Grossly Under-Rated

YOU know and I know, this movie is pure magic entertainment.

If you didn't laugh at least 2 times or enjoy Terry Silver and Bad Boy Mike, then something is DEFINITELY wrong with you.

PLEASE give this entertaining movie it's respect, please.

Thank You


I gave it a 10 and would have given it a 30 if it was possible


John Kreese's laugh alone is reason enough to love this film. And his hilarious antics with terry silver. Never mind the humiliating beating that LaRusso deservedly gets, him crying on the mat and getting friend zoned by a horny, easily attainable out of town girl before the first date's even started ? the boyfriend excuse couldn't have been any more fabricated


I gate it a 6. May bump it up to a 7. I enjoy the hell out of it. It knows exactly what it is, doesn't try to be anything more, and strikes a consistent tone throughout. But it's not exactly what I would call a top notch movie either.

I enjoy it a lot more than 2. 2 took itself too seriously, and had the same kind of goofy, over-the-top characters as 3 did. The tone was inconsistent, and it didn't work. However, 2 did have that AMAZING scene with Daniel consoling Miyagi after his father died. That was, in my humble opinion, the best scene between Macchio and Morita in the entire series.

I very much enjoy 3, but it takes a few viewings to really 'get it'. Once you can look past the inherent goofiness, and the ludicrous plot/villains, it's hella fun to watch. Griffith and the actor that played Mike Barnes were fantastic in the roles they were given, and knew exactly how to make it work. Many kudos to them. Kove's part was a little understated, but it worked well enough. I definitely liked his performance much more in the first one.



Yes, this movie is in the it's so bad, it's funny category. It wasn't so much the laugh but everything else wrong in the movie. Miyagi's passive cornball philosphising, basically rehashing storylines from the 1st movie, the girl turning into his friend on his first date, and the sweeping scene is classic.


See I'm glad I started this post. I "knew" I wasn't in the minority, on enjoying this movie.

But the girl Jessica, I had to ask myself....hmmm "what purpose did she serve" ??

Was it the mac n cheese ? nope....Was she a love interest, nope...she's 2 faced...what was it. Ohhhhhh then it dawned upon me. "Outside of pottery she was expert rock climber".


Slime Ball !!!

PS. Pat Morita once said to Will Smith, when Will Smith said "I wanna be like Steven Seagal". Morita - "What a bad actor" ? That is sooooooo true but both Pat Morita and Steven Seagal ever get "touched" by 1 sweep or punch in any of their movies.


Well, Steven Segal (sp?) and ESPECIALLY Mr Miyagi are two of the most badass ass kickers in cinematic history. Miyagi is probably just below Chuck Norris and Bruce Lee (clearly #1).

That said, how awesome would it be to see Miyagi go head to head against Pai Mei??


What makes this film so interesting is that it spends the most time of the film in all the series on the bad Guy's and/or victim's view.

"Be excellent to each other...And....Party on!"

