MovieChat Forums > The Karate Kid Part III (1989) Discussion > Why do you think wears alan is a Whiniel...

Why do you think wears alan is a Whinielle-Lover?

We all know wears-alan was fed mac and cheese by his abusive trailer trash mom Lucille LaRusso.... did that make him so obsessed with Whinielle?

Or perhaps it's because, just like Whinielle, wears-alan DOESN'T know real karate?


wears-alan is a fake.. he doesn't know anything about REAL martial arts. I'm sure he sleeps in the fetal position with a picture of Whinielle under his pillow.


Do I know you?
Do you know me?
The answer to both questions would be no. Please refrain from BS. We have enough of that already with cruisin109!!!

If those pen pushers up at city hall don't like it,well, they swivel on this middle digit!


Wears Alan IS a FAKE.. a phony. He thinks he knows karate.. but his karate is *beep*

He's traumatized that his mummy force-fed him mac and cheese in the barnyard he grew up in and now he think's he's a karate expert.

Too bad everyone on this board knows he's nothing but a Whinielle lover!


So everyone is YOU is it?
Worse than I thought, you've got multiple personalities!


No--- quite simply you have a solid reputation now.

You are a Whinielle lover plain and simple.

Mr. Wears Alan... why ARE you such a devoted follower of Whinielle??

We all want to know!!!!


It's hard to describe how I feel about LaRusso to someone who is ignorant, but I'll try.
I like LaRusso as much as I like mac and cheese.


So you "tried" Whinielle once?

Your mom forced him on you when you were 8?



Guess I was right, an ignorant twat like you would never get it.

If those pen pushers up at city hall don't like it,well, they swivel on this middle digit!



Despite evidence to the contrary you still insist that I am a LaRusso lover
Despite evidence to the contrary you still insist I love mac and cheese
Despite evidence to the contrary you still insist my Karate is phoney
It is obvious that you are an ignoramus and should be treated as such. Henceforth all replies to you will be as follows....
Cuckoo cuckoo!


You are a Whinielle lover because you constantly defend him against Terry Silver.

You do love mac and cheese because you publicly admitted to eating the stuff on a KK3 message board where the flaccid hero LaPusso eats tons of it.

Your Karate is phoney because the fact that you actually wear your karate gi to work proves you're attempting to compensate for something.


Cuckoo cuckoo!


Hey look.. the Whinielle lover literally turned into a chicken!

Maybe if you finally drop your hero flaccid boy Whinielle and join the Cobra Kai we can cure you!


Cuckoo cuckoo!


Keep on clucking chicken!

Cluck for me.... I command you!


Cuckoo cuckoo!


I don't know but I do know you're a right saddo who gets very upset over characters that haven't been in a movie for 27 years bit sad don't you think


I like Master Terry Silver.

Wears Alan likes Whinielle.

And I say to all of you, I have been treated on this board by Wears Alan, with no respect.

I've made good posts. I've made you laugh, and I asked for little. Good. You will not give, I'll take!

As for Wears Alan, well he makes it, very clear to me today, that he is my enemy.

You must choose between us.


You can't demand respect you have to earn it.
As for the OP, he/she has a third choice. They could just do what the hell they want and not be dictated to by someone who thinks this is all real (i.e. You).

If those pen pushers up at city hall don't like it,well, they swivel on this middle digit!


You can't demand respect you have to earn it.
As for the OP, he/she has a third choice. They could just do what the hell they want and not be dictated to by someone who thinks this is all real (i.e. You).
So good I posted it twice!

If those pen pushers up at city hall don't like it,well, they swivel on this middle digit!
