Sad really...

...isn't it that when you guys have mentioned the greats who once visited these boards, that no one has mentioned Sam Hain.
Sam left the boards 7 years ago to take on the biggest fight of his life....cancer.
No one seems to know if Sam won that fight or not.
It's particularly sad that it has taken me, an enemy of the Kai, to say his name on here.
You guys ought to be embarrassed!

If those pen pushers up at city hall don't like it,well, they swivel on this middle digit!


Translation: Let’s get another confrontation out there before the boards close. I’m a bored, lonely troll.

What is that thing you're using?.... It's technical.


Are you saying Sam wasn't well respected around here thus not worth mentioning?


I'm saying you want confrontation but attempt to mask it with some poignant tripe.

The last line wasn't needed on your post and you know it.

What is that thing you're using?.... It's technical.


It was needed. I know it.


You used a man suffering from cancer for your own gains. The gain of getting into another confrontation with users on here. Disgusting behaviour.

What is that thing you're using?.... It's technical.


Not as disgusting as not acknowledging his presence here


Neither did you until you thought:

"How can I confront people on the board again, without arguing against their posts because that August guy has kinda pulled me up on that. I know! I will write some phoney poignant tripe and the final line will have the bait"

What is that thing you're using?.... It's technical.


Don't let him bait you and drag you down. The guy is obviously on the spectrum and nothing you say will ever get through to him, we've tried for years!


And that's true, why?
Because you say so?
As for using the mans illness to bolster an argument on here, that was done some years ago by one of your own.
Funny how nobody said anything against that person.
Hypocrisy at its finest wouldn't you say?


As I explained to you, several times now, I have NOT BEEN ON THESE FORUMS ALL DAY AND NIGHT, EVERY DAY. You have, so you can remember every little nook and cranny of the conversations on here in your little autistic head.

Secondly, yes you used a man's illness to bolster an argument. Funny how you didn't call him out in this thread:

You forgot him there, but suddenly remembered him when you felt it was time for a good ol' argument!

You're on the spectrum, so I know you have no self-awareness and unable to grasp social normalities, so I won't be too hard on you... But you know very well you could have written a nice poignant note on how you remember this fella suffering from Cancer. Instead of that, you chose to go down the route of being confrontational about it by suggesting WE are the ones to blame for not remembering him and how WE should be embarrassed.

This keeps him as a mere pawn in your little confrontational games. Truly pathetic.

What is that thing you're using?.... It's technical.


I didn't call him out on that thread because nobody knows whether or not he is alive even. He's certainly no longer on the boards. But seeing as the Kai are mentioning the old legends I would have thought they, more than anyone, would have mentioned him. Plus he was one of their own.
Maybe , seeing as you're not on the boards that often you ought to get the full story before jumping in feet first with your half assed opinions. Let the big kids answer for themselves instead of you justifying their actions or lack of.


Gus, Wears Alan IS a bored lonely troll...a keyboard warrior who will post anything to get attention.

But the minute someone calls him on a challenge in real life he's a cowardly no-show.

Wears Alan even looks bad compared to his hero Whinielle... at least Whinielle showed up at the tourney.


Da plane boss, da plane!


Yeah I remember Sam. Was a real credit to the boards. I'll always remember when he invited both Kai and non Kai to discuss the movie. Hopefully he is out there doing ok.


Yeah he was a good 'un.
