MovieChat Forums > The Karate Kid Part III (1989) Discussion > Since the boards are closing...

Since the boards are closing...

... it wouldn't feel right to go without saying a few things.
1) romefan123, you are a twat. You used to be likeable, but you started to think your opinion is more important than anybody else's ( an attitude tempered through being on the KK boards I'm sure). This is why you are hated on the FG boards. It's probably why your friends on here deserted you last year.
Anyway, it pains me to admit that we have very similar tastes in movies. So you can't be all bad. Every time I watch the Warriors, you will spring to mind.
2) maixui, not seen you round these parts in a while. It would be nice to see you on the boards one last time.
3) Silat 1981, I'm glad we ended our feud. Peace to you.
4) jsnhylnd, I hope you are well.
5) frog Clarke, fvc< you, you fvc<img dickhead!
6) cruisin109, every time I watch Pinocchio or Fantasy Island, I'll think of you.
7) nice to see beno back however short lived it may be
8) Callum Roberts, cmon back for one last hurrah!
It's been a blast and it's a shame it's ending but hey, nothing lasts forever.

If those pen pushers up at city hall don't like it,well, they swivel on this middle digit!


Cobra Kai.. never dies!


Is that all you have to say?
I mean the boards are closing in two weeks and that's it?
Oh well, go out as you went on.....flaccid like Daniel!


What I mean is that the Cobra Kai will go on.

Your story, on the other hand, ends here.


My story carries on with my Karate club that celebrates 20 years next year.
People will still know of Alan Wears karate instructor. Who will know of cruising 109 fantasist and liar? The Walter Mitty appreciation society perhaps?


The name Wears Alan dies with IMDB message boards.

You won't even be a memory old man.


There won't be any boards! Don't you get it?


Yes, the boards die off.

So too does Wears Alan.


I still go on. Can't you read?


You still go on in the literal sense.

But you will be forgotten.


Anyone thinking about this board will remember me. So no, I won't be forgotten


Shocking news.


Hi Callum, glad you could make the party


Awww someone is really upset and clinging on to the last bit of attention they will get with this post in their sad, autistic life.

Get a hobby you sad t w a t.

What is that thing you're using?.... It's technical.


What's your hobby?
Telling people you argue with that it will all be over in a couple of weeks?
What's your life going to be like when you can't piss and moan over Eastenders and Corrie ?

If those pen pushers up at city hall don't like it,well, they swivel on this middle digit!


Thank you for clicking on my profile and looking at my message history.

Unfortunately for you (because you thrive on trying to be 'right' so hard) I don't "piss and moan" about EastEnders and Coronation Street. And I dare you to find ONE post of mine where I talk about EE and CS in regards to the soap and its characters.

I simply clicked on a certain user's message history (Prem) who spams his drivel on the movie forums I frequent (bit like you) and posted a "it's all over" post on his two fave forums - Eastenders and Coronation Street. That way I know he'll see it. Kinda like how I did on the Karate Kid forum for you (which you saw and responded to).

My hobbies are several - none of which involve logging onto IMDb daily.

What is that thing you're using?.... It's technical.


Yet here you are!!!
Oh and clicking on a persons posting history would appear to be your hobby then I I take it?
I mean if you are going to call somebody a hypocrite then be a hypocrite yourself, well that's pretty rich don't you think?


No s h i t here I am. If you can extend that feeble brain of yours for a second, the keyword in my post is ‘daily’. As in here every day.

What hypocrisy? I thanked you for looking at my message history. Where do I say that I denounce that behaviour?

You’re losing your mind, man. The impending closure, knowing you’ll never be able to quote other users as you spend quality time trying to argue against minutiae detail is hitting you hard.

What is that thing you're using?.... It's technical.


Your hypocrisy comes from your claim that I get burned here (never happened yet) so I take my anger out by mocking Charlie (actually it's mainly Grandpa Joe) on the WWATCF boards, yet here you are clicking on other posters history to follow them to other boards and mock them because they irk you.
You're one of those arse heads that feels it's alright for you to do something but mock anybody else you deem does the same.
This is all coming to an end, but who do you think will miss it more, the idiots on here who think they are really part of the Cobra Kai and post at 3am their time or me who comes here to wind them up? I only ever visit through the waking hours (UK time) idiots like cruising109 are on here at all hours. Now they fall in to your category of no lives outside IMDb more than I do.

If those pen pushers up at city hall don't like it,well, they swivel on this middle digit!


No thread was sacred with you about. Every thread just had to have a post with your inane, arrogant drivel.

Good members left for good as you interjected in to every thread with your holier than though bastard comments.

You singlehandedly ruined this forum with your *beep* and pathetic desire to have the upperhand in every *beep* discussion.

Your clear insecurity with yourself led to you to become this insatiable power hungry person in the online world.

But now it's all over.

There's no action for you anymore. Now you gotta wait around like everybody else. Tomorrow you'll order spaghetti and marina sauce and get a plate of egg noodles and ketchup. You'll get to live your like average schnook.


Good members left for good as you interjected in to every thread with your holier than though bastard comments.

Oh boo hoo! People need to get thicker skins.
You singlehandedly ruined this forum with your *beep* and pathetic desire to have the upperhand in every *beep* discussion.

Did I? What a shame.
Your clear insecurity with yourself led to you to become this insatiable power hungry person in the online world.

But now it's all over.

Yes it is isn't it.
There's no action for you anymore. Now you gotta wait around like everybody else.

I'm sure I'll manage. You though? Now that's another matter entirely. You seem like you are taking it quite hard. It's just a forum. It was bound to go someday.
Tomorrow you'll order spaghetti and marina sauce and get a plate of egg noodles and ketchup.

I prefer Indian food.
You'll get to live your like average schnook

If you say so.

If those pen pushers up at city hall don't like it,well, they swivel on this middle digit!


Ah yes, the bait worked. There he goes fully deconstructing my post to add his oh so witty cutting quips (only in his autistic suffering head)

Meanwhile the rest of us yawn as we you now cum hard thinking of you've posted another epic 'comeback'. You're the type who masturbates to himself in the mirror while wearing your phone-combat karate suit.

"I prefer Indian". Ooh so witty and original. Mental age of 12.

Didn't even get the reference to Goodfellas. Call yourself a movie fan? Disappointing!


Didn't get the reference?
How about I didn't care?


Good members left for good as you interjected in to every thread with your holier than though bastard comments.

You singlehandedly ruined this forum with your *beep* and pathetic desire to have the upperhand in every *beep* discussion.

Truer words never spoken.

"Cobra Kai? Say it...say it...NEVER DIES!" Karate Kid III


1) romefan123, you are a twat. You used to be likeable, but you started to think your opinion is more important than anybody else's ( an attitude tempered through being on the KK boards I'm sure). This is why you are hated on the FG boards. It's probably why your friends on here deserted you last year.
Anyway, it pains me to admit that we have very similar tastes in movies. So you can't be all bad. Every time I watch the Warriors, you will spring to mind.

Did I now? No I didn't. I never put myself ahead of any of the Kai. I respect the legends on here. You, obviously, do not. You only joined on this Board to garner attention, because you're a loser and have no game. As for the Kai, I respect the many greats on here. Show me once where I put MY opinions, MY principles ahead of the common good of this Dojo?? Fact of the matter is, I only put myself, and my opinions, ahead of YOU. YOUR problem is, you had to push it...

You couldn't leave it alone..could you, little twerp? You had to push it...'re gonna pay...

We've got 14 days to put you in your place, punk. Dead. Dead. Dead.

And already some have. You deserve every drop of it too, because you've caused this Board to shrink like Lyle Alzado's testicles.

You suck, wearsalan, suck! You suck!!

"Cobra Kai? Say it...say it...NEVER DIES!" Karate Kid III

reply're gonna pay...

Oh no! Whatever shall I do 

If those pen pushers up at city hall don't like it,well, they swivel on this middle digit!


Anyone thinking about this board will remember me. So no, I won't be forgotten

This has to rank as one of the most delusional and pathetic of all of WA's comments. You can imagine him saying it in the same tone as Daniel's infamous "Yes he will. You won't." as people struggle to contain their laughter.


Are you saying this board won't remember the biggest thorn in their sides?
Now that's delusional!


The board will only remember that you were a no-show and a coward for our scheduled fight!


No, it won't remember your little fantasy.
Now who is being delusional?


I would have mopped the floor with your ass!


You couldn't knock out a fart!

If those pen pushers up at city hall don't like it,well, they swivel on this middle digit!


I would have stuffed you into a urinal like a rag-doll!


Sounds like you're embracing your circle jerk fantasy again;-)


I would have spun you around, bent you over backwards, and jammed your head up your own bum!


Are you masturbating right now!
You seem a little too excited.

If those pen pushers up at city hall don't like it,well, they swivel on this middle digit!


Then, with you head jammed up your own bum, I would have kicked you down a hill!

You would have rolled down like a wheel screaming "heeeeellllp mee!!!'


Well, if you really had been outside Harrods, guess hills for miles!!!!

If those pen pushers up at city hall don't like it,well, they swivel on this middle digit!


Overuse of exclamation marks and saying 'busted' is not a good look for a 40-something Karate school instructor.

What is that thing you're using?.... It's technical.


Apt in this case though.

If those pen pushers up at city hall don't like it,well, they swivel on this middle digit!


Hey Alan.. lookie here!

Seems the 80 pounds I had to pay for my cab to Harrods was justified afterall!


First off it says invalid 101 when clicking on that link ( no surprise there)
Secondly the fare should be no more than £34
Third you still haven't answered the other 3 questions posed to you
1) the doormans name (it's on his badge
2) what was the sign promoting in the window adjacent the entrance
3) what did the placard the man outside was carrying read
Now if you can't answer you weren't there. If you could then you'd know I was there too.
You have been silent on this matter for a couple of days. It would be wise if you to continue in that manner before you lose any credibility you have with the Kai. You'll come back though. You're too stupid not to.

If those pen pushers up at city hall don't like it,well, they swivel on this middle digit!


For some reason the address isn't working when I make it a link... copy and paste and it will work:

1.) I only remember doormen wearing a fagly puke green coat

2.) Remember seeing some women's clothing adverts.

3.) Didn't see any placard any doorman was carrying....walked around the whole complex look for you and found nothing. PM'ed you and posted on this board, then went back to the airport.

All the Kai here know you are a liar and a coward and a fraud which is why they know that YOU were the one who didn't show.


1) LIAR. If you were at the entrance you would have been close enough for him to say hello to you. He greets people so would have greeted you. You can't miss the bold as brass name tag on his left lapel!
2) LIAR. It has nothing to do with women's clothing.
3) LIAR. The person carrying the placard wasn't a doorman. It wasn't even an employee of Harrods. They were wearing a bright orange coat. You couldn't possibly have missed them.
4) Who the fvc< calls Harrods a complex? It's a department store. Compared US stores it is fairly small so how you would deem it a complex is laughable and shows up your poor attempt at guessing and trying to bluff your way out of this.
Carry on though, the hole you are digging yourself in to is just getting deeper.
What were you wearing? ( apparently no coat)

If those pen pushers up at city hall don't like it,well, they swivel on this middle digit!


I didn't greet anyone... I walked around looking for YOU. I know what you look like.

There WAS women's clothing adverts.. not that I studied them much but that was the impression I got.

I SAW NO PLACARD!!! Are you trying to convince me you were there carrying a big sign to get my attention??

Semantics man. It seemed pretty big to me.

I was wearing blue jeans, and a dark red sweater.


I never asked if YOU greeted anyone I said the doorman would have greeted YOU.
Why walk around the store when you had arranged to meet me at the entrance?
No there wasn't you're making it up. You are simply making an educated guess. Here's some education for you, you're wrong.
You saw nobody carrying a placard because you weren't there. And no, it wasn't me.
The first time I went to the world famous Harrods store (1994) I was surprised at how small I thought it was. I expected it to be bigger. You're lying, man.
You were wearing blue jeans and a red sweater? That may be true what you were wearing that day, but Harrods has a dress code so wouldn't have let you in dressed like that, so how were you walking around this 'huge' place?
See how your story is unraveling?
When frog Clarke wanted to meet me there I said no to him on both occasions. Now he may well have turned up, but I don't believe he did. Can I prove he didn't? No, and I accept I cannot because I myself wasn't there that day. I told him on both occasions I had no intention of turning up. After all my beef was with romefan not him This time though I was there as promised. It was convenient for me seeing as I was down that way. Had I not been I would not have challenged you.
Now whether you admit to it or not, you have been busted. You are a liar, a coward and a fantasist.

If those pen pushers up at city hall don't like it,well, they swivel on this middle digit!


I know your mental age is still stuck there, but it's not 1994 anymore, old man. The Harrods dress code has relaxed considerably. He certainly WOULD BE allowed to go in wearing a red top and jeans.


What is that thing you're using?.... It's technical.


Ooh, here comes the cavalry
Harrods still has a smart dress code. Yes they allow jeans, but not any old tatty jeans (seeing as he was supposed to be coming for a fight one wouldn't expect him to be wearing designer jeans). I was seeing if your lying chum knew any of this, but as usual to save a fellow Kai from being embarrassed one of you guys comes to the rescue. That's the way with you lot isn't it? You know he's lying but instead of having a quiet word in his ear (pm would do it) you help promote his lie.
Carry on

If those pen pushers up at city hall don't like it,well, they swivel on this middle digit!


No, I’m certainly not the cavalry and here to help him out.

I don’t know him or the history of your “feud”, as I have rarely been visiting this forum. What has happened is that I am visiting this forum now and saw a post from you that contained misinformation. That was about the Harrods dress code. And as expected, when I pointed this out to you, you deny the error with “it was a set up to see if he knew any of this”. Just like your other posts where you were caught out but hey “it was just sarcasm”.

Oh and stop making up the scenario in your head in order to justify your error. Just because you think “he would have arrived in tatty jeans and therefore not be allowed in” doesn’t mean he would have arrived in tatty jeans and not be let in. Designer jeans? Harrods don’t check the brand of your clothes when you go in. I could wear a pair of cheap Primark jeans and be allowed to enter the store.

Sad. Truly sad.

What is that thing you're using?.... It's technical.


So let me get this right.
You say I'm lying because....why?
I'm trying to prove this guy is lying about flying from the US on a late flight to meet me outside of Harrods for a fight. He says he only has about 15 mins before he has to get back to Heathrow for his return flight . He claims he showed up but that I didn't.
Now you might not believe that I turned up and that's up to you, but don't tell me you believe he did.
As I said you arrived like the cavalry to stop cruising 109 painting himself in to a corner.

If those pen pushers up at city hall don't like it,well, they swivel on this middle digit!


This is getting ridiculous WA. You should try to bow out of these boards with some dignity intact. Everybody here knows you were a no show.


Wtf would you know about dignity you clown?

If those pen pushers up at city hall don't like it,well, they swivel on this middle digit!


Wears Alan this is really getting out of hand.

You were a no-show 3 times at Harrods now and your cowardice is making the whole board look bad.

I walked the whole way around Harrods looking for you and ended up wasting time and money because of you were proven a coward (again).

I am sure you are much more familiar with Harrods then I am and can ask me all sort of minutea. Fact is I didn't get on a plane to visit Harrods, I got on a plane to see YOU and kick your ass!

You will close out your tenure on this board a proven coward and all my fellow Kai know the truth.

I showed, you didn't, and you are trying to impress everyone with your extensive knowledge of department stores (gay!) to attempt to gain legitimacy.

However, your legitimacy is as lacking as that stolen black belt around your waist!


You were a no-show 3 times at Harrods now and your cowardice is making the whole board look bad.

Well frogclarke was told I wouldn't be there the first two times. As for this last time, it was you who was the no show. Your lying and cowardice are making the Kai look bad.
I walked the whole way around Harrods looking for you

Why? We'd already arranged to meet outside.
You're just making things up for the sake of it now.
I am sure you are much more familiar with Harrods then I am and can ask me all sort of minutea. Fact is I didn't get on a plane to visit Harrods, I got on a plane to see YOU and kick your ass!

And yet even by your own admission, you didn't wait at the arranged place
Here wasn't it.
Oh look, you can see the name tags the doormen have on their uniforms
Well apparently you couldn't. Perhaps because you weren't there eh?
You've also said that you weren't going to kick my ass. Now you're saying you were. At least be consistent when you lie.
You will close out your tenure on this board a proven coward and all my fellow Kai know the truth.

No, not really. As for the Kai, why would they let the truth get in the way of your lie. They prefer it that way.
I showed, you didn't, and you are trying to impress everyone with your extensive knowledge of department stores (gay!) to attempt to gain legitimacy.

Now how would I ever expect to impress the Kai eh? No I simply showed up your BS. but as I said, stop worrying, they would rather believe you than me anyway. But you and I both know that you didn't show, and that's all that really matters.
However, your legitimacy is as lacking as that stolen black belt around your waist!

The blackbelt I wear was presented to me by Ticky Donovan. i don't need anymore legitimacy than that.

If those pen pushers up at city hall don't like it,well, they swivel on this middle digit!


Of course Alan didn't show up. He's a 40-something single man who cares for his mother in Essex, while battling autism and/or aspergers. He hasn't got the means or the inclination for a real-life confrontation.

What is that thing you're using?.... It's technical.


1) I don't live in Essex
2) My mother died 10 years ago

If those pen pushers up at city hall don't like it,well, they swivel on this middle digit!


Lmao guys this is getting crazy. They are just characters in a bad 80s movie sequel. I suggest everyone calls some kind of a truce before the board closes.
