MovieChat Forums > The Karate Kid Part III (1989) Discussion > Will miss you all - thanks for the laugh...

Will miss you all - thanks for the laughs IMBD'ers

Dynatox industries will miss the laughs. The poached rhino won't be the same without you. Remember when "get the hell out of Borneo" was written? Ah bliss.

Or Jtwrtw giving us the gift of "karate kid vs Rocky".

'Tis a sad time..... so long!

You'll kill everyone!
But Ice Cream Cake!


It is a sad time. Perhaps the closing of Imdb boards will bring back a few of the legends, and we can go full-Kai on naysayers and Winial-lovers.

"Cobra Kai? Say it...say it...NEVER DIES!" Karate Kid III


It is a sad time. Perhaps the closing of Imdb boards will bring back a few of the legends, and we can go full-Kai on naysayers and Winial-lovers.

The desperate cry of a desperate man.

If those pen pushers up at city hall don't like it,well, they swivel on this middle digit!


What's desperate about wanting the good times back?


It smacks of desperation!


Nothing wrong with wanting to say goodbye to some of the people who come on here. Not desperate in the slightest.


What's a "desperate cry" is the fact that wearsstupid was never a part of any good times--only an agitator, an irritant, and a mosquito in the Dojo. Fact remains, he's on the outside, always looking in. Always has been. Always will be. He wants so desperately to be Kai, but has no game, no way of knowing how to put down his championship of LaRusso and ADMIT, once and for all, he made a mistake, and allow the benevolence of the Kai work its magic. Always commenting too, when not needed.

Assbucket is what he is. Always has been. Always will be.

"Cobra Kai? Say it...say it...NEVER DIES!" Karate Kid III


I was ILNi back in the day... decided to migrate to the Sopranos board and indulge in JL-5 humor... the KK3 board has brought me more tears of laughter than all my other tears combined in life. The glory days of 2008-2011 will always be remembered.


Hell, WearsAlan won't even be a memory!


Welcome back, Sensei ILNi, I remember you well. It was under your tutelage that I learned my craft, quite honestly. Members like yourself and others showed me the way, and brought me in, treated me as an equal, and embraced me as one of you. I appreciated that. Those days were great days, including the simulcast, if you recall that, when 20-25 people were watching and commenting on KKIII. Wearsanus will never understand that, nor understand the impact these boards had on Imdb.
For a time, this was the place to be.

"Cobra Kai? Say it...say it...NEVER DIES!" Karate Kid III


That was a great day, romefan. I remember it vividly. A huge thunderstorm rolled through town just as the movie was wrapping up. Even the Gods approved!


Of course I understand.
Just because I don't agree with your view point doesn't mean I don't respect your passion.
It appears that it is YOU who has never understood me romefan.
Never mind though eh?

If those pen pushers up at city hall don't like it,well, they swivel on this middle digit!


Oh, I understand you quite well.


It's really embarrassing that you hung on so long. You made 0 friends in all the time you've been here. Anyone I've talked with hates your stinking guts--largely, because of how awkward and socially pressing you've always been. You had to push it, didn't you? Sound like someone we all know?

"Cobra Kai? Say it...say it...NEVER DIES!" Karate Kid III


Thanks for your honesty John.
Spoken like a true friend.
