MovieChat Forums > The Karate Kid Part III (1989) Discussion > How far was Terry Silver willing to go?

How far was Terry Silver willing to go?

If Whinielle had steadfastly refused to enter the tournament... what measures would Master Silver have ultimately taken?

Would he have had Whinielle killed?


Having Danielle killed was always the ultimate plan, hence why he didn't make it out of the parking lot alive.

However, we know that before Mr Silver had that arranged, he wanted Danielle to experience pain and fear in front of a thousand people. So had Danielle not entered the tournament, there's no doubt some other arrangements would have been made to publicly humiliate him.

Perhaps Mr Silver would have had Whinelle kidnapped, stripped naked and dropped off in the middle of a busy shopping mall. I'd like to think he would also have dumped spaghetti on him for good measure.


Do you think Terry Silver had Whinielle do his Walk of Atonement (a la Game of Thrones)??

I can imagine Whinielle having his flaccid naked body paraded in the streets while Silver yells "Shame! Shame!" the cobra kai throw Sh*t and mac and cheese at him too.


I can imagine he would have.....had they won!

If those pen pushers up at city hall don't like it,well, they swivel on this middle digit!


No.. what would prevent Master Silver from grabbing Whinielle in the parking lot outside the tourney and begin torturing him??




LOL old man MiyaGAY?

Terry and Kreese would beat up that old fossil.. crush him into a ball and jam him up Whinielle's bum!


You mean like they did at the dojo?
Oh that's right they lost didn't they?
You don't pay much attention to these moves do you? Miyagi is unbeatable. He seems to have evolved in to Yoda.
Impossible? Unlikely? True, but that's how it is.


First of all Kreese and Silver declined to take on MiyaGay simultaneously because they had too much honor. If they had done so, MiyaGay would have been killed.

Even when fighting one-on-one you could clearly see Silver and Kreese were only going at 1/2 speed. They didn't want to kill an old man... they were lightly sparring with him using slow speed and light contact so as to not seriously hurt him.

After the geisha dance schtick at the tourney.. all bets are off and it's DEATH time for MiyaGAY!


So Silver says let's see what you've got, then goes half pace?
Krees,after revenge, goes half pace?
More nonsense
Death time for Miyagi after the tournament? Guess they failed then seeing as he's still around in TNKK


Uhh.... didn't you SEE how slow Silver was going when he was fighting Miyagay? Are you blind of something Wears?

Terry and Kreese are Cobra Kai, they believe in the principles of honesty, compassion and fair-play. Because of this they intentionally didn't go 100% after an old frail loser of a man Miyagay.

As for MiyaGay being around to train Julie... I admit that Terry and Kreese didn't literally kill him after the tournament.

They killed Whinielle and beat Miyagay to within an inch of his life. They let Miyagay live to not only witness Whinielle's death and live the rest of his life in shame, but also to deny him access to the afterlife to be with his wife and child.


Yes I saw how slow he was. Just shows how 'good' he really was when he's not fighting hired fall guys like we see earlier in the movie.
Honesty- John died. I buried him last week
Compassion- Make his knuckles bleed
Fair play- Win a point lose a point
As for beating Miyagi within an inch of his life, is that the circle jerk fantasy you boys use these days!

If those pen pushers up at city hall don't like it,well, they swivel on this middle digit!


You could clearly see that Silver was sparing full speed @ his mansion and only half-speed with your boyfriend Miyagay.

Honesty- Yes John did metaphorically die because Miyagay and LapPusso destroyed his livelihood. Silver sent him to Tahiti to get rejuvenated and reborn.

Compassion- Making Whinielle's knuckles bleed was fair restitution for making Kreese bleed. However, Kreese showed compassion for Whinielle by not killing him... even after Whinielle incited Kreese's murder in the parking lot!😂😂

Fairplay- How is win a point lose a point not fair? If anything is was more fair for Whinielle because it handicapped Barnes ability to run up the score.

Look I know you love Whinielle more than life itself... but your constant troll attacks of the kai are getting old.


You could clearly see that those flunkies were either not very good or not trying.
Metaphorically ??? He didn't bury him did he. Or is going to Tahiti a metaphor for being buried?
I'm glad you're laughing at the next part because you're putting such a twist on that you must be a contortionist
How do you lose a point? Foul play you dickhead!
Look I know you like to jerk of to Terry Silver, but your trolling of me is getting lame and old hat. Time for some new songs eh?

If those pen pushers up at city hall don't like it,well, they swivel on this middle digit!


Silver's opponents were trying.. it's just that no one can withstand the awesome skills of Master Silver!

Silver buried Kreese (made him disappear by sending him away) only to let him rise from the dead.. bigger and badder than ever so that he could terrorize Whinielle in the dojo and make the poor boy-girl thing piss itself!

Regarding Barnes win-lose point strategy: it's called not running up the score doofus!

Barnes would have beat Whinielle 254-0 and embarrassed the poor street urchin had he not lost points.

Since Barnes learned fair play from the Kai, he intentionally lost points in whatever manner he could to give LaPusso a fighting chance.

It's not like Whinielle got hurt by those penalty blows.. not with his triple layer of flaccid-fatty tissue cushioning him!


Miyagi did!
He lied. Just admit it.
The whole strategy of win a point lose a point requires foul play. End of story. You've been spanked again

If those pen pushers up at city hall don't like it,well, they swivel on this middle digit!


How is intentionally losing points not "fair"??????


Because foul play (the opposite of fair play) was required to lose those points. Savvy?


No you're dead wrong as usual.

Losing points intentionally was 100% fair.

It was built right into the rules:

For every "foul" move you pay with a point.

At no point did Barnes ever protest losing a point.

In fact, he graciously accepted losing a point for every infraction.... totally fair.


You said it yourself, foul moves.
Penalty for breaking the rules. Breaking the rules is NOT fair play!
Are you really so stupid that you don't even realise when you are proving me right?


The rules are quite clear even to a Whinielle loving simpleton like you:

If you do a do a foul move you lose a point.... foul moves are 100% legitimate and are inextricably linked to the rules.

You just pay a point for a foul move totally in keeping with the rules.

What would have been unfair is if Barnes did the foul moves and then protested losing the points... that didn't happen.


IF foul moves were legal then a point would be scored not taken away.
The rules forbid foul moves hence the penalty.
Breaking the rules is not fair play.
Another spanking for you, you must enjoy it.


No foul moves are a legitimate tactic and are 100% in accordance with the rules.

Good move= 1 pt.

Bad move= -1 pt.

Them are the rules.

Of course a boy such as yourself who endorses the theft of black belts probably does not know too much about rules.


I know enough to know you are wrong;-)


I'll go one-on-one with you Wears Alan!

I'll keep the score zero -zero!

I'll pummel you for the full 3 minutes!

Then the match goes into overtime, I get the point and I win!

I want you to feel pain!


And how will you do that, steal a black belt and enter 'illegally'?
The truth is you couldn't knock out a fart!!!

If those pen pushers up at city hall don't like it,well, they swivel on this middle digit!


I know.

You are the only one who knocks out farts.

Because you ate your moms mac and cheese.


I thought I'd never start!
You still haven't answered how you would enter such a bout



Mr. Silver might have purchased the Kraft company and threatened to cease production of Mac 'n Cheese until Whinielle entered the tournament. That would have broken him.

I call woo woo on you,


Actually Daniel did refuse to enter the tournament. Then, Silver revealed his plans and Daniel peed himself and Miyagi came.

That's when Silver, Kreese, and Barnes all pretended to lose against Miyagi. Seeing them all lose to an old man gave Daniel false confidence that they aren't so tough, and then Daniel immediately decided to enter the tournament.

Daniel would get pummeled in the tournament and died shortly after due to internal bleeding. It's in the novelization.

I am the prophet of the IMDb Mod Gods. They act when I call.


Is that last part in your own handwriting?


Would he have had Whinielle killed?

Of course not. If Terry really wanted to stop Daniel, then he would have done it himself. But for some reason, Terry was too afraid to fight Daniel. He probably wasn't afraid of losing to Daniel, but he knew he'd get arrested if he beat Daniel up and he was afraid of that.
