miyagi "the hero". He dupes Daniel into supporting his "dream" in the bonsai store, AND he almost gets him killed by a vendetta that Daniel had nothing to do with at all in Okinawa. THESE are not the actions of a hero. Would Miyagi have even run away if he were so heroic? Do not bring in to play his "military service" which probably consisted of slinging hash to the REAL soldiers in the mess hall.

by ILNi 1 hour ago (Tue Dec 15 2009 14:48:53)
Edit Reply
UPDATED Tue Dec 15 2009 15:48:19

by arazi25 (Mon Oct 6 2008 10:37:21)


You wanted the follow up, here it is. I made this on a new thread cause I didn't want this to get buried..

That Terry Silver website was genius and provided the inspiration.


Ok, now clearly this was one party that was definently pre-planned ahead of time..they even started it that friday night with the notion of going all the way till monday morning.. However, the real good stuff was definently reserved for post tournament. Why let it all go to waste? The food, the entertainers, the alcohol. Why cancel? Barnes didn't seal it but so what? He uninvited himself...enough said.

Theres gonna be one hell of a party to be had anyway. 99% of the party goers didn't give a damn about the ending anyway. "Who's Daniel? oh that guy Elton John sang about"...I'm just as *beep*-ing blind as that bastard" said Steveland Wonder one of the entertainers ALREADY performing there.

Kreese and Silver pull up...composed and cool, their rage has tempered by customary post tournament blow-jobs... Who set this up? None other than Rick James who sent them over!

Here's Rick giving Silver a call on the cell..

"Hey Terry baby, I sent you some hoes to cheer you up...Now get your white ass over here and come party us! tell Barnes to suck my nutsak! and Hell with a tournament...i'm gettin high!"

See life is indeed getting better...hell it is better! Why? despite the t-shirt loss they had other ventures.. All those t-shirts those ungrateful folks threw back were donated to a homeless fund!

Mr.Silver, the brilliant business man had brokered a Pay Per View deal with HBO an TVKO productions for the broadcast. Also the exclusive DVD rights too.
So while Daniel gets a plastic trophy, Silver gets what truly matters...the green benjamins.

So again, here's Kreese and Silver heartened and enlightened at the raucous celebration taking place and by the warm welcome by AL DAVIS. He's been a loyal student of Quicksilver since its fertile beginning in the early 80's. He has a word of advice!

" NEVERMIND punishing that worm....JUST WIN BABY!" That's all you had to do!"

"Anyways, Mr.Silver, the Raiders organazation and the NFL has decided to match your donation to the toys for tots fund of greater Los Angeles... You are a wonderful man, lets go enjoy those booties and breast-ta-sesses"

Prince and the Revolution performs "Purple Rain" specially dedicated to Sensai Kreese and all his accomplishments...OH Dammit Here comes KREESE! didn't know he knew air gutar! WOW...Kreese has temporarily ditched the conservative threads for something else!

ASS-LESS black leather Chaps!!!!! Who knew this?

Seems like somewhere along the way young Prince Rogers Nelson and Kreese had struck a friendship! This party can only get better! It does!

Who is that pulling up in that stretch limo? Its Miyagi he's rented a LIMO for the occasion! Miyagi is dressed in his best threads..complete with gator-shoes!

Ok now Silver is clearly pissed and rearing for battle...Kreese still


arazi25 was absolutely hilarious!

I seem to remember he wrote a post about Lucille LaRusso being misunderstood. It had me in tears of laughter and he certainly changed my opinion of the woman.

Anyone have a record of that?


I remember that thread too. I'm not sure it changed my mind about Mrs. Larusso, but it was definitely inspired. And it also inspired mamabearppl to post her sauce recipe. Good times, good times.

I also noticed this above:

by Shield24 (Wed Oct 8 2008 17:35:40)

Between this and Lord Strider, coupled with Siberian's anticipated return, it is heartwarming to see this board in all its proper glory.

In case any administrator has any ideas, I've saved these threads on a seperate file.

I pray that Sensei Shield still has this material archived, and that he will drop in here very soon to share with us anything that he's saved over the years.


I remember coming to this board in 2008. First thread I saw was called, "Fat Daniel" and I was in tears and immediately hooked. Rumor was there was some thread called, "KK3 Theme Park".



Please tell me someone archived and can re-post the thread that reenacted the "show me sand the floor, wax on wax off" scene between Miyagay and LaPusso in KK1?!?

That was without question some of the funniest $hit I've read in my life! I still have occasional fits of laughter whenever I think about it!


Are you thinking about this?


Yes! This one to be exact....

Daniel is up on a ladder, pants at his ankles, body bent at an odd angle as Miyagi returns home. He quickly pulls them back up and rushes over as he sees Miyagi return home:
Miyagi: You missed spot.
Daniel: What spot?? Hey, hey, how come you didn’t tell me you were going fishing for boys?
M: You not here when I go.
D: Maybe I would have wanted to go. You ever think of that?
M: You still in training.
D: I’m what? I’m being your goddamned sex slave, that’s what I’m being! Now we made a deal here!
M: So?
D: So! You’re supposed to teach and I’m supposed to learn, remember? For four days, you’ve been busting my goddamned ass and I haven’t learned a thing.
M: You’ve learned plenty.
D: I learned plenty! I learned how to stroke your goat, maybe. Strum your drum, hide your salami, shuck your corn. I learned plenty, right!
M: Ah, not everything is as seem.
D: Oh *beep* I’m going home, man.
M: Daniel-san! Daniel-san!!!
D: What?
M: Come here. Show me buff your bologna!
Daniel makes a move for Miyagi’s pants.
M: Not me. This time you.
D: I can’t get it up anymore, all right?
Miyagi claps his hands together and rubs his palms vigorously.
D: What are you doing?
Miyagi thrusts his hands into Daniel’s pants.
D: What’re you… OWWW! Ow, what are you doing??
M: Now show me buff your bologna.
Daniel admires his now engorged member.
D: How did you do that?
M: Show!!
D: Buff my bologna?
M: Mmm-hmm
Daniel makes so as to lay down on Miyagi’s deck.
M: Ah, dd-dd-dd. Stand up! Show me buff the bologna.
Daniel forms a fist and makes jerky back-and-forth motions in the air. Miyagi corrects him, takes his hand, places it on Daniel’s johnson.
M: Light pressure and fast hand.
He moves his hand quickly.
M: Buff the bologna… buff the bolgna. Now show me wax the dolphin.
Again Daniel tries to prostrate himself in front of Miyagi but is corrected. Annoyed, he looks at Miyagi and half-heartedly paws at the space between them.
D: Wax the dolphin…wax the dolphin…
An impatient Miyagi mocks Daniels movements.
M: Wax the dolphin… wax the dolphin…
Again he takes his own hands and places them on Daniels private parts.
M: Wax the dolphin, hot! Wax the dolphin, hot! Concentrate. Look at the NAMBLA brochure in my pocket. Lock fingers around shaft, thumb on top. Wax the dolphin, hot! Wax the dolphin, hot! Now, show me paint your pole. Up and down.
This time Daniel understands Miyagi’s request. He uses his fingers to stroke his throbbing pocket rocket. Miyagi takes Daniel’s hand and helps him along.
M: Up… down… up… down… Look at the pictures I downloaded, always look at pictures. Now show me slam the ham, side to side.
This time Daniel needs little help. His hands seem to instinctively remember their earlier lessons. Miyagi again provides the missing element.
M: Lock wrist, make your little Buddha do all the work.
Now Miyagi drops trow and prepares to lead Daniel through all his lessons.
M: Show me wax the dolphin.
The two of them begin furiously abusing themselves in tandem.
M: Show me paint the pole!
Daniel and Miyagi continue, steadily looking one another in the eye.
M: Show me buff the bologna.
Both of them begin to breath heavily.
M: Show me slam the ham.
There’s a glint in Miyagi’s eye as he prepares to put Daniel through the paces. An apt pupil, Daniel needs no further words of instruction, he follows Miyagi through all his motions. Their eyes locked, both of them soon spill their sake. Exhausted, Daniel needs a few seconds to catch his breath. Miyagi makes to bow, but Daniel’s face is as glazed as his hand. Miyagi playfully cuffs him across the chest, bringing Daniel out of his reverie.
M: Miyagi always carry photo. If you need to prime pump, You carry photo, too.
With a sheepish grin, Daniel nods his head in understanding. As he struts back to the house, Miyagi calls over his shoulder:
M: Come back tomorrow. I show you old Okinawan fishing net trick!

Got it (along with the others from that and this thread) stored away for keepsake now - thank you!

I never posted much but always checked this board ever since I read the above hilarity over 10 years ago. Always had a good laugh at the hijinks going on here. Really gonna miss this board.
