MovieChat Forums > The Karate Kid Part III (1989) Discussion > Whinielle ruining the real bonsai tree

Whinielle ruining the real bonsai tree

Why was Whinielle so damn impatient?

He didn't even get permission from Miyagay to sign a lease for the crapshack.. he had to act right away.

He didn't even get permission to steal Miyagay's bonsai tree... he had to act right away.

He even yelled at the hospital staff because he needed to speak to the guy he punched "NOW dammit!"

Whinielle really did seem like he was on cocaine the whole time.

Also, after replanting the bonsai tree did anyone else imagine Whinielle accidentally stepping on the bonsai tree and crushing it as he climbed back up?

That would have been a typical Whinielle thing to do! 😂


Remember the look on Miyagi's face when Daniel gave him the mangled Bonsai tree. Miyagi cared more about that stupid tree than what nearly happened to Daniel. Even miyagi seemed to think it was a dumb idea to open a bonsai tree in a depressed area like Raseda.


I know!

When Whinielle was on his cocaine induced rant about how that crapshack in the ghetto was a "goldmine" you could tell Miyagay wanted to punch Whinielle!

This was the one time I actually felt bad for Miyagay.. I think he accepted the doomed business enterprise because he couldn't bear seeing Whinielle piss himself with disappointment.

Once Miyagay reluctantly accepted the business he was so busy desperately attempting to make his retirement profitable he really just wanted Whinielle out of the way.

Miyagay intentionally taught Whinielle useless kata in an attempt to have Whinielle murdered the ring against Barnes.


Well someone on here ages ago did have the theory that the tree was actually worthless and Miyagi just told Daniel that it was worth a lot just for a laugh. Would be pretty funny if that was true.


The tree WAS worthless.

Can you imagine if that crappy little dime-store plant was actually worth "many thousand dollah!" 😂😂

Barnes should have thrown the worthless bonsai tree down the cliff... that heavy wimp Whinielle probably would have jumped to his death after it!



Barnes should have thrown the worthless bonsai tree down the cliff... that heavy wimp Whinielle probably would have jumped to his death after it!


I think you mean worthless. No Daniel, no competition. 50% share of dojo's GONE!!! Mike Barnes killed and put in a barrel of toxic sludge bound for Borneo.
Real clever!

If those pen pushers up at city hall don't like it,well, they swivel on this middle digit!


It would have been priceless if Whinielle actually jumped down the cliff to retrieve the tree.

You know he was stupid enough to do so.

However, the impact of heavy-ass Whinielle hitting the ground would have caused a magnitude 9.0 earthquake killing everyone!


So again....real clever!


As mentioned earlier, Silver would have given Barnes a fair 10% share of his dojos in exchange for killing Whinielle.


No, no he wouldn't.


Yes he would have.

Silver would have received a Congressional Medal of Freedom for killing Whinielle too.


Please point out where in the movie it says this.
Oh that's right, you're making it usual.


LOL.. we never "see" Whinielle take a sh*t either do we?

But we know it happens.... many many times.


Straw man argument


You're a straw man! And I'll beat you to death!


It still won't make you right


A Cobra Kai is always right.

Even when he's wrong, he's right!


With thinking like that, it's no wonder you fail.
I have a cousin who will argue but says that if he's wrong he'll admit to it. Trouble is he never accepts when he's wrong hence he never admits to it. The best he's ever managed is that he was misinformed. Can't bring himself to say the actual words though.


Well someone on here ages ago did have the theory that the tree was actually worthless and Miyagi just told Daniel that it was worth a lot just for a laugh. Would be pretty funny if that was true.

I wouldn't be surprised about that. Miyagi was very slick and looks like he could pull a fast one on Daniel. Could you imagine Miyagi laughing himself silly after he gives Daniel his BS wisdom?
