MovieChat Forums > The Karate Kid Part III (1989) Discussion > Farewell the best board on IMDB

Farewell the best board on IMDB

Hi guys, I did not post much but with the recent news I thought of this board and I felt like I should acknowledge you guys and salute a legendary part of Imdb. I used to read your work at your peak a couple of years ago and the stories you came up with and your interpretation of the movie and protagonists and ridicule of Daniel and Miyagi made me laugh like nothing else on this site. Like I couldn't belive the funniest opinions on a movie could come from KK3, lol.

The names I remember Mr Buzzcut - 'cheese encrusted tongue', 'Mac and cheese' lol, Silat, Cruisin - saw your names in another thread I remember you guys, Taiko clothes? - lol can't remember clearly and a few more but I remember the funniest Ideas and stories. I remember your fights with beatdownkid lol. So yeh thanks for the laughs.
Oh just between you and me you guys didn't really hate Daniel did you?


All the best and yes I hated Daniel.


We all really did hate Whinielle LaPusso!


All the best to all the Kai around's been a blast. And yes...hated him with the white-hot passion of a 1000 burning suns.

And yes, LOVED the Cobra Kai!!!

"Cobra Kai? Say it...say it...NEVER DIES!" Karate Kid III


****getting choked up as I wave to all of you****

You'll kill everyone!
But Ice Cream Cake!
