MovieChat Forums > The Karate Kid Part III (1989) Discussion > Let's start off with a Top-25 reasons...

Let's start off with a Top-25 reasons...

...why wearsalan SUCKS...I'll begin, add on as you see fit--

1) incessant lying
2) defends the indefensible
3) is all about the circular argument
4) like the Little Prince, he never lets it go




"Cobra Kai? Say it...say it...NEVER DIES!" Karate Kid III


5.) He supports childhood obesity by defending eating a metric ton of mac and cheese
6.) He supports inciting the murder of Master Silver and Kreese
7.) He supports the stealing of blackbelts.
8.) He supports Eco-terrorism
9.) He supports drinking so much water out of a fountain that it causes a drought
10.) He refuses to accept Terry Silver as his master!


11) He's always right
12) He's a real life karate black belt
13) He's always beating on romefan123
14) He sure knows his stuff
15) He's always calling the Kai on their BS

If those pen pushers up at city hall don't like it,well, they swivel on this middle digit!


16.) He's a heavy wimp who literally weighs 1 metric ton because he's filled with mac and cheese!
17.) He smells like Whinielle piss because he DRINKS Whinielle piss
18.) He "wins" his fights by curling into the fetal position and yelling "Stop it! Stop it! I'm a black belt!"
19.) The only reason he's a black belt is because he stole one.
20.) He doesn't actually know karate because he thinks you can do kata during a kumite๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚


21) He's always slapping cruising 109
22) He's always proving everyone wrong
23) He wins all of his fights easily
24) He's a black belt because the most respected coach in the world says so
25) He rules this board!!

If those pen pushers up at city hall don't like it,well, they swivel on this middle digit!


26.) He always gets beat-up by cruisin109
27.) He's practices his karate moves on senior citizens in an effort to feel tough
28.) He is a gloried handyman like his hero Miyagay
29.) He isn't really a black belt and only bought a black belt off eBay
30.) He is gay for Whinielle


27) Why would this be a bad thing in your eyes? This exactly what the Kai do!


Fact is, the only people you "fight" are the elderly because otherwise you would get your Whinielle loving caboose kicked!

Cobra Kai believe in FairPlay unlike you!


Fact is the only time we see Silver or Kreese fight is against the elderly Miyagi. I mean you can't count those hired fall guys Silver spars with. Even Kreese says he's telegraphing his spinning kick yet the guy still keeps his hands down.
It's like shooting fish in a barrel when I come up against you. Hopefully romefan has improved since day he ran away pissing his pants! I could do with a challenge.


Well Silver and Kreese only ever fought Miyagay in self defense.

You don't know Silver had fall guys.. that's just more fantasy talk from Ol' Alan Whinielle lover.

Silver was telegraphing his kick... but it was done so well that it STILL couldn't be avoided!


Of course they were fall guys. That's why the kick hit! Either (a) they weren't very good, hence not seeing the telegraphed kick, or (b) they did see it and let it hit any way. So if he wanted a challenge why hire subject (a) or (b) ? The answer is he wanted to pretend he was a great fighter. Old man Miyagi proved otherwise.
As for self defence against Miyagi, Kreese attacks Miyagi after Miyagi stopped him choking Johnny. Silver says to Miyagi 'c'mon old man, let's see how good you really are'! Hence not self defence.
A prize every time!
Cmon cruisin109, let's see how good you really are!


Of course they were fall guys. That's why the kick hit! Either (a) they weren't very good, hence not seeing the telegraphed kick, or (b) they did see it and let it hit any way. So if he wanted a challenge why hire subject (a) or (b) ? The answer is he wanted to pretend he was a great fighter.

Or option C: Silver was so good that even his telegraphed kicks couldn't be avoided. Haven't you ever heard of playing with your opponent (like I'm playing with you now?) See this book? See it?... SMACK! What a fail at logic Wears Alice... did you ever actually go to college?

As for self defence against Miyagi, Kreese attacks Miyagi after Miyagi stopped him choking Johnny. Silver says to Miyagi 'c'mon old man, let's see how good you really are'! Hence not self defence.

Wow you are a cretin. Miyagay instigated the parking lot fight because he interfered with Kreese disciplining his student. He made the first move against Kreese so he was the aggressor. He also never bothered to pay the car owners for the windows he broke.... dickhead move that would even make criminal Wears Alan blush!
Also Miyagay invaded the Cobra Kai dojo when he fought Silver.. hence he was the aggressor.

Wears Alan loves Miyagay so much no wonder he became a handyman! He probably also has a dimestore plant hidden somewhere that he's saving for his retirement (when he's not stealing social security checks from the elderly) but he's gonna find out that plant is as worthless as Whinielle!


Take the blinkers off cruisin109.
Silver was shown to be a poor fighter by old man Miyagi! All that posing with hired flunkies can't change that.
Kreese was choking a kid whether you think he was giving his student discipline or not he had no right to do that. Onlookers were appalled at his behaviour in public and they were fellow karate ka! His own students were so appalled they all left his dojo! It wasn't Miyagi who broke the car windows some am I to assume you mean Kreese is the dick head for not paying for the broken windows?
Your love for these two idiots is making you blind to their sins. That's why.....
A prize for me every time!
If that's the best you can do then the Kai is in real trouble! No wonder you ran off for reinforcements!
