It's a two way street

If you all are going to make fun of my hero Daniel-San (which yes I admit he does have a couple of skeletons in his closet (but you all embellish on it)) then I'll also make my lists of refutes and slander the other characters.



Whinielle sucks!

Master Silver tried to make that heavy mac and cheese scarfing wimp an actual fighter..... but even he couldn't help that flaccid worm LaPusso!!

Even Lucille LaPusso wished she had had Whinielle disposed of as medical waste after he was born despite her fawning over "Mistah College Man!"



I still never got an answer on why you're calling him Whinillie or everyone else is.

Master Silver tried to make that heavy mac and cheese scarfing wimp an actual fighter..... but even he couldn't help that flaccid worm LaPusso!!

Silver did no such thing. You must be really dunce. Did you see the film? Did you see that Terry Silver was teaching Daniel-San wrong stuff and laughing his ass off when Daniel struggled to break the wood??? Do you remember Silver telling Kreese that he'd get them back by making them suffer and suffer and suffer and suffer and suffer and suffer and then he'd start with the PAIN out in front of a THOUSAND PEOPLE. First he suffers then he suffers some more.

Even Lucille LaPusso wished she had had Whinielle disposed of as medical waste after he was born despite her fawning over "Mistah College Man!"

Boy you got sum problems talking that way. I mean seriously you're really messed up in the head to be making slander remarks like that.

Mike Barnes was really good.

I mean Daniel took Dennis out with no problem and I don't think Snake would have been much more trouble either.

"Be excellent to each other...And....Party on!"


I still never got an answer on why you're calling him Whinillie or everyone else is.

Because that's his name: Whinielle LaPusso.

Silver did no such thing. You must be really dunce. Did you see the film? Did you see that Terry Silver was teaching Daniel-San wrong stuff and laughing his ass off when Daniel struggled to break the wood??? Do you remember Silver telling Kreese that he'd get them back by making them suffer and suffer and suffer and suffer and suffer and suffer and then he'd start with the PAIN out in front of a THOUSAND PEOPLE. First he suffers then he suffers some more.

Whinielle needed to be broken down before being built up as a fighter. Similar to military training which Silver was obviously familiar with.

Boy you got sum problems talking that way. I mean seriously you're really messed up in the head to be making slander remarks like that.

I made no slanderous remarks. In writing it's called libel.

Mike Barnes was really good.

I mean Daniel took Dennis out with no problem and I don't think Snake would have been much more trouble either.

You seriously think Whinielle could take out the Bad Boy of LA? 😂


Whinielle needed to be broken down before being built up as a fighter. Similar to military training which Silver was obviously familiar with.

thats not everyone's style. And once again Silver was getting revenge on Daniel-SAN.

You seriously think Whinielle could take out the Bad Boy of LA? 😂

Even Jessica nearly took him out.

Btw, I'm almost finished here because I can see not only are you so dense but practically all your msg board posts have been on the KARATE KID board.

Like seriously.......I think you need to get a life. And by wearsallan comment I'm not really sure if he was just exaggerating or not.

"Be excellent to each other...And....Party on!"


It's really just all in jest. Nobody is getting hurt here.

If those pen pushers up at city hall don't like it,well, they swivel on this middle digit!


Well I'm doing lists of following.....

Crimes and immoralities of.....

Karate Kid 1 - Mr. Miyagi
Karate Kid 2 - Chozen and his gang (Taro and Toshio)
Karate Kid 3 - Mr. Terry Silver

"Be excellent to each other...And....Party on!"


OK. I look forward to reading it.

If those pen pushers up at city hall don't like it,well, they swivel on this middle digit!


I did one a long while ago on Julie-San from the Next Karate Kid.

It's a long juicy list.

"Be excellent to each other...And....Party on!"


Well I'm doing lists of following.....

Crimes and immoralities of.....

Karate Kid 1 - Mr. Miyagi

You better take your time on this one. It's a long list. Mr. MiyaGAY was an evil man!

Karate Kid 2 - Chozen and his gang (Taro and Toshio)

Chosen never committed any crime and was a true upstanding citizen. All you Whinielle lovers still think Chozen was bad.... if so then WHY was he using weights that where a lot lighter than they were labeled when buying food?

By using ostensibly heavy weights that were actually very light, he was giving the farmers a great deal because they got to sell less food for a higher price.

Of course you Whinielle lovers are not smart enough to notice this! You see a "fake" weight and immediately assume Chozen was a cheat without properly thinking it out! 😂😂

Karate Kid 3 - Mr. Terry Silver

If you DARE say anything bad about War Hero Billionaire Philanthropist Karate Master Terry Silver I will kick your Whinielle Loving Gargantuan Caboose!


The lighter weights were for selling not buying. There were two sets of weights.
Terry Silver was a dickhead. I say was because he's no longer around after he got raped and committed suicide in prison!


The lighter weights were for selling not buying. There were two sets of weights.

No Chozen was BUYING produce using fake light weights... that means the SELLER was getting the better deal!

There were two sets of weights.

Another fantasy from Wears Alan Whinielle lover who lives in fantasy-land where he and Whinielle live together as husband (Whinielle) and wife (Wears Alan).

Terry Silver was a dickhead. I say was because he's no longer around after he got raped and committed suicide in prison!

If you even TRIED to rape Terry Silver he would cut off your nuts and use them as dice!


Chozen was buying AND selling produce. Watch again.
He was raped and is dead. This is why we don't see or hear of him in TNKK


Chozen was buying AND selling produce. Watch again.

Not true. What would he be selling anyway? Chozen was not a god damn farmer!

He was raped and is dead. This is why we don't see or hear of him in TNKK

Prove it. Oh wait you CAN'T because you live in fantasy-land.

(Crusin109 yanks Wears Alan's head out of the sand)

Wears Alan: I can see I can see!

Cruisin109: What do you see?

Wears Alan: I see... I see da plane boss da plane!

Cruisin109: Get you ass back in there!

(Cruisin109 shoves Wears Alan's head back into the sand).


He would be selling food to those that hadn't grown any. Duh!
Yes, now you get it. Da plane boss, da plane!
It's all fantasy, but hey, it's your personal fantasy.


If you DARE say anything bad about War Hero Billionaire Philanthropist Karate Master Terry Silver I will kick your Whinielle Loving Gargantuan Caboose!

You're nothing but a sore loser.

I try to admit Daniel-San's faults and it gets overlooked.

I try to point out others faults and I get shunned by you for it.

But like I said I'm almost done here. My gf's cousin who's a substitute teacher (mainly in Special Ed, gym, and health and mainly for middle school and high school) says that this is the most unfriendly hateful bullizied message board on all of IMDb, and I believe him.

These Karate Kid movies have dun nothing but created more bullying in the world today.

Whatever happened to......

"Be excellent to each other...And....Party on!"

I think I should change my signature too.....

The world will understand useless


You've replied to the wrong poster

If those pen pushers up at city hall don't like it,well, they swivel on this middle digit!


But like I said I'm almost done here.

(VanillaLimeCoke runs away)

Cruisin109: See the trail? I think he peed in his pants!


(VanillaLimeCoke runs away)

Cruisin109: See the trail? I think he peed in his pants!

No I didn't.

If you DARE say anything bad about War Hero Billionaire Philanthropist Karate Master Terry Silver I will kick your Whinielle Loving Gargantuan Caboose!

1) Are you threatening me???
2) you have a HUGE problem. You get to call Daniel-San Whinielle and you're saying that I can't say anything bad about Terry Silver. Here you are trashing Daniel-San with no relent and I'm manning up and facing you fairly and clean but you are threatening to kick my butt if I make ANY slanderous remarks about Terry Silver, yet here you are tearing Daniel-San apart left and right not even calling him Daniel......calling him this Whinielle name or whatever. What is with that? You even call him Daniel LaPusso.

Here you want a taste of your own medicine.....

Gf's LA (younger) twin cousin: I wonder why his username is cruisin109?
VanillaLimeCoke: cause he's cruisin for 109 fever.

"Be excellent to each other...And....Party on!"



You know you could just ignore me if I make you that upset.

Or just report I'm doing w/ you now.

I'm not sure if you know where I live but I take threats not too lightly. I might need to take further action like going to the police and getting a restraining order.

But I'm reporting you now.

Edited Update:
You have been reported.

"Be excellent to each other...And....Party on!"


You know you could just ignore me if I make you that upset.

Or just report I'm doing w/ you now.

I'm not sure if you know where I live but I take threats not too lightly. I might need to take further action like going to the police and getting a restraining order.

But I'm reporting you now.

Edited Update:
You have been reported.

Just like Whinielle you can't fight your own battles.

Also are you allowed to be on the internet by yourself?

Who takes care of you?


Can someone please PM me about dealing with this user. Seriously w/ that Facebook incident 2 weeks ago I don't want to take any chances.

I really think I need to get a restraining order out. I really don't want to do it and I've nearly done twice.

But sadly this might successfully be the actual first.

Btw, I've been allowed on the Internet by myself probably b4 you were in itch in your daddy's pants.

"Be excellent to each other...And....Party on!"


Btw, I've been allowed on the Internet by myself probably b4 you were in itch in your daddy's pants

Be that as it may... who takes care of you?


Who takes care of you???????

I got work tomorrow.

"Be excellent to each other...And....Party on!"


I got work tomorrow.

Early day at the crapshack?


Yes I have to get up early.

No more info.

"Be excellent to each other...And....Party on!"



Good fight! Goodnight!

We'll make a Kai of you yet!


You sure about that????

Aren't you afraid that I might pee the mat again????

I've been told I turn Kobra Kai's into wimps.

But I got another early day tomorrow.

"Be excellent to each other...And....Party on!"


You sure about that????

Aren't you afraid that I might pee the mat again????

Only Wears Alan has the occasional accident.

I've been told I turn Kobra Kai's into wimps.

You know what VanillaLimeCoke, I think you have the potential to become a great Cobra Kai!

The Cobra Kai has given me discipline, health, self-confidence, inner peace, everything that makes me what I am today.

And today it's time for me to give back... will you accept the teaching of the Kai?


I have a life.

"Be excellent to each other...And....Party on!"


HAha! Nice retort.

If those pen pushers up at city hall don't like it,well, they swivel on this middle digit!


What would you have become of him Wears Alice..... a Whinielle lover?

Is THAT what you want for VanillaLime Coke??


What would I become of him?
What? Speaky English boy!

If those pen pushers up at city hall don't like it,well, they swivel on this middle digit!


I obviously have a better grasp of the English language than you do!

I thought you were Mistah College Man!


Please feel free to explain what 'what would I become of him' means? I mean you say you have a better grasp of English than me yet that phrase is nonsensical!
This is why you are no challenge to me. You can't even back up what you post! Lol!

If those pen pushers up at city hall don't like it,well, they swivel on this middle digit!


I said what would you HAVE become of him.

As in what would your will be regarding how this poor guy ends up.

Hopefully he doesn't follow your example and become a semi-literate Whinielle lover.


My bad. Apologies.
If I trained him he would become the best he could become. That's what I do, bring out the best in people.
Have I trained national champions? Yes.
Have I trained international champions? Yes.
You have very little idea of what my students have achieved so your opinion that I would turn him in to a wimp mean absolutely nothing to me.
Now sit back and let the adults play, you've had your turn!

If those pen pushers up at city hall don't like it,well, they swivel on this middle digit!


My bad. Apologies.

Once again Wears Alan is proven dead wrong by the Kai and his ignorance is on display for the world to see. He officially loses his title of "Mistah College Man!"

If I trained him he would become the best he could become. That's what I do, bring out the best in people.

And I train people to surpass their potential. The power of QuickSilver makes people transcend their limits!

Have I trained international champions? Yes.

Yeah, international champions in mac and cheese eating contests!

You have very little idea of what my students have achieved so your opinion that I would turn him in to a wimp mean absolutely nothing to me.

It's not my opinion, it is a FACT. Terry Silver turns wimps into winners... you do it the other way around!😂

Now sit back and let the adults play, you've had your turn!


(Cruisin109 throws Wears Alan into his crapshack wall causing a vat of mac and cheese to fall on him covering his gi in orange mac and cheese goo)


'Da plane boss, da plane!'
'Yes Tattoo, now run along'.

If those pen pushers up at city hall don't like it,well, they swivel on this middle digit!


You lose every time against me Wears Alan.

I'm starting to feel bad because you're so outclassed by me.

The only thing you can ever come up with is your repeated quote from that weird show you watch whilst scarfing on the Easy Mac?

I mean seriously???

If that's all you have then your intellectual depth is staggeringly shallow... it's impotence matched only by your sorry geisha dancing excuse for karate!


1) You are yet to record a win
2) You feel bad because (a) you're outclassed and (b) because you lack class
3) See number 2
4) See number 2
5) Odd then that you have praised me on my knowledge of karate!!!
A least put some effort in to your dbaggery!

If those pen pushers up at city hall don't like it,well, they swivel on this middle digit!


1) You mean wears Alan had the good grace to admit his mistake
2) You can't be better than your best. Everyone has a limit
3) No. International Karate champions
4) If that were true then they wouldn't have WON!!
5) Da plane boss, da plane!
Lol. It's like shooting fish in a barrel. Easy, but fun anyway.

If those pen pushers up at city hall don't like it,well, they swivel on this middle digit!


1) You mean wears Alan had the good grace to admit his mistake

Your biggest mistake (of which there are many) is your attempt to get into the ring with me!

I've been pulverizing you the whole time....... but now the REAL PAIN BEGINS ALLY-BOY!

2) You can't be better than your best. Everyone has a limit

That is why you fail.

3) No. International Karate champions

Not true. You have posted a lie. You have 3 days to retract this lie or you will be reported.

4) If that were true then they wouldn't have WON!!

I do admit your team got 2nd place in the mac and cheese eating contest.. you nearly beat Whinielle and Miyagay! Congrats!


1) I was already here. You got in the ring with me. Lucky for you I've just slapped you around a little.
2) But you see I don't fail and neither do my students.
3) Report away. I can prove my facts. Unlike you.
4) Now why would I enter a karate team in a mac and cheese eating contest.
I did tell you to use a little bit more effort in your dbaggery! Guess you can't!

If those pen pushers up at city hall don't like it,well, they swivel on this middle digit!


1) I was already here. You got in the ring with me. Lucky for you I've just slapped you around a little.

LOL! You're feeling PAIN in every part of your body and FEAR in every part of your mind!

And here's the kicker.... you're gonna thank me for it!

2) But you see I don't fail and neither do my students.

Your "students" are flaccid and soft just like Whinielle. And the only ranks they've attained are the belts you STOLE for them just like Miyagay!

3) Report away. I can prove my facts. Unlike you.

You will be reported for crimes against humanity (aka Whinielle defending).

4) Now why would I enter a karate team in a mac and cheese eating contest.

Pray tell! I seriously want to know WHY you entered such a depraved contest of gluttony and obesity!


Here, just for you Tattoo!
1) Da plane boss, da plane
2) Da plane boss, Da plane
3) lol! What a wanker!
4) Da plane boss, Da plane

If those pen pushers up at city hall don't like it,well, they swivel on this middle digit!


Here, just for you Tattoo!
1) Da plane boss, da plane
2) Da plane boss, Da plane
3) lol! What a wanker!
4) Da plane boss, Da plane

If those pen pushers up at city hall don't like it,well, they swivel on this middle digit!

Cruisin109: See this? See it?!

(Cruisin109 holds up a karate book and then smashes it against Wears Alan's head)

(Dazed, Wears Alan desperately tries to grab Cruisin109)

Cruisin109: If I ever see you on this board again I won't be so charitable with your health! Understand?

Wears Alan: Ahh!! Yes.. please don't hurt me anymore!

(Cruisin109 spins Wears Alan around and then literally kicks his ass through the gate)


Having fun??

"Be excellent to each other...And....Party on!"


It;s his circle jerk session 

If those pen pushers up at city hall don't like it,well, they swivel on this middle digit!


I still don't know how old (s)he is, but I'd guess at least 20s

I think you need to be 13 to register and (s)he registered back in 2005.

(S)he never told me if they even worked.

"Be excellent to each other...And....Party on!"


Probably a basement dweller!

If those pen pushers up at city hall don't like it,well, they swivel on this middle digit!


Probably a basement dweller!

You live in a crap-shack!


Da plane boss, da plane 

If those pen pushers up at city hall don't like it,well, they swivel on this middle digit!


I think (s)he has some form of job at least PT.

Or full time college student

Or maybe just laid off and going to get hired soon.

Judging by her/his snide remarks of "who takes care of you" and "are you allowed to be on the internet by yourself"

If not, they have ...... well like I said..... I have a life.

But if (s)he wants me to join the kobra kai so bad........we can do a fun post of that.

"Be excellent to each other...And....Party on!"


I think (s)he has some form of job at least PT.

And I think you and Wears Alan are boyfriend and girlfriend! (Wears Alan is the woman). Every day after a hard day of work you return to your love-nest crapshack and Wears Alan feeds you mac and cheese!

Or full time college student

What are you Mistah College Man!?

Or maybe just laid off and going to get hired soon.

You're so incompetent that you got laid off from the crapshack... where you were working for free!!😂😂

Judging by her/his snide remarks of "who takes care of you" and "are you allowed to be on the internet by yourself"

There's only one "differently abled" person on the board.. and that's wears alan!

But if (s)he wants me to join the kobra kai so bad........we can do a fun post of that.

You think you're worthy of joining the Kai? I have my doubts.


Da plane boss, da plane

Nice to know you call me boss!


Actually I live in a very nice house. You on the other hand haven't denied being a basement dweller! 

If those pen pushers up at city hall don't like it,well, they swivel on this middle digit!


Actually I live in a very nice house. You on the other hand haven't denied being a basement dweller!

Dude you're a MAINTENANCE MANAGER just like Miyagay!😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

It all makes sense why you love him so much seeing as your have the same job as a handyman!

One day you'll come into work, find out that all the residents of your facility have expired, and find yourself homeless just like Miyagay!


Nice to know you call me boss!

Once again your lack of understanding lets you down
Da plane boss, da plane

This ^^^^ is you speaking, Tattoo!

If those pen pushers up at city hall don't like it,well, they swivel on this middle digit!


I think (s)he has some form of job at least PT.

And I think you and Wears Alan are boyfriend and girlfriend! (Wears Alan is the woman). Every day after a hard day of work you return to your love-nest crapshack and Wears Alan feeds you mac and cheese!

I'm only going to say this ONE MORE TIME. And you better listen good this time.


Whenever I order a pizza I GET IT WITH NO CHEESE!!!!!! (Of course I still get pepperoni on it and add seasoning)

Whenever I get Tacos I get them WITHOUT CHEESE.

(I even have recent receipts to prove this)

Or full time college student

What are you Mistah College Man!?

(pulls pants up like Bobby Hill) Whataru talking about? Whataru talking about?

Or maybe just laid off and going to get hired soon.

You're so incompetent that you got laid off from the crapshack... where you were working for free!!😂😂

I haven't been working for FREE I've been volunteering here/there 3-4 hours a week.

(Adds as an afterthought) oh and +5 years now I work +28 hours a week at a PAYING JOB! So I don't have time to reply to your snide remarks. And during my free time I can't spend it all replying to your snide remarks. I have a life plus other dilemmas to take care of.

Plus another seasonal job is coming in.......possibly.

Last year it got canceled but I had some major surgery.

So good......that you don't know too much about me.

Judging by her/his snide remarks of "who takes care of you" and "are you allowed to be on the internet by yourself"

There's only one "differently abled" person on the board.. and that's wears alan!

Once again..............I don't understand you

But if (s)he wants me to join the kobra kai so bad........we can do a fun post of that.

You think you're worthy of joining the Kai? I have my doubts.

You keep contradicting yourself.

In even did it in this post. That's why I put sum text in orange.

but first you want to make a cobra Kai out of me!

Then you said I peed the mat. I denied that, and you asked me about the pee stains. Then when I sarcastically said said only wears-Allen has that occasional accident.

Now I say I wanna be a cobra I Kai and Now you have your doubts whereas before I didn't want to be one and you said you'd make me one.

Seriously, you have been bullying me EVEN AFTER I told you I was a bully victim.

How old are you? I think your in your 20s

Plus wears-Allen is not my GF. But maybe you wanna meet my gf????

"Be excellent to each other...And....Party on!"


I'm only going to say this ONE MORE TIME. And you better listen good this time.


Whenever I order a pizza I GET IT WITH NO CHEESE!!!!!! (Of course I still get pepperoni on it and add seasoning)

Whenever I get Tacos I get them WITHOUT CHEESE.

Claiming that you order pizza without cheese is an extraordinary claim and I don't believe you.

I think you are lying and I demand that you post a link to your receipts proving otherwise.

You have 3 days to post images of your receipts otherwise you will be reported.

(pulls pants up like Bobby Hill) Whataru talking about? Whataru talking about?

You need to start wearing a belt to keep your pants up boy! Maybe Wears Alan can steal a karate belt for you!

I haven't been working for FREE I've been volunteering here/there 3-4 hours a week.

(Adds as an afterthought) oh and +5 years now I work +28 hours a week at a PAYING JOB! So I don't have time to reply to your snide remarks. And during my free time I can't spend it all replying to your snide remarks. I have a life plus other dilemmas to take care of.

Plus another seasonal job is coming in.......possibly.

Last year it got canceled but I had some major surgery.

So good......that you don't know too much about me.

You volunteer? That means you work for free just like Whinielle!

You need to start working for $!

Wears Alan is looking for a handyman apprentice... maybe you two can work together?

I hope your surgery went well and I wish you a speedy and full recovery!

Once again..............I don't understand you

Once you accept the ways of the Cobra Kai you will understand much my student!

but first you want to make a cobra Kai out of me!

Then you said I peed the mat. I denied that, and you asked me about the pee stains. Then when I sarcastically said said only wears-Allen has that occasional accident.

Now I say I wanna be a cobra I Kai and Now you have your doubts whereas before I didn't want to be one and you said you'd make me one.

Look all I know is that every time you and wears alan face me I see a urine trail as you guys run away!

I am giving you the benefit of the doubt and assuming that it's wears alan who is doing the majority of the urinating.

I extended to you an invitation to join the Kai and you repaid me by more Whinielle defending insolence!

I offer you one final chance to join the Kai!

Seriously, you have been bullying me EVEN AFTER I told you I was a bully victim.

How old are you? I think your in your 20s

Plus wears-Allen is not my GF. But maybe you wanna meet my gf????

I want you to join the Kai BECAUSE I don't want you to be bullied anymore!

I can give you the tools to defeat your enemies... will you accept?


Claiming that you order pizza without cheese is an extraordinary claim and I don't believe you.

I think you are lying and I demand that you post a link to your receipts proving otherwise.

You have 3 days to post images of your receipts otherwise you will be reported.


It be soon now.

Very Soon that you'll have your links.

You need to start wearing a belt to keep your pants up boy! Maybe Wears Alan can steal a karate belt for you!

Stuff you I was being sarcastic!!

I haven't been working for FREE I've been volunteering here/there 3-4 hours a week.

(Adds as an afterthought) oh and +5 years now I work +28 hours a week at a PAYING JOB! So I don't have time to reply to your snide remarks. And during my free time I can't spend it all replying to your snide remarks. I have a life plus other dilemmas to take care of.

Plus another seasonal job is coming in.......possibly.

Last year it got canceled but I had some major surgery.

So good......that you don't know too much about me.

You volunteer? That means you work for free just like Whinielle!

You need to start working for $!

Wears Alan is looking for a handyman apprentice... maybe you two can work together?

I hope your surgery went well and I wish you a speedy and full recovery!

I never saw a dumbbell b4 but you are one.
Now tell me what the orange text says.

surgery was about a year ago and went OK.

But in addition to orange text...............I volunteer. question answer please.

Once again..............I don't understand you

Once you accept the ways of the Cobra Kai you will understand much my student!

Oh so you want me to strike first strike hard strike fast.

You want me to hurt people?

You want me to become powerful.

Well paraphrasing Steven Segal from HARD TO KILL it's better I learn to help people first. It's very easy to hurt someone.

So that's why in addition to my paying job......I also try to volunteer a few hours a week.

Look all I know is that every time you and wears alan face me I see a urine trail as you guys run away!

I am giving you the benefit of the doubt and assuming that it's wears alan who is doing the majority of the urinating.

I extended to you an invitation to join the Kai and you repaid me by more Whinielle defending insolence!

I offer you one final chance to join the Kai!

Now as above I added a STEVEN SEGAL INNOSENCE.

You call Daniel-San Whinnillie one more time and I'm doing the Terry Silver list of crimes.

Seriously, you have been bullying me EVEN AFTER I told you I was a bully victim.

How old are you? I think your in your 20s

Plus wears-Allen is not my GF. But maybe you wanna meet my gf????

I want you to join the Kai BECAUSE I don't want you to be bullied anymore!

is that really so?

"Be excellent to each other...And....Party on!"


Pizza link

Taco link coming soon.....

Another pizza link maybe coming soon like within 3 days.....

"Be excellent to each other...And....Party on!"


You were telling the truth VanillaLimeCoke!

You have passed the first test to becoming a Cobra Kai.... honesty!


You have passed the first test to becoming a Cobra Kai.... honesty!

Perhaps you should take a leaf out of that book Tattoo!

If those pen pushers up at city hall don't like it,well, they swivel on this middle digit!


Tell him to Fvc< Off. He's an imbecile. He lives in a fantasy and anything you post to refute his ramblings he just puts his hands over his eyes and carries on in ignorance.

If those pen pushers up at city hall don't like it,well, they swivel on this middle digit!


A delicious post will soon follow......


Don't worry....I'm not allowed to touch him/her. Mmm-mmm. I listen to him. He knows why (s)he is here. He brought him/her here for a reason.

You know (s)he makes weird sounds in his/her sleep.

Well all I know is that he claims his name is Hedwig and he wears red socks and he says he's 9.

But please believe me I'm not Dennis nor Patricia. Besides Dennis is very unstable. His/Her "so called Whinnillle LaPusso" kicked Dennis's butt.

"Be excellent to each other...And....Party on!"


You were telling the truth VanillaLimeCoke!

You have passed the first test to becoming a Cobra Kai.... honesty!


How many tests are there?

"Be excellent to each other...And....Party on!"


The next test is compassion!

To pass this test you must give Wears Alan advice about how he can overcome his urinary incontinence and stop pissing on the mat.




.....if (s)he is the culprit they're really doing more damage to their gi / clothes than to the mat.

"Be excellent to each other...And....Party on!"



.....if (s)he is the culprit they're really doing more damage to their gi / clothes than to the mat.

Then use your compassion to help Wears Alan with his gi soiling problem!

If you don't then I will make you eat this!


Then use your compassion to help Wears Alan with his gi soiling problem!

If you don't then I will make you eat this!

That's disgusting. I h8 cheese.

I don't think it's wears-Allen doing it and neither am I (that I know I don't come into your dojo)

It's probably just some discoloration of age on the matt. Or some very bad karate ninja cats have been doing it. Those male unfixed cats like to pi$$ all over the dojo, city, and Reseda football stadium and other such professional baseball/football stadiums.

"Be excellent to each other...And....Party on!"
