MovieChat Forums > The Karate Kid Part III (1989) Discussion > Moments nobody mentions that you find fu...

Moments nobody mentions that you find funny

Kreese's excited questioning when Silver tells him he's now the biggest dojo operator in the valley.

Terry Silver's parting words at the park.
Nice to meet you, Jessica Andrews. Take care of our champion, huh? Alriiight!(Peels off to the dumb thud of Daniel's "Nice truck")


"I can't believe it! Mistah College Man!" 

Don't you believe it, Lucille.


 Yeah, that's a good one. She's such a dork. We see where he gets it from.

I also like "Okay, say hi to Uncle Louie" as poor Uncle Louie desperately rings for help and agonizingly coughs his guts out in the background. Just what he needs, Daniel; to know you said "hi".


"What, are you two training for the Olympics?"

A cutting barb cleverly diguised as friendly banter.


Indeed. I've used that one in real life 


Hey Dennis! He hasn't signed it yet.
(Puts object down and shakes head back making tsk tsk sounds and then karate chops the shoji Windows)

What do you plan to do about the court on the green?
Do what I usually do.....bribe them.
(Astonished shock) Mr. Silver

Party Time.
(Shows Miyagi his healed fists) We're old friends

"Be excellent to each other...And....Party on!"


Dennis destroying those windows is also a favorite of mine.



Was there a part in the movie where Daniel is wearing a Hawaiian shirt and humming to a hawaiian song? I thought I remember seeing that, quite possibly before Daniel meets up with Jessica for their mac and cheese date.


 Yes, when he's getting dressed for his "date", he hums and dances around like a sissy, unaware that Mr. Silver is lurking the shadows witnessing it. Funny and kind of embarrassing at the same time.



I've always loved the part where Mike Barnes visits the crapshack and grabs Danielle by the collar, proper alpha male style. Danielle then musters up every ounce of strength he has and throws a punch right in Barnes' face, but he barely flinches and just politely says "Don't do that". Hilarious! The look of horror on Danielle's face is priceless.

Why anyone would think Danielle is the better man after that incident is beyond me.


"Save it for the tournament!"
Even Snake is frightened by Barnes's vulgar display of power 


I've always loved the part where Mike Barnes visits the crapshack and grabs Danielle by the collar, proper alpha male style. Danielle then musters up every ounce of strength he has and throws a punch right in Barnes' face, but he barely flinches and just politely says "Don't do that". Hilarious! The look of horror on Danielle's face is priceless.

Indeed this part always made me LOL! "Don't do that." πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ Oh Whinielle is that really all you can muster???
